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+# A Guide on using Tiptap in a React CRUD app.
+## What Is Tiptap
+Tiptap, one of the leading open-source dev tools for rich content editors is trusted by many companies like Substack, AxiosHQ, and GitLab.[^1]
+They have accumulated over 2 million downloads[^1] with their cool products such as Tiptap Content AI and Tiptap Collaboration.
+![Untitled design (4)](https://github.com/AshkanAleshams/learning-software-engineering.github.io/assets/90326959/f56018c2-e7ef-478f-95d2-de19838cc1c7)
+However, for this guide, we will focus on the Tiptap Editor.
+Tiptap Editor is a headless toolkit for building rich text WYSIWYG editors for Vue.js and React.js applications. Giving the user the complete freedom to fashion their own editor interface using customizable building blocks.
+It offers sensible defaults, an extensive array of extensions, and an intuitive API for tailoring every facet to the user's preferences.
+## Why Use Tiptap
+If you are looking for a powerful text editor for web applications, Tiptap is a great option to consider. Being open-source and built on the well-regarded ProseMirror library,[^3] Tiptap offers a solid foundation. It features real-time collaboration and boasts a rich library of [community extensions](https://github.com/ueberdosis/awesome-tiptap#community-extensions) that includes an extension that enables Markdown support. Starting with Tiptap is easy thanks to its free tier, but for those needing advanced features like AI integration and document commenting, [paid plans](https://tiptap.dev/pricing) are available, making Tiptap a versatile solution for diverse project needs.
+## Relevant Links
+For comprehensive resources related to Tiptap Editor, consider the following links:
+- **Tiptap Official Website**: Detailed information on features and how to get started with Tiptap. [Visit Tiptap](https://tiptap.dev)
+- **Documentation and Examples**: Access to extensive documentation and practical examples for using Tiptap. [Explore the docs](https://tiptap.dev/docs) and [View examples](https://tiptap.dev/examples)
+- **GitHub Repository**: The source code and contribution guidelines are available on GitHub. [Check out the repository](https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap)
+- **Guide and Tutorials on GitHub**: A detailed guide offering insights into configuring the editor, working with extensions, and more. [Read the guide](https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/blob/main/docs/guide.md)
+- **Community Discussions**: Engage with the Tiptap community on GitHub for help and discussions. [Join the conversation](https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/discussions)
+## Requirements
+There are multiple methods to install Tiptap, each tailored to a specific use case. Detailed integration guides for different project types can be accessed [here](https://tiptap.dev/docs/editor/installation). In this article, we'll focus on creating a React project integrated with Tiptap, so you'll need Node.js and npm; if you don't have them installed, follow [this guide](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm) to install them.
+## Intro to Tiptap in React
+_Include gifs, code snippets, explainations_
+**1. Create a project**
+You may use any other method of creating a React app if you wish, but
+[Tiptap Create React App template by @alb](https://github.com/alb/cra-template-tiptap) is the quickest way.
+npx create-react-app my-tiptap-project --template tiptap
+This will also install the dependencies for you!
+**2. Run the project**
+Start your React application to see Tiptap in action.
+cd my-tiptap-project
+npm start
+**3. Add a menu bar**
+Improve your editor by adding a menu bar to Tiptap.jsx.
+Each button in the menu bar example code below takes three arguments. Taking the bold button as an example:
+- The [`onClick`](https://react.dev/learn/responding-to-events#adding-event-handlers) function makes the editor toggle any selected text between bolded and non-bolded modes.
+- The [`disabled`](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_button_disabled.asp) argument determines whether the bold button should be faded out because the selected text cannot be bolded.
+- The [`className`](https://legacy.reactjs.org/docs/faq-styling.html) is `is-active` or blank depending on whether the selected text is bolded. If the `is-active` `className` is present, the bold button in the menu bar will be emphasized.
+Here is the code sourced from [here](https://tiptap.dev/docs/editor/installation/react):
+ Isn’t that great? And all of that is editable. But wait, there’s more. Let’s try a code block:
+ I know, I know, this is impressive. It’s only the tip of the iceberg though. Give it a try and click a little bit around. Don’t forget to check the other examples too.
+ Tiptap.jsx
+ ```
+ import { Color } from '@tiptap/extension-color'
+ import ListItem from '@tiptap/extension-list-item'
+ import TextStyle from '@tiptap/extension-text-style'
+ import { EditorProvider, useCurrentEditor } from '@tiptap/react'
+ import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit'
+ import React from 'react'
+ const MenuBar = () => {
+ const { editor } = useCurrentEditor()
+ if (!editor) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ )
+ }
+ const extensions = [
+ Color.configure({ types: [TextStyle.name, ListItem.name] }),
+ TextStyle.configure({ types: [ListItem.name] }),
+ StarterKit.configure({
+ bulletList: {
+ keepMarks: true,
+ keepAttributes: false, // TODO : Making this as `false` becase marks are not preserved when I try to preserve attrs, awaiting a bit of help
+ },
+ orderedList: {
+ keepMarks: true,
+ keepAttributes: false, // TODO : Making this as `false` becase marks are not preserved when I try to preserve attrs, awaiting a bit of help
+ },
+ }),
+ ]
+ const content = `
+ Hi there,
+ body {
+ display: none;
+ }