This repository contains Ansible playbooks to install and configure software on Linux systems.
The Ansible playbooks is compatible with the following operating systems:
- Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (x86_64)
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (x86_64)
# Update the apt repository
sudo apt update
# Install the required packages
sudo apt install -y git ansible ansible-lint
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Change to the repository directory
cd linux-installer
# Run `` to generate the inventory file
bash ./
# Tip: Edit the inventory file and modify as needed
# After that, you can run any playbook as you need.
Playbook | Description |
playbooks/apps/asciinema.yaml |
Install asciinema |
playbooks/apps/aws-cli.yaml |
Install AWS CLI |
playbooks/apps/azure-cli.yaml |
Install Azure CLI |
playbooks/apps/bashtop.yaml |
Install bashtop |
playbooks/apps/bat.yaml |
Install bat |
playbooks/apps/cli-utils-bundle.yaml |
Install a bundle of CLI utilities (htop, mc, ncdu, neofetch, pandoc) |
playbooks/apps/csvkit.yaml |
Install csvkit |
playbooks/apps/docker.yaml |
Install Docker |
playbooks/apps/dotnet.yaml |
Install .NET SDK |
playbooks/apps/duf.yaml |
Install duf |
playbooks/apps/exa.yaml |
Install exa |
playbooks/apps/github-cli.yaml |
Install GitHub CLI |
playbooks/apps/helm.yaml |
Install Helm |
playbooks/apps/homeassistant-cli.yaml |
Install Home Assistant CLI |
playbooks/apps/k3s.yaml |
Install k3s |
playbooks/apps/k9s.yaml |
Install k9s |
playbooks/apps/kubecm.yaml |
Install kubecm |
playbooks/apps/kubectl.yaml |
Install kubectl |
playbooks/apps/kustomize.yaml |
Install kustomize |
playbooks/apps/mongodb-compass.yaml |
Install MongoDB Compass |
playbooks/apps/mongodb-shell.yaml |
Install MongoDB Shell |
playbooks/apps/mongodb-tools.yaml |
Install MongoDB Tools |
playbooks/apps/neovim.yaml |
Install Neovim |
playbooks/apps/network-bundle.yaml |
Install a bundle of network utilities (iputils-ping, mtr, net-tools, whois) |
playbooks/apps/nvm.yaml |
Install Node Version Manager |
playbooks/apps/powershell.yaml |
Install PowerShell |
playbooks/apps/python3.yaml |
Install Python 3 |
playbooks/apps/starship.yaml |
Install Starship |
playbooks/apps/terraform.yaml |
Install Terraform |
playbooks/apps/tmux.yaml |
Install tmux |
playbooks/apps/web-cli-bundle.yaml |
Install a bundle of web utilities (curl, elinks, jq, wget) |
playbooks/apps/zip.yaml |
Install compression utility (zip and unzip) |
playbooks/apps/zsh.yaml |
Install Zsh e Oh My Zsh |
playbooks/apps/x/1password.yaml |
Install 1Password (X Window System required) |
playbooks/apps/x/dbeaver.yaml |
Install DBeaver (X Window System required) |
playbooks/apps/x/gns3.yaml |
Install GNS3 (X Window System required) |
playbooks/apps/x/insync.yaml |
Install Insync (X Window System required) |
playbooks/apps/x/mqtt-explorer.yaml |
Install MQTT Explorer (X Window System required) |
playbooks/apps/x/x-windows.yaml |
Install X Windows System (xorg, xinit, xrdp and optional desktop environment) |
playbooks/config/bash.yaml |
Configure Bash shell |
playbooks/config/git.yaml |
Configure Git |
playbooks/config/hushlogin.yaml |
Create a .hushlogin file |
playbooks/config/lid-closing.yaml |
Configure lid closing behavior |
playbooks/config/nerdfont.yaml |
Install Nerd Fonts |
playbooks/config/passwordless.yaml |
Configure passwordless sudo |
playbooks/config/pubkey.yaml |
Configure public key authentication |
playbooks/config/tz.yaml |
Configure timezone |