Included after each story is a potential implementation.
As a user I want to find nearby offers so that I can pick one up.
- Look at list, sorted by distance (show distance in list)
- Click on desired offer
- See freecycler with contact info on the map
As a freecycler, I want to update my info on the map so that I can give something away.
- Click button on the About screen
- Enter contact info and offer description in the form provided
As a user, I want to be notified when I am near to something being given away, so that I can find things I want without looking for them.
- Turn on notifications in the settings panel
- See notification when a offer is nearby (definition of nearby TBD)
- Click on the notification to be taken to the map view with contact info for the freecycler
As a user, I want to be able to choose how close I should be to an object to be notified, so that I'm not bothered constantly when I'm too far away.
- In t he settings panel, next to the notifications on/off switch, enter the notification distance into the text box provided for that purpose