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title: libDDD : Data and Set Decision Diagram Library
keywords: ddd sdd
tags: [ddd]
sidebar: home_sidebar
permalink: libddd.html
summary: LibDDD is an efficient C++ decision diagram library customized for Model-Checking.

Home of the SDD/DDD C++ library LibDDD.

libDDD now lives on GitHub at

What is libDDD ?

libDDD is C++ library for manipulation of decision diagrams.

Main features include:

  • Supports both Data Decision Diagrams DDD which are integer valued and Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams SDD.
  • Flexible and powerful encoding of operations using inductive homomorphisms
  • Support for hierarchy of the description with SDD
  • Automatic support for saturation style algorithms
  • A priori unbounded integer domain variables
  • Rich expressivity with equiv-split mechanism
  • Weak ordering constraint allowing to store variable length decision paths

libDDD is distributed under the terms of LGPL.

Getting started

libDDD is a library for manipulation of shared decision diagrams. If you are not familiar with these symbolic techniques, these slides explain the basics. [slides.pdf ] They are taken from a presentation at ICTAC in 2006. The part relevant to decision diagrams stops at page 22.
SDD inherit their operation framework called Homomorphisms from DDD. The ATPN2002 [Presentation slides (ppt) ] are a good starting material to get familiar with homomorphisms, without hierarchy.
For some presentation slides more focused on SDD, the [ATPN08 slides ] give a good overview.

A version of the Technical User Documentation is provided online here, though it could be a bit out of date (last generated June 2010).

The best way to get started is to browse the examples of the [demo folder ].
It contains several simple examples designed to get a new user familiar with the main aspects of the library.
Tst1 to Tst12 are small examples that show basic library features. The folder hanoi/ contains a solution to Hanoi towers puzzle using several alternative variants to define both states and transition relation.

The distribution also includes a documentation folder doc/ in which a detailed developer documentation can be generated (requires doxygen). The doc folder also contains a reference sheet giving correspondence between the notations used in papers and the overloaded C++ operators used in the library

The Documents page holds many related papers which give a formal definition to all the concepts of the library.

Obtaining LibDDD

LibDDD is free software distributed under the terms of Lesser Gnu Public License LGPL. It is a C++ library to manipulate SDD and DDD.

If your ultimate goal is model-checking, you might consider using libits, which is our model-checking library built on top of libddd and offering support specific to transition relations and their manipulation using SDD and homomorphisms. libits is distributed under a more restrictive full GPL license.

LibDDD is packaged using gnu autotools.

You can download the current release (v. 1.9) from here: LibDDD download page

The package distribution uses GNU autotools, simply extract then in the root installation folder type.

./configure make

Build has been tested on Linux (32 and 64 bit), MacOS X on PPC and intel, and Cygwin/MinGW 32 and 64 environments. If you encounter any problems please mail me (mailto:[email protected])

In fact, even if you don't encounter problems, we are always interested in feedback and simply knowing about our users so please mail us (mailto:[email protected]) if you are using the library in your project.

Obtaining the latest development version


The latest version of libDDD can be obtained from GitHub at

Note that to build from the git, you need autotools and to invoke "autoreconf -vfi" to create the "configure" script. Due to various dependencies, building from svn requires some configuration settings.

Remember, configure --help is your friend, and you can also have a look at the configuration settings of our Travis continuous integration server or AppVeyor for Windows for inspiration on how to invoke configure.

This is the recommended approach for developers to download the ITS related tools.

Current pre-requisites for libddd :

  • Autotools in relatively recent versions (autoconf >= 2.19, automake >= 2.61), packaged on most distributions.
  • C++ build tools (GNU toolchain recommended g++, sh, make and dependencies). We need relatively recent gcc/g++, compliant with C++11, e.g. g++ 5.0 or better.
  • A git client, command line or graphical (eGit provided in Eclipse for instance).

Full installation follows these guidelines:

Install of libDDD

Follow the usual ./configure ; make ; make install mojo. Pass --prefix=/home/me/alocalpath/ to configure to install in a non standard location (or if you are not root).

III. Authors, History


The code base for libDDD is based on the DDD library by Jean-Michel Couvreur and Denis Poitrenaud. The code for SDD manipulation is due to Yann Thierry-Mieg and Alexandre Hamez. Maximilien Colange has also actively contributed to the core homomorphism evaluation mechanism.

Main Authors of LibDDD

Yann Thierry-Mieg (LIP6, [email protected], 2003-), Jean-Michel Couvreur (LaBRi, 2001), and Denis Poitrenaud (LIP6, 2001)


  • Maximilien Colange < LIP6, [email protected] > (2010-2013): split-equiv, ordering heuristics, symmetries, google hash support, maintenance and performance upgrades
  • Alexandre Hamez < LIP6 and LRDE (EPITA), [email protected] > (2006-2009): maintenance, multi-threading, rewrite rules
  • Vincent Beaudenon < LIP6 > (2004-2005) : serialisation, user (not strong) homomorphisms
  • François Bréant < LIP6 > (2004) : INST_STL, multi-target build
  • Samuel Charron < LRDE (EPITA) > (2005-2006) : tests

Code base

  • We borrowed google's sparse hash table implementation in C++, which gives low memory footprints with limited time overhead. This (almost) drop-in replacement for standard STL hash tables gives up to 40% memory gain on some experiments.
  • We borrowed several utility functions (process monitoring, hash functions...) from Spot's code base, due to Alexandre Duret-Lutz et al.

Version History

version 1.9 : January 2017. Release includes new rewritings, faster constrained saturation, C++11

  • Refactor paths and includes to honor standards : all header files are now installed under ddd/
  • Switch to C++11 compatibility, enable Link-time-optimizations, maintenance of code base for recent compilers
  • Switch to Git, add online CI scripts for easy and transparently reproducible builds
  • New has_image() API for faster emptiness checks and more efficient evaluation of complex boolean predicates
  • Reordered evaluation mechanism using Selector markers
  • Added some generally useful homomorphisms to Basic homomorphisms
  • Added some additional rewriting rules for DDD homomorphisms : saturation under a constraint useful in both CTL and LTL

version 1.8 : January 2012. Release includes the new equiv-split mechanism and several significant performance improvements.

  • New hash table implementation based on google's hash tables. Yields significantly (10 to 40%) lower memory foortprint.
  • Reimplementation of low-level encoding and storage of DDD. Lowers memory footprint significantly (up to 30%) on 64bit architectures.
  • Split-equiv functionality to evaluate complex expressions
  • Added some additional rewriting rules for DDD homomorphisms

version 1.7 : February 2011. Release includes some "standard" homomorphisms to reason with integers, and a new way of defining operations as 2k level DD.

  • New homomorphisms Select and Set pushed into libDDD (were duplicated in quite a few tools)
  • New Apply2k operation to specify a transition relation as a decision diagram. Use case related to use of ETF files.
  • Improved stats and dot export functionality
  • Improved memory footprint by up to 30% on some examples (privilege use of std::vector over use of std::set wherever possible)

version 1.6 : May 2010. Release includes a few new rewriting rules and upgrades compatibility with newer compilers.

  • More rules related to selector homomorphisms added
  • Added an "invert" member function to homomorphisms allowing to compute the pre-image given a potential state space.
  • Use evil macros and suchlike to support tr1 standard where available

version 1.5 : June 2009. Release includes enhanced auto-saturation, selector homomorphisms, and commutative rewriting rules.

  • homomorphisms Range added as a simple commutativity criterion
  • More rewriting rules implemented to enhance dynamic saturation effect
  • Selector predicate introduced, allows use of not, ITE, ... To ease manipulation of atomic properties
  • morpion (TicTacToe) tutorial example added to repository
  • MT-SAFE version can be built for multi-threaded applications (although efficiency is badly impacted)

version 1.4 : January 2008. Release includes auto-saturation mechanisms and homomorphism rewrite rules.

  • homomorphisms Skip predicate added
  • rewriting rules implmented to produce dynamic saturation effect
  • local apply mechanisms and related rules
  • hanoi example added to repository
  • INST_STL removed from build (was broken with gcc > 3.3 anyway)

version 1.3 : May 2007. Release includes support for additive Edge valued DDD and SDD

  • various cleanups and rewrites for compliance with gcc >= 4.1
  • minor updates to allow build on 64 bit architectures
  • added tests using uttk
  • include a dot export example

Version 1.2 : January 2006. Release includes the fixpoint construction for homomorphisms.

  • include serialization and user homomorphisms
  • Cleaned up includes
  • Added doxygen documentation
  • Changed hash functions
  • Some efficiency speedup

Version 1.1 : November 2004. First semi-public release of the libDDD. Release includes SDD.

  • Uses autotools for build procedure, tested on Mac, linux, cygwin.
  • Compiles in three variants :
    • libddd.a, the optimized version,
    • libddd_d.a version with debugging symbols activated,
    • libddd_otfg.a a version with experimental on the fly garbage collection
  • Optionally, using gcc in versions 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, it is possible to activate build of INST_STL version, modify src/ for this.

Pre 1.0 : 2001-2003. Beta versions of the pure DDD library. Version 0.99 was version number for some time.

Older releases of libDDD

You can download release (v. 1.8.1) from here: ddd-1.8.1.tar.gz.

You can download release (v. 1.8.0) from here: ddd-1.8.tar.gz. This version does not correctly package third party headers from Google, you should probably use 1.8.1 instead.

You can download release (v. 1.7) from here: ddd-1.7.tar.gz

You can download release (v. 1.6) from here: ddd-1.6.tar.gz

You can download another stable release (v. 1.5) from here: ddd-1.5.tar.tgz

You can download older release (v. 1.4) from here: ddd-1.4.tar.gz