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d5bc1686..7f998fac 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ require ( github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da // indirect github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.4 // indirect - github.com/google/btree v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/google/btree v1.1.2 // indirect github.com/google/gnostic-models v0.6.8 // indirect github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0 // indirect github.com/google/go-containerregistry v0.19.0 // indirect - github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20210720184732-4bb14d4b1be1 // indirect + github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20221118152302-e6195bd50e26 // indirect github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 // indirect github.com/google/uuid v1.6.0 // indirect github.com/gregjones/httpcache v0.0.0-20190611155906-901d90724c79 // indirect @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ require ( github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 // indirect github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/v2 v2.0.0 // indirect 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Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/google/btree.svg?branch=master) - This package provides an in-memory B-Tree implementation for Go, useful as an ordered, mutable data structure. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go index b83acdbc..969b910d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree.go @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + // Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree. // // btree implements an in-memory B-Tree for use as an ordered data structure. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e44a0f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/btree/btree_generic.go @@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@ +// Copyright 2014-2022 Google Inc. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +// In Go 1.18 and beyond, a BTreeG generic is created, and BTree is a specific +// instantiation of that generic for the Item interface, with a backwards- +// compatible API. Before go1.18, generics are not supported, +// and BTree is just an implementation based around the Item interface. + +// Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree. +// +// btree implements an in-memory B-Tree for use as an ordered data structure. +// It is not meant for persistent storage solutions. +// +// It has a flatter structure than an equivalent red-black or other binary tree, +// which in some cases yields better memory usage and/or performance. +// See some discussion on the matter here: +// http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2013/01/c-containers-that-save-memory-and-time.html +// Note, though, that this project is in no way related to the C++ B-Tree +// implementation written about there. +// +// Within this tree, each node contains a slice of items and a (possibly nil) +// slice of children. For basic numeric values or raw structs, this can cause +// efficiency differences when compared to equivalent C++ template code that +// stores values in arrays within the node: +// * Due to the overhead of storing values as interfaces (each +// value needs to be stored as the value itself, then 2 words for the +// interface pointing to that value and its type), resulting in higher +// memory use. +// * Since interfaces can point to values anywhere in memory, values are +// most likely not stored in contiguous blocks, resulting in a higher +// number of cache misses. +// These issues don't tend to matter, though, when working with strings or other +// heap-allocated structures, since C++-equivalent structures also must store +// pointers and also distribute their values across the heap. +// +// This implementation is designed to be a drop-in replacement to gollrb.LLRB +// trees, (http://github.com/petar/gollrb), an excellent and probably the most +// widely used ordered tree implementation in the Go ecosystem currently. +// Its functions, therefore, exactly mirror those of +// llrb.LLRB where possible. Unlike gollrb, though, we currently don't +// support storing multiple equivalent values. +// +// There are two implementations; those suffixed with 'G' are generics, usable +// for any type, and require a passed-in "less" function to define their ordering. +// Those without this prefix are specific to the 'Item' interface, and use +// its 'Less' function for ordering. +package btree + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "sort" + "strings" + "sync" +) + +// Item represents a single object in the tree. +type Item interface { + // Less tests whether the current item is less than the given argument. + // + // This must provide a strict weak ordering. + // If !a.Less(b) && !b.Less(a), we treat this to mean a == b (i.e. we can only + // hold one of either a or b in the tree). + Less(than Item) bool +} + +const ( + DefaultFreeListSize = 32 +) + +// FreeListG represents a free list of btree nodes. By default each +// BTree has its own FreeList, but multiple BTrees can share the same +// FreeList, in particular when they're created with Clone. +// Two Btrees using the same freelist are safe for concurrent write access. +type FreeListG[T any] struct { + mu sync.Mutex + freelist []*node[T] +} + +// NewFreeListG creates a new free list. +// size is the maximum size of the returned free list. +func NewFreeListG[T any](size int) *FreeListG[T] { + return &FreeListG[T]{freelist: make([]*node[T], 0, size)} +} + +func (f *FreeListG[T]) newNode() (n *node[T]) { + f.mu.Lock() + index := len(f.freelist) - 1 + if index < 0 { + f.mu.Unlock() + return new(node[T]) + } + n = f.freelist[index] + f.freelist[index] = nil + f.freelist = f.freelist[:index] + f.mu.Unlock() + return +} + +func (f *FreeListG[T]) freeNode(n *node[T]) (out bool) { + f.mu.Lock() + if len(f.freelist) < cap(f.freelist) { + f.freelist = append(f.freelist, n) + out = true + } + f.mu.Unlock() + return +} + +// ItemIteratorG allows callers of {A/De}scend* to iterate in-order over portions of +// the tree. When this function returns false, iteration will stop and the +// associated Ascend* function will immediately return. +type ItemIteratorG[T any] func(item T) bool + +// Ordered represents the set of types for which the '<' operator work. +type Ordered interface { + ~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 | ~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~float32 | ~float64 | ~string +} + +// Less[T] returns a default LessFunc that uses the '<' operator for types that support it. +func Less[T Ordered]() LessFunc[T] { + return func(a, b T) bool { return a < b } +} + +// NewOrderedG creates a new B-Tree for ordered types. +func NewOrderedG[T Ordered](degree int) *BTreeG[T] { + return NewG[T](degree, Less[T]()) +} + +// NewG creates a new B-Tree with the given degree. +// +// NewG(2), for example, will create a 2-3-4 tree (each node contains 1-3 items +// and 2-4 children). +// +// The passed-in LessFunc determines how objects of type T are ordered. +func NewG[T any](degree int, less LessFunc[T]) *BTreeG[T] { + return NewWithFreeListG(degree, less, NewFreeListG[T](DefaultFreeListSize)) +} + +// NewWithFreeListG creates a new B-Tree that uses the given node free list. +func NewWithFreeListG[T any](degree int, less LessFunc[T], f *FreeListG[T]) *BTreeG[T] { + if degree <= 1 { + panic("bad degree") + } + return &BTreeG[T]{ + degree: degree, + cow: ©OnWriteContext[T]{freelist: f, less: less}, + } +} + +// items stores items in a node. +type items[T any] []T + +// insertAt inserts a value into the given index, pushing all subsequent values +// forward. +func (s *items[T]) insertAt(index int, item T) { + var zero T + *s = append(*s, zero) + if index < len(*s) { + copy((*s)[index+1:], (*s)[index:]) + } + (*s)[index] = item +} + +// removeAt removes a value at a given index, pulling all subsequent values +// back. +func (s *items[T]) removeAt(index int) T { + item := (*s)[index] + copy((*s)[index:], (*s)[index+1:]) + var zero T + (*s)[len(*s)-1] = zero + *s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1] + return item +} + +// pop removes and returns the last element in the list. +func (s *items[T]) pop() (out T) { + index := len(*s) - 1 + out = (*s)[index] + var zero T + (*s)[index] = zero + *s = (*s)[:index] + return +} + +// truncate truncates this instance at index so that it contains only the +// first index items. index must be less than or equal to length. +func (s *items[T]) truncate(index int) { + var toClear items[T] + *s, toClear = (*s)[:index], (*s)[index:] + var zero T + for i := 0; i < len(toClear); i++ { + toClear[i] = zero + } +} + +// find returns the index where the given item should be inserted into this +// list. 'found' is true if the item already exists in the list at the given +// index. +func (s items[T]) find(item T, less func(T, T) bool) (index int, found bool) { + i := sort.Search(len(s), func(i int) bool { + return less(item, s[i]) + }) + if i > 0 && !less(s[i-1], item) { + return i - 1, true + } + return i, false +} + +// node is an internal node in a tree. +// +// It must at all times maintain the invariant that either +// * len(children) == 0, len(items) unconstrained +// * len(children) == len(items) + 1 +type node[T any] struct { + items items[T] + children items[*node[T]] + cow *copyOnWriteContext[T] +} + +func (n *node[T]) mutableFor(cow *copyOnWriteContext[T]) *node[T] { + if n.cow == cow { + return n + } + out := cow.newNode() + if cap(out.items) >= len(n.items) { + out.items = out.items[:len(n.items)] + } else { + out.items = make(items[T], len(n.items), cap(n.items)) + } + copy(out.items, n.items) + // Copy children + if cap(out.children) >= len(n.children) { + out.children = out.children[:len(n.children)] + } else { + out.children = make(items[*node[T]], len(n.children), cap(n.children)) + } + copy(out.children, n.children) + return out +} + +func (n *node[T]) mutableChild(i int) *node[T] { + c := n.children[i].mutableFor(n.cow) + n.children[i] = c + return c +} + +// split splits the given node at the given index. The current node shrinks, +// and this function returns the item that existed at that index and a new node +// containing all items/children after it. +func (n *node[T]) split(i int) (T, *node[T]) { + item := n.items[i] + next := n.cow.newNode() + next.items = append(next.items, n.items[i+1:]...) + n.items.truncate(i) + if len(n.children) > 0 { + next.children = append(next.children, n.children[i+1:]...) + n.children.truncate(i + 1) + } + return item, next +} + +// maybeSplitChild checks if a child should be split, and if so splits it. +// Returns whether or not a split occurred. +func (n *node[T]) maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems int) bool { + if len(n.children[i].items) < maxItems { + return false + } + first := n.mutableChild(i) + item, second := first.split(maxItems / 2) + n.items.insertAt(i, item) + n.children.insertAt(i+1, second) + return true +} + +// insert inserts an item into the subtree rooted at this node, making sure +// no nodes in the subtree exceed maxItems items. Should an equivalent item be +// be found/replaced by insert, it will be returned. +func (n *node[T]) insert(item T, maxItems int) (_ T, _ bool) { + i, found := n.items.find(item, n.cow.less) + if found { + out := n.items[i] + n.items[i] = item + return out, true + } + if len(n.children) == 0 { + n.items.insertAt(i, item) + return + } + if n.maybeSplitChild(i, maxItems) { + inTree := n.items[i] + switch { + case n.cow.less(item, inTree): + // no change, we want first split node + case n.cow.less(inTree, item): + i++ // we want second split node + default: + out := n.items[i] + n.items[i] = item + return out, true + } + } + return n.mutableChild(i).insert(item, maxItems) +} + +// get finds the given key in the subtree and returns it. +func (n *node[T]) get(key T) (_ T, _ bool) { + i, found := n.items.find(key, n.cow.less) + if found { + return n.items[i], true + } else if len(n.children) > 0 { + return n.children[i].get(key) + } + return +} + +// min returns the first item in the subtree. +func min[T any](n *node[T]) (_ T, found bool) { + if n == nil { + return + } + for len(n.children) > 0 { + n = n.children[0] + } + if len(n.items) == 0 { + return + } + return n.items[0], true +} + +// max returns the last item in the subtree. +func max[T any](n *node[T]) (_ T, found bool) { + if n == nil { + return + } + for len(n.children) > 0 { + n = n.children[len(n.children)-1] + } + if len(n.items) == 0 { + return + } + return n.items[len(n.items)-1], true +} + +// toRemove details what item to remove in a node.remove call. +type toRemove int + +const ( + removeItem toRemove = iota // removes the given item + removeMin // removes smallest item in the subtree + removeMax // removes largest item in the subtree +) + +// remove removes an item from the subtree rooted at this node. +func (n *node[T]) remove(item T, minItems int, typ toRemove) (_ T, _ bool) { + var i int + var found bool + switch typ { + case removeMax: + if len(n.children) == 0 { + return n.items.pop(), true + } + i = len(n.items) + case removeMin: + if len(n.children) == 0 { + return n.items.removeAt(0), true + } + i = 0 + case removeItem: + i, found = n.items.find(item, n.cow.less) + if len(n.children) == 0 { + if found { + return n.items.removeAt(i), true + } + return + } + default: + panic("invalid type") + } + // If we get to here, we have children. + if len(n.children[i].items) <= minItems { + return n.growChildAndRemove(i, item, minItems, typ) + } + child := n.mutableChild(i) + // Either we had enough items to begin with, or we've done some + // merging/stealing, because we've got enough now and we're ready to return + // stuff. + if found { + // The item exists at index 'i', and the child we've selected can give us a + // predecessor, since if we've gotten here it's got > minItems items in it. + out := n.items[i] + // We use our special-case 'remove' call with typ=maxItem to pull the + // predecessor of item i (the rightmost leaf of our immediate left child) + // and set it into where we pulled the item from. + var zero T + n.items[i], _ = child.remove(zero, minItems, removeMax) + return out, true + } + // Final recursive call. Once we're here, we know that the item isn't in this + // node and that the child is big enough to remove from. + return child.remove(item, minItems, typ) +} + +// growChildAndRemove grows child 'i' to make sure it's possible to remove an +// item from it while keeping it at minItems, then calls remove to actually +// remove it. +// +// Most documentation says we have to do two sets of special casing: +// 1) item is in this node +// 2) item is in child +// In both cases, we need to handle the two subcases: +// A) node has enough values that it can spare one +// B) node doesn't have enough values +// For the latter, we have to check: +// a) left sibling has node to spare +// b) right sibling has node to spare +// c) we must merge +// To simplify our code here, we handle cases #1 and #2 the same: +// If a node doesn't have enough items, we make sure it does (using a,b,c). +// We then simply redo our remove call, and the second time (regardless of +// whether we're in case 1 or 2), we'll have enough items and can guarantee +// that we hit case A. +func (n *node[T]) growChildAndRemove(i int, item T, minItems int, typ toRemove) (T, bool) { + if i > 0 && len(n.children[i-1].items) > minItems { + // Steal from left child + child := n.mutableChild(i) + stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i - 1) + stolenItem := stealFrom.items.pop() + child.items.insertAt(0, n.items[i-1]) + n.items[i-1] = stolenItem + if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { + child.children.insertAt(0, stealFrom.children.pop()) + } + } else if i < len(n.items) && len(n.children[i+1].items) > minItems { + // steal from right child + child := n.mutableChild(i) + stealFrom := n.mutableChild(i + 1) + stolenItem := stealFrom.items.removeAt(0) + child.items = append(child.items, n.items[i]) + n.items[i] = stolenItem + if len(stealFrom.children) > 0 { + child.children = append(child.children, stealFrom.children.removeAt(0)) + } + } else { + if i >= len(n.items) { + i-- + } + child := n.mutableChild(i) + // merge with right child + mergeItem := n.items.removeAt(i) + mergeChild := n.children.removeAt(i + 1) + child.items = append(child.items, mergeItem) + child.items = append(child.items, mergeChild.items...) + child.children = append(child.children, mergeChild.children...) + n.cow.freeNode(mergeChild) + } + return n.remove(item, minItems, typ) +} + +type direction int + +const ( + descend = direction(-1) + ascend = direction(+1) +) + +type optionalItem[T any] struct { + item T + valid bool +} + +func optional[T any](item T) optionalItem[T] { + return optionalItem[T]{item: item, valid: true} +} +func empty[T any]() optionalItem[T] { + return optionalItem[T]{} +} + +// iterate provides a simple method for iterating over elements in the tree. +// +// When ascending, the 'start' should be less than 'stop' and when descending, +// the 'start' should be greater than 'stop'. Setting 'includeStart' to true +// will force the iterator to include the first item when it equals 'start', +// thus creating a "greaterOrEqual" or "lessThanEqual" rather than just a +// "greaterThan" or "lessThan" queries. +func (n *node[T]) iterate(dir direction, start, stop optionalItem[T], includeStart bool, hit bool, iter ItemIteratorG[T]) (bool, bool) { + var ok, found bool + var index int + switch dir { + case ascend: + if start.valid { + index, _ = n.items.find(start.item, n.cow.less) + } + for i := index; i < len(n.items); i++ { + if len(n.children) > 0 { + if hit, ok = n.children[i].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { + return hit, false + } + } + if !includeStart && !hit && start.valid && !n.cow.less(start.item, n.items[i]) { + hit = true + continue + } + hit = true + if stop.valid && !n.cow.less(n.items[i], stop.item) { + return hit, false + } + if !iter(n.items[i]) { + return hit, false + } + } + if len(n.children) > 0 { + if hit, ok = n.children[len(n.children)-1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { + return hit, false + } + } + case descend: + if start.valid { + index, found = n.items.find(start.item, n.cow.less) + if !found { + index = index - 1 + } + } else { + index = len(n.items) - 1 + } + for i := index; i >= 0; i-- { + if start.valid && !n.cow.less(n.items[i], start.item) { + if !includeStart || hit || n.cow.less(start.item, n.items[i]) { + continue + } + } + if len(n.children) > 0 { + if hit, ok = n.children[i+1].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { + return hit, false + } + } + if stop.valid && !n.cow.less(stop.item, n.items[i]) { + return hit, false // continue + } + hit = true + if !iter(n.items[i]) { + return hit, false + } + } + if len(n.children) > 0 { + if hit, ok = n.children[0].iterate(dir, start, stop, includeStart, hit, iter); !ok { + return hit, false + } + } + } + return hit, true +} + +// print is used for testing/debugging purposes. +func (n *node[T]) print(w io.Writer, level int) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%sNODE:%v\n", strings.Repeat(" ", level), n.items) + for _, c := range n.children { + c.print(w, level+1) + } +} + +// BTreeG is a generic implementation of a B-Tree. +// +// BTreeG stores items of type T in an ordered structure, allowing easy insertion, +// removal, and iteration. +// +// Write operations are not safe for concurrent mutation by multiple +// goroutines, but Read operations are. +type BTreeG[T any] struct { + degree int + length int + root *node[T] + cow *copyOnWriteContext[T] +} + +// LessFunc[T] determines how to order a type 'T'. It should implement a strict +// ordering, and should return true if within that ordering, 'a' < 'b'. +type LessFunc[T any] func(a, b T) bool + +// copyOnWriteContext pointers determine node ownership... a tree with a write +// context equivalent to a node's write context is allowed to modify that node. +// A tree whose write context does not match a node's is not allowed to modify +// it, and must create a new, writable copy (IE: it's a Clone). +// +// When doing any write operation, we maintain the invariant that the current +// node's context is equal to the context of the tree that requested the write. +// We do this by, before we descend into any node, creating a copy with the +// correct context if the contexts don't match. +// +// Since the node we're currently visiting on any write has the requesting +// tree's context, that node is modifiable in place. Children of that node may +// not share context, but before we descend into them, we'll make a mutable +// copy. +type copyOnWriteContext[T any] struct { + freelist *FreeListG[T] + less LessFunc[T] +} + +// Clone clones the btree, lazily. Clone should not be called concurrently, +// but the original tree (t) and the new tree (t2) can be used concurrently +// once the Clone call completes. +// +// The internal tree structure of b is marked read-only and shared between t and +// t2. Writes to both t and t2 use copy-on-write logic, creating new nodes +// whenever one of b's original nodes would have been modified. Read operations +// should have no performance degredation. Write operations for both t and t2 +// will initially experience minor slow-downs caused by additional allocs and +// copies due to the aforementioned copy-on-write logic, but should converge to +// the original performance characteristics of the original tree. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Clone() (t2 *BTreeG[T]) { + // Create two entirely new copy-on-write contexts. + // This operation effectively creates three trees: + // the original, shared nodes (old b.cow) + // the new b.cow nodes + // the new out.cow nodes + cow1, cow2 := *t.cow, *t.cow + out := *t + t.cow = &cow1 + out.cow = &cow2 + return &out +} + +// maxItems returns the max number of items to allow per node. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) maxItems() int { + return t.degree*2 - 1 +} + +// minItems returns the min number of items to allow per node (ignored for the +// root node). +func (t *BTreeG[T]) minItems() int { + return t.degree - 1 +} + +func (c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) newNode() (n *node[T]) { + n = c.freelist.newNode() + n.cow = c + return +} + +type freeType int + +const ( + ftFreelistFull freeType = iota // node was freed (available for GC, not stored in freelist) + ftStored // node was stored in the freelist for later use + ftNotOwned // node was ignored by COW, since it's owned by another one +) + +// freeNode frees a node within a given COW context, if it's owned by that +// context. It returns what happened to the node (see freeType const +// documentation). +func (c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) freeNode(n *node[T]) freeType { + if n.cow == c { + // clear to allow GC + n.items.truncate(0) + n.children.truncate(0) + n.cow = nil + if c.freelist.freeNode(n) { + return ftStored + } else { + return ftFreelistFull + } + } else { + return ftNotOwned + } +} + +// ReplaceOrInsert adds the given item to the tree. If an item in the tree +// already equals the given one, it is removed from the tree and returned, +// and the second return value is true. Otherwise, (zeroValue, false) +// +// nil cannot be added to the tree (will panic). +func (t *BTreeG[T]) ReplaceOrInsert(item T) (_ T, _ bool) { + if t.root == nil { + t.root = t.cow.newNode() + t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item) + t.length++ + return + } else { + t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) + if len(t.root.items) >= t.maxItems() { + item2, second := t.root.split(t.maxItems() / 2) + oldroot := t.root + t.root = t.cow.newNode() + t.root.items = append(t.root.items, item2) + t.root.children = append(t.root.children, oldroot, second) + } + } + out, outb := t.root.insert(item, t.maxItems()) + if !outb { + t.length++ + } + return out, outb +} + +// Delete removes an item equal to the passed in item from the tree, returning +// it. If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Delete(item T) (T, bool) { + return t.deleteItem(item, removeItem) +} + +// DeleteMin removes the smallest item in the tree and returns it. +// If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). +func (t *BTreeG[T]) DeleteMin() (T, bool) { + var zero T + return t.deleteItem(zero, removeMin) +} + +// DeleteMax removes the largest item in the tree and returns it. +// If no such item exists, returns (zeroValue, false). +func (t *BTreeG[T]) DeleteMax() (T, bool) { + var zero T + return t.deleteItem(zero, removeMax) +} + +func (t *BTreeG[T]) deleteItem(item T, typ toRemove) (_ T, _ bool) { + if t.root == nil || len(t.root.items) == 0 { + return + } + t.root = t.root.mutableFor(t.cow) + out, outb := t.root.remove(item, t.minItems(), typ) + if len(t.root.items) == 0 && len(t.root.children) > 0 { + oldroot := t.root + t.root = t.root.children[0] + t.cow.freeNode(oldroot) + } + if outb { + t.length-- + } + return out, outb +} + +// AscendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [greaterOrEqual, lessThan), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(ascend, optional[T](greaterOrEqual), optional[T](lessThan), true, false, iterator) +} + +// AscendLessThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [first, pivot), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendLessThan(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(ascend, empty[T](), optional(pivot), false, false, iterator) +} + +// AscendGreaterOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within +// the range [pivot, last], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(ascend, optional[T](pivot), empty[T](), true, false, iterator) +} + +// Ascend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [first, last], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Ascend(iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(ascend, empty[T](), empty[T](), false, false, iterator) +} + +// DescendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [lessOrEqual, greaterThan), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(descend, optional[T](lessOrEqual), optional[T](greaterThan), true, false, iterator) +} + +// DescendLessOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [pivot, first], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendLessOrEqual(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(descend, optional[T](pivot), empty[T](), true, false, iterator) +} + +// DescendGreaterThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within +// the range [last, pivot), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) DescendGreaterThan(pivot T, iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(descend, empty[T](), optional[T](pivot), false, false, iterator) +} + +// Descend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [last, first], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Descend(iterator ItemIteratorG[T]) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + t.root.iterate(descend, empty[T](), empty[T](), false, false, iterator) +} + +// Get looks for the key item in the tree, returning it. It returns +// (zeroValue, false) if unable to find that item. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Get(key T) (_ T, _ bool) { + if t.root == nil { + return + } + return t.root.get(key) +} + +// Min returns the smallest item in the tree, or (zeroValue, false) if the tree is empty. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Min() (_ T, _ bool) { + return min(t.root) +} + +// Max returns the largest item in the tree, or (zeroValue, false) if the tree is empty. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Max() (_ T, _ bool) { + return max(t.root) +} + +// Has returns true if the given key is in the tree. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Has(key T) bool { + _, ok := t.Get(key) + return ok +} + +// Len returns the number of items currently in the tree. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Len() int { + return t.length +} + +// Clear removes all items from the btree. If addNodesToFreelist is true, +// t's nodes are added to its freelist as part of this call, until the freelist +// is full. Otherwise, the root node is simply dereferenced and the subtree +// left to Go's normal GC processes. +// +// This can be much faster +// than calling Delete on all elements, because that requires finding/removing +// each element in the tree and updating the tree accordingly. It also is +// somewhat faster than creating a new tree to replace the old one, because +// nodes from the old tree are reclaimed into the freelist for use by the new +// one, instead of being lost to the garbage collector. +// +// This call takes: +// O(1): when addNodesToFreelist is false, this is a single operation. +// O(1): when the freelist is already full, it breaks out immediately +// O(freelist size): when the freelist is empty and the nodes are all owned +// by this tree, nodes are added to the freelist until full. +// O(tree size): when all nodes are owned by another tree, all nodes are +// iterated over looking for nodes to add to the freelist, and due to +// ownership, none are. +func (t *BTreeG[T]) Clear(addNodesToFreelist bool) { + if t.root != nil && addNodesToFreelist { + t.root.reset(t.cow) + } + t.root, t.length = nil, 0 +} + +// reset returns a subtree to the freelist. It breaks out immediately if the +// freelist is full, since the only benefit of iterating is to fill that +// freelist up. Returns true if parent reset call should continue. +func (n *node[T]) reset(c *copyOnWriteContext[T]) bool { + for _, child := range n.children { + if !child.reset(c) { + return false + } + } + return c.freeNode(n) != ftFreelistFull +} + +// Int implements the Item interface for integers. +type Int int + +// Less returns true if int(a) < int(b). +func (a Int) Less(b Item) bool { + return a < b.(Int) +} + +// BTree is an implementation of a B-Tree. +// +// BTree stores Item instances in an ordered structure, allowing easy insertion, +// removal, and iteration. +// +// Write operations are not safe for concurrent mutation by multiple +// goroutines, but Read operations are. +type BTree BTreeG[Item] + +var itemLess LessFunc[Item] = func(a, b Item) bool { + return a.Less(b) +} + +// New creates a new B-Tree with the given degree. +// +// New(2), for example, will create a 2-3-4 tree (each node contains 1-3 items +// and 2-4 children). +func New(degree int) *BTree { + return (*BTree)(NewG[Item](degree, itemLess)) +} + +// FreeList represents a free list of btree nodes. By default each +// BTree has its own FreeList, but multiple BTrees can share the same +// FreeList. +// Two Btrees using the same freelist are safe for concurrent write access. +type FreeList FreeListG[Item] + +// NewFreeList creates a new free list. +// size is the maximum size of the returned free list. +func NewFreeList(size int) *FreeList { + return (*FreeList)(NewFreeListG[Item](size)) +} + +// NewWithFreeList creates a new B-Tree that uses the given node free list. +func NewWithFreeList(degree int, f *FreeList) *BTree { + return (*BTree)(NewWithFreeListG[Item](degree, itemLess, (*FreeListG[Item])(f))) +} + +// ItemIterator allows callers of Ascend* to iterate in-order over portions of +// the tree. When this function returns false, iteration will stop and the +// associated Ascend* function will immediately return. +type ItemIterator ItemIteratorG[Item] + +// Clone clones the btree, lazily. Clone should not be called concurrently, +// but the original tree (t) and the new tree (t2) can be used concurrently +// once the Clone call completes. +// +// The internal tree structure of b is marked read-only and shared between t and +// t2. Writes to both t and t2 use copy-on-write logic, creating new nodes +// whenever one of b's original nodes would have been modified. Read operations +// should have no performance degredation. Write operations for both t and t2 +// will initially experience minor slow-downs caused by additional allocs and +// copies due to the aforementioned copy-on-write logic, but should converge to +// the original performance characteristics of the original tree. +func (t *BTree) Clone() (t2 *BTree) { + return (*BTree)((*BTreeG[Item])(t).Clone()) +} + +// Delete removes an item equal to the passed in item from the tree, returning +// it. If no such item exists, returns nil. +func (t *BTree) Delete(item Item) Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Delete(item) + return i +} + +// DeleteMax removes the largest item in the tree and returns it. +// If no such item exists, returns nil. +func (t *BTree) DeleteMax() Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DeleteMax() + return i +} + +// DeleteMin removes the smallest item in the tree and returns it. +// If no such item exists, returns nil. +func (t *BTree) DeleteMin() Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DeleteMin() + return i +} + +// Get looks for the key item in the tree, returning it. It returns nil if +// unable to find that item. +func (t *BTree) Get(key Item) Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Get(key) + return i +} + +// Max returns the largest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. +func (t *BTree) Max() Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Max() + return i +} + +// Min returns the smallest item in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty. +func (t *BTree) Min() Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Min() + return i +} + +// Has returns true if the given key is in the tree. +func (t *BTree) Has(key Item) bool { + return (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Has(key) +} + +// ReplaceOrInsert adds the given item to the tree. If an item in the tree +// already equals the given one, it is removed from the tree and returned. +// Otherwise, nil is returned. +// +// nil cannot be added to the tree (will panic). +func (t *BTree) ReplaceOrInsert(item Item) Item { + i, _ := (*BTreeG[Item])(t).ReplaceOrInsert(item) + return i +} + +// AscendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [greaterOrEqual, lessThan), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendRange(greaterOrEqual, lessThan, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// AscendLessThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [first, pivot), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) AscendLessThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendLessThan(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// AscendGreaterOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within +// the range [pivot, last], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).AscendGreaterOrEqual(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// Ascend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [first, last], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) Ascend(iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Ascend((ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// DescendRange calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [lessOrEqual, greaterThan), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendRange(lessOrEqual, greaterThan, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// DescendLessOrEqual calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [pivot, first], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) DescendLessOrEqual(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendLessOrEqual(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// DescendGreaterThan calls the iterator for every value in the tree within +// the range [last, pivot), until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) DescendGreaterThan(pivot Item, iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).DescendGreaterThan(pivot, (ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// Descend calls the iterator for every value in the tree within the range +// [last, first], until iterator returns false. +func (t *BTree) Descend(iterator ItemIterator) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Descend((ItemIteratorG[Item])(iterator)) +} + +// Len returns the number of items currently in the tree. +func (t *BTree) Len() int { + return (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Len() +} + +// Clear removes all items from the btree. If addNodesToFreelist is true, +// t's nodes are added to its freelist as part of this call, until the freelist +// is full. Otherwise, the root node is simply dereferenced and the subtree +// left to Go's normal GC processes. +// +// This can be much faster +// than calling Delete on all elements, because that requires finding/removing +// each element in the tree and updating the tree accordingly. It also is +// somewhat faster than creating a new tree to replace the old one, because +// nodes from the old tree are reclaimed into the freelist for use by the new +// one, instead of being lost to the garbage collector. +// +// This call takes: +// O(1): when addNodesToFreelist is false, this is a single operation. +// O(1): when the freelist is already full, it breaks out immediately +// O(freelist size): when the freelist is empty and the nodes are all owned +// by this tree, nodes are added to the freelist until full. +// O(tree size): when all nodes are owned by another tree, all nodes are +// iterated over looking for nodes to add to the freelist, and due to +// ownership, none are. +func (t *BTree) Clear(addNodesToFreelist bool) { + (*BTreeG[Item])(t).Clear(addNodesToFreelist) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/encode.go index ab7f03ae..c8a1beb8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/encode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/encode.go @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ package profile import ( "errors" "sort" + "strings" ) func (p *Profile) decoder() []decoder { @@ -183,12 +184,13 @@ var profileDecoder = []decoder{ // repeated Location location = 4 func(b *buffer, m message) error { x := new(Location) - x.Line = make([]Line, 0, 8) // Pre-allocate Line buffer + x.Line = b.tmpLines[:0] // Use shared space temporarily pp := m.(*Profile) pp.Location = append(pp.Location, x) err := decodeMessage(b, x) - var tmp []Line - x.Line = append(tmp, x.Line...) // Shrink to allocated size + b.tmpLines = x.Line[:0] + // Copy to shrink size and detach from shared space. + x.Line = append([]Line(nil), x.Line...) return err }, // repeated Function function = 5 @@ -252,6 +254,14 @@ func (p *Profile) postDecode() error { } else { mappings[m.ID] = m } + + // If this a main linux kernel mapping with a relocation symbol suffix + // ("[kernel.kallsyms]_text"), extract said suffix. + // It is fairly hacky to handle at this level, but the alternatives appear even worse. + if strings.HasPrefix(m.File, "[kernel.kallsyms]") { + m.KernelRelocationSymbol = strings.ReplaceAll(m.File, "[kernel.kallsyms]", "") + } + } functions := make(map[uint64]*Function, len(p.Function)) @@ -298,41 +308,52 @@ func (p *Profile) postDecode() error { st.Unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &st.unitX, err) } + // Pre-allocate space for all locations. + numLocations := 0 + for _, s := range p.Sample { + numLocations += len(s.locationIDX) + } + locBuffer := make([]*Location, numLocations) + for _, s := range p.Sample { - labels := make(map[string][]string, len(s.labelX)) - numLabels := make(map[string][]int64, len(s.labelX)) - numUnits := make(map[string][]string, len(s.labelX)) - for _, l := range s.labelX { - var key, value string - key, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.keyX, err) - if l.strX != 0 { - value, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.strX, err) - labels[key] = append(labels[key], value) - } else if l.numX != 0 || l.unitX != 0 { - numValues := numLabels[key] - units := numUnits[key] - if l.unitX != 0 { - var unit string - unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.unitX, err) - units = padStringArray(units, len(numValues)) - numUnits[key] = append(units, unit) + if len(s.labelX) > 0 { + labels := make(map[string][]string, len(s.labelX)) + numLabels := make(map[string][]int64, len(s.labelX)) + numUnits := make(map[string][]string, len(s.labelX)) + for _, l := range s.labelX { + var key, value string + key, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.keyX, err) + if l.strX != 0 { + value, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.strX, err) + labels[key] = append(labels[key], value) + } else if l.numX != 0 || l.unitX != 0 { + numValues := numLabels[key] + units := numUnits[key] + if l.unitX != 0 { + var unit string + unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.unitX, err) + units = padStringArray(units, len(numValues)) + numUnits[key] = append(units, unit) + } + numLabels[key] = append(numLabels[key], l.numX) } - numLabels[key] = append(numLabels[key], l.numX) } - } - if len(labels) > 0 { - s.Label = labels - } - if len(numLabels) > 0 { - s.NumLabel = numLabels - for key, units := range numUnits { - if len(units) > 0 { - numUnits[key] = padStringArray(units, len(numLabels[key])) + if len(labels) > 0 { + s.Label = labels + } + if len(numLabels) > 0 { + s.NumLabel = numLabels + for key, units := range numUnits { + if len(units) > 0 { + numUnits[key] = padStringArray(units, len(numLabels[key])) + } } + s.NumUnit = numUnits } - s.NumUnit = numUnits } - s.Location = make([]*Location, len(s.locationIDX)) + + s.Location = locBuffer[:len(s.locationIDX)] + locBuffer = locBuffer[len(s.locationIDX):] for i, lid := range s.locationIDX { if lid < uint64(len(locationIds)) { s.Location[i] = locationIds[lid] diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/filter.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/filter.go index ea8e66c6..c794b939 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/filter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/filter.go @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ import "regexp" // samples where at least one frame matches focus but none match ignore. // Returns true is the corresponding regexp matched at least one sample. func (p *Profile) FilterSamplesByName(focus, ignore, hide, show *regexp.Regexp) (fm, im, hm, hnm bool) { + if focus == nil && ignore == nil && hide == nil && show == nil { + fm = true // Missing focus implies a match + return + } focusOrIgnore := make(map[uint64]bool) hidden := make(map[uint64]bool) for _, l := range p.Location { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/legacy_profile.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/legacy_profile.go index 0c8f3bb5..8d07fd6c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/legacy_profile.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/legacy_profile.go @@ -295,11 +295,12 @@ func get64b(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) { // // The general format for profilez samples is a sequence of words in // binary format. The first words are a header with the following data: -// 1st word -- 0 -// 2nd word -- 3 -// 3rd word -- 0 if a c++ application, 1 if a java application. -// 4th word -- Sampling period (in microseconds). -// 5th word -- Padding. +// +// 1st word -- 0 +// 2nd word -- 3 +// 3rd word -- 0 if a c++ application, 1 if a java application. +// 4th word -- Sampling period (in microseconds). +// 5th word -- Padding. func parseCPU(b []byte) (*Profile, error) { var parse func([]byte) (uint64, []byte) var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 uint64 @@ -403,15 +404,18 @@ func cleanupDuplicateLocations(p *Profile) { // // profilez samples are a repeated sequence of stack frames of the // form: -// 1st word -- The number of times this stack was encountered. -// 2nd word -- The size of the stack (StackSize). -// 3rd word -- The first address on the stack. -// ... -// StackSize + 2 -- The last address on the stack +// +// 1st word -- The number of times this stack was encountered. +// 2nd word -- The size of the stack (StackSize). +// 3rd word -- The first address on the stack. +// ... +// StackSize + 2 -- The last address on the stack +// // The last stack trace is of the form: -// 1st word -- 0 -// 2nd word -- 1 -// 3rd word -- 0 +// +// 1st word -- 0 +// 2nd word -- 1 +// 3rd word -- 0 // // Addresses from stack traces may point to the next instruction after // each call. Optionally adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual @@ -861,7 +865,6 @@ func parseThread(b []byte) (*Profile, error) { // Recognize each thread and populate profile samples. for !isMemoryMapSentinel(line) { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "---- no stack trace for") { - line = "" break } if t := threadStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(t) != 4 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/merge.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/merge.go index 9978e733..4b66282c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/merge.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/merge.go @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ package profile import ( + "encoding/binary" "fmt" "sort" "strconv" @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ func Merge(srcs []*Profile) (*Profile, error) { for _, src := range srcs { // Clear the profile-specific hash tables - pm.locationsByID = make(map[uint64]*Location, len(src.Location)) + pm.locationsByID = makeLocationIDMap(len(src.Location)) pm.functionsByID = make(map[uint64]*Function, len(src.Function)) pm.mappingsByID = make(map[uint64]mapInfo, len(src.Mapping)) @@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ type profileMerger struct { p *Profile // Memoization tables within a profile. - locationsByID map[uint64]*Location + locationsByID locationIDMap functionsByID map[uint64]*Function mappingsByID map[uint64]mapInfo @@ -153,6 +154,16 @@ type mapInfo struct { } func (pm *profileMerger) mapSample(src *Sample) *Sample { + // Check memoization table + k := pm.sampleKey(src) + if ss, ok := pm.samples[k]; ok { + for i, v := range src.Value { + ss.Value[i] += v + } + return ss + } + + // Make new sample. s := &Sample{ Location: make([]*Location, len(src.Location)), Value: make([]int64, len(src.Value)), @@ -177,52 +188,98 @@ func (pm *profileMerger) mapSample(src *Sample) *Sample { s.NumLabel[k] = vv s.NumUnit[k] = uu } - // Check memoization table. Must be done on the remapped location to - // account for the remapped mapping. Add current values to the - // existing sample. - k := s.key() - if ss, ok := pm.samples[k]; ok { - for i, v := range src.Value { - ss.Value[i] += v - } - return ss - } copy(s.Value, src.Value) pm.samples[k] = s pm.p.Sample = append(pm.p.Sample, s) return s } -// key generates sampleKey to be used as a key for maps. -func (sample *Sample) key() sampleKey { - ids := make([]string, len(sample.Location)) - for i, l := range sample.Location { - ids[i] = strconv.FormatUint(l.ID, 16) +func (pm *profileMerger) sampleKey(sample *Sample) sampleKey { + // Accumulate contents into a string. + var buf strings.Builder + buf.Grow(64) // Heuristic to avoid extra allocs + + // encode a number + putNumber := func(v uint64) { + var num [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte + n := binary.PutUvarint(num[:], v) + buf.Write(num[:n]) + } + + // encode a string prefixed with its length. + putDelimitedString := func(s string) { + putNumber(uint64(len(s))) + buf.WriteString(s) + } + + for _, l := range sample.Location { + // Get the location in the merged profile, which may have a different ID. + if loc := pm.mapLocation(l); loc != nil { + putNumber(loc.ID) + } } + putNumber(0) // Delimiter - labels := make([]string, 0, len(sample.Label)) - for k, v := range sample.Label { - labels = append(labels, fmt.Sprintf("%q%q", k, v)) + for _, l := range sortedKeys1(sample.Label) { + putDelimitedString(l) + values := sample.Label[l] + putNumber(uint64(len(values))) + for _, v := range values { + putDelimitedString(v) + } } - sort.Strings(labels) - numlabels := make([]string, 0, len(sample.NumLabel)) - for k, v := range sample.NumLabel { - numlabels = append(numlabels, fmt.Sprintf("%q%x%x", k, v, sample.NumUnit[k])) + for _, l := range sortedKeys2(sample.NumLabel) { + putDelimitedString(l) + values := sample.NumLabel[l] + putNumber(uint64(len(values))) + for _, v := range values { + putNumber(uint64(v)) + } + units := sample.NumUnit[l] + putNumber(uint64(len(units))) + for _, v := range units { + putDelimitedString(v) + } } - sort.Strings(numlabels) - return sampleKey{ - strings.Join(ids, "|"), - strings.Join(labels, ""), - strings.Join(numlabels, ""), + return sampleKey(buf.String()) +} + +type sampleKey string + +// sortedKeys1 returns the sorted keys found in a string->[]string map. +// +// Note: this is currently non-generic since github pprof runs golint, +// which does not support generics. When that issue is fixed, it can +// be merged with sortedKeys2 and made into a generic function. +func sortedKeys1(m map[string][]string) []string { + if len(m) == 0 { + return nil } + keys := make([]string, 0, len(m)) + for k := range m { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + return keys } -type sampleKey struct { - locations string - labels string - numlabels string +// sortedKeys2 returns the sorted keys found in a string->[]int64 map. +// +// Note: this is currently non-generic since github pprof runs golint, +// which does not support generics. When that issue is fixed, it can +// be merged with sortedKeys1 and made into a generic function. +func sortedKeys2(m map[string][]int64) []string { + if len(m) == 0 { + return nil + } + keys := make([]string, 0, len(m)) + for k := range m { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + return keys } func (pm *profileMerger) mapLocation(src *Location) *Location { @@ -230,7 +287,7 @@ func (pm *profileMerger) mapLocation(src *Location) *Location { return nil } - if l, ok := pm.locationsByID[src.ID]; ok { + if l := pm.locationsByID.get(src.ID); l != nil { return l } @@ -249,10 +306,10 @@ func (pm *profileMerger) mapLocation(src *Location) *Location { // account for the remapped mapping ID. k := l.key() if ll, ok := pm.locations[k]; ok { - pm.locationsByID[src.ID] = ll + pm.locationsByID.set(src.ID, ll) return ll } - pm.locationsByID[src.ID] = l + pm.locationsByID.set(src.ID, l) pm.locations[k] = l pm.p.Location = append(pm.p.Location, l) return l @@ -303,16 +360,17 @@ func (pm *profileMerger) mapMapping(src *Mapping) mapInfo { return mi } m := &Mapping{ - ID: uint64(len(pm.p.Mapping) + 1), - Start: src.Start, - Limit: src.Limit, - Offset: src.Offset, - File: src.File, - BuildID: src.BuildID, - HasFunctions: src.HasFunctions, - HasFilenames: src.HasFilenames, - HasLineNumbers: src.HasLineNumbers, - HasInlineFrames: src.HasInlineFrames, + ID: uint64(len(pm.p.Mapping) + 1), + Start: src.Start, + Limit: src.Limit, + Offset: src.Offset, + File: src.File, + KernelRelocationSymbol: src.KernelRelocationSymbol, + BuildID: src.BuildID, + HasFunctions: src.HasFunctions, + HasFilenames: src.HasFilenames, + HasLineNumbers: src.HasLineNumbers, + HasInlineFrames: src.HasInlineFrames, } pm.p.Mapping = append(pm.p.Mapping, m) @@ -479,3 +537,131 @@ func (p *Profile) compatible(pb *Profile) error { func equalValueType(st1, st2 *ValueType) bool { return st1.Type == st2.Type && st1.Unit == st2.Unit } + +// locationIDMap is like a map[uint64]*Location, but provides efficiency for +// ids that are densely numbered, which is often the case. +type locationIDMap struct { + dense []*Location // indexed by id for id < len(dense) + sparse map[uint64]*Location // indexed by id for id >= len(dense) +} + +func makeLocationIDMap(n int) locationIDMap { + return locationIDMap{ + dense: make([]*Location, n), + sparse: map[uint64]*Location{}, + } +} + +func (lm locationIDMap) get(id uint64) *Location { + if id < uint64(len(lm.dense)) { + return lm.dense[int(id)] + } + return lm.sparse[id] +} + +func (lm locationIDMap) set(id uint64, loc *Location) { + if id < uint64(len(lm.dense)) { + lm.dense[id] = loc + return + } + lm.sparse[id] = loc +} + +// CompatibilizeSampleTypes makes profiles compatible to be compared/merged. It +// keeps sample types that appear in all profiles only and drops/reorders the +// sample types as necessary. +// +// In the case of sample types order is not the same for given profiles the +// order is derived from the first profile. +// +// Profiles are modified in-place. +// +// It returns an error if the sample type's intersection is empty. +func CompatibilizeSampleTypes(ps []*Profile) error { + sTypes := commonSampleTypes(ps) + if len(sTypes) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("profiles have empty common sample type list") + } + for _, p := range ps { + if err := compatibilizeSampleTypes(p, sTypes); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// commonSampleTypes returns sample types that appear in all profiles in the +// order how they ordered in the first profile. +func commonSampleTypes(ps []*Profile) []string { + if len(ps) == 0 { + return nil + } + sTypes := map[string]int{} + for _, p := range ps { + for _, st := range p.SampleType { + sTypes[st.Type]++ + } + } + var res []string + for _, st := range ps[0].SampleType { + if sTypes[st.Type] == len(ps) { + res = append(res, st.Type) + } + } + return res +} + +// compatibilizeSampleTypes drops sample types that are not present in sTypes +// list and reorder them if needed. +// +// It sets DefaultSampleType to sType[0] if it is not in sType list. +// +// It assumes that all sample types from the sTypes list are present in the +// given profile otherwise it returns an error. +func compatibilizeSampleTypes(p *Profile, sTypes []string) error { + if len(sTypes) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("sample type list is empty") + } + defaultSampleType := sTypes[0] + reMap, needToModify := make([]int, len(sTypes)), false + for i, st := range sTypes { + if st == p.DefaultSampleType { + defaultSampleType = p.DefaultSampleType + } + idx := searchValueType(p.SampleType, st) + if idx < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("%q sample type is not found in profile", st) + } + reMap[i] = idx + if idx != i { + needToModify = true + } + } + if !needToModify && len(sTypes) == len(p.SampleType) { + return nil + } + p.DefaultSampleType = defaultSampleType + oldSampleTypes := p.SampleType + p.SampleType = make([]*ValueType, len(sTypes)) + for i, idx := range reMap { + p.SampleType[i] = oldSampleTypes[idx] + } + values := make([]int64, len(sTypes)) + for _, s := range p.Sample { + for i, idx := range reMap { + values[i] = s.Value[idx] + } + s.Value = s.Value[:len(values)] + copy(s.Value, values) + } + return nil +} + +func searchValueType(vts []*ValueType, s string) int { + for i, vt := range vts { + if vt.Type == s { + return i + } + } + return -1 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/profile.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/profile.go index 2590c8dd..4ec00fe7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/profile.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/profile.go @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import ( "compress/gzip" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "math" "path/filepath" "regexp" @@ -106,6 +105,15 @@ type Mapping struct { fileX int64 buildIDX int64 + + // Name of the kernel relocation symbol ("_text" or "_stext"), extracted from File. + // For linux kernel mappings generated by some tools, correct symbolization depends + // on knowing which of the two possible relocation symbols was used for `Start`. + // This is given to us as a suffix in `File` (e.g. "[kernel.kallsyms]_stext"). + // + // Note, this public field is not persisted in the proto. For the purposes of + // copying / merging / hashing profiles, it is considered subsumed by `File`. + KernelRelocationSymbol string } // Location corresponds to Profile.Location @@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ type Function struct { // may be a gzip-compressed encoded protobuf or one of many legacy // profile formats which may be unsupported in the future. func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Profile, error) { - data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) + data, err := io.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -159,7 +167,7 @@ func ParseData(data []byte) (*Profile, error) { if len(data) >= 2 && data[0] == 0x1f && data[1] == 0x8b { gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) if err == nil { - data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(gz) + data, err = io.ReadAll(gz) } if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing profile: %v", err) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/proto.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/proto.go index 539ad3ab..a15696ba 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/proto.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/proto.go @@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ import ( ) type buffer struct { - field int // field tag - typ int // proto wire type code for field - u64 uint64 - data []byte - tmp [16]byte + field int // field tag + typ int // proto wire type code for field + u64 uint64 + data []byte + tmp [16]byte + tmpLines []Line // temporary storage used while decoding "repeated Line". } type decoder func(*buffer, message) error @@ -286,7 +287,6 @@ func decodeInt64s(b *buffer, x *[]int64) error { if b.typ == 2 { // Packed encoding data := b.data - tmp := make([]int64, 0, len(data)) // Maximally sized for len(data) > 0 { var u uint64 var err error @@ -294,9 +294,8 @@ func decodeInt64s(b *buffer, x *[]int64) error { if u, data, err = decodeVarint(data); err != nil { return err } - tmp = append(tmp, int64(u)) + *x = append(*x, int64(u)) } - *x = append(*x, tmp...) return nil } var i int64 @@ -319,7 +318,6 @@ func decodeUint64s(b *buffer, x *[]uint64) error { if b.typ == 2 { data := b.data // Packed encoding - tmp := make([]uint64, 0, len(data)) // Maximally sized for len(data) > 0 { var u uint64 var err error @@ -327,9 +325,8 @@ func decodeUint64s(b *buffer, x *[]uint64) error { if u, data, err = decodeVarint(data); err != nil { return err } - tmp = append(tmp, u) + *x = append(*x, u) } - *x = append(*x, tmp...) return nil } var u uint64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/prune.go b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/prune.go index 02d21a81..b2f9fd54 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/prune.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/google/pprof/profile/prune.go @@ -62,15 +62,31 @@ func (p *Profile) Prune(dropRx, keepRx *regexp.Regexp) { prune := make(map[uint64]bool) pruneBeneath := make(map[uint64]bool) + // simplifyFunc can be expensive, so cache results. + // Note that the same function name can be encountered many times due + // different lines and addresses in the same function. + pruneCache := map[string]bool{} // Map from function to whether or not to prune + pruneFromHere := func(s string) bool { + if r, ok := pruneCache[s]; ok { + return r + } + funcName := simplifyFunc(s) + if dropRx.MatchString(funcName) { + if keepRx == nil || !keepRx.MatchString(funcName) { + pruneCache[s] = true + return true + } + } + pruneCache[s] = false + return false + } + for _, loc := range p.Location { var i int for i = len(loc.Line) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if fn := loc.Line[i].Function; fn != nil && fn.Name != "" { - funcName := simplifyFunc(fn.Name) - if dropRx.MatchString(funcName) { - if keepRx == nil || !keepRx.MatchString(funcName) { - break - } + if pruneFromHere(fn.Name) { + break } } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9bc0324 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +// Package term provides structures and helper functions to work with +// terminal (state, sizes). +package term diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/tc.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/tc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8a5e09f5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/tc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -package term - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -func tcget(fd uintptr) (*Termios, error) { - p, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(int(fd), getTermios) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return p, nil -} - -func tcset(fd uintptr, p *Termios) error { - return unix.IoctlSetTermios(int(fd), setTermios, p) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go index 2dd3d090..f9d8988e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term.go @@ -1,100 +1,85 @@ -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -// Package term provides structures and helper functions to work with -// terminal (state, sizes). package term -import ( - "errors" - "io" - "os" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// ErrInvalidState is returned if the state of the terminal is invalid. -var ErrInvalidState = errors.New("Invalid terminal state") +import "io" -// State represents the state of the terminal. -type State struct { - termios Termios -} +// State holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. +type State terminalState // Winsize represents the size of the terminal window. type Winsize struct { Height uint16 Width uint16 - x uint16 - y uint16 + + // Only used on Unix + x uint16 + y uint16 } // StdStreams returns the standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr). +// +// On Windows, it attempts to turn on VT handling on all std handles if +// supported, or falls back to terminal emulation. On Unix, this returns +// the standard [os.Stdin], [os.Stdout] and [os.Stderr]. func StdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { - return os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr + return stdStreams() } // GetFdInfo returns the file descriptor for an os.File and indicates whether the file represents a terminal. -func GetFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { - var inFd uintptr - var isTerminalIn bool - if file, ok := in.(*os.File); ok { - inFd = file.Fd() - isTerminalIn = IsTerminal(inFd) - } - return inFd, isTerminalIn +func GetFdInfo(in interface{}) (fd uintptr, isTerminal bool) { + return getFdInfo(in) +} + +// GetWinsize returns the window size based on the specified file descriptor. +func GetWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { + return getWinsize(fd) +} + +// SetWinsize tries to set the specified window size for the specified file +// descriptor. It is only implemented on Unix, and returns an error on Windows. +func SetWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { + return setWinsize(fd, ws) } // IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal. func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { - _, err := tcget(fd) - return err == nil + return isTerminal(fd) } // RestoreTerminal restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor // to a previous state. func RestoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - if state == nil { - return ErrInvalidState - } - return tcset(fd, &state.termios) + return restoreTerminal(fd, state) } // SaveState saves the state of the terminal connected to the given file descriptor. func SaveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - termios, err := tcget(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &State{termios: *termios}, nil + return saveState(fd) } // DisableEcho applies the specified state to the terminal connected to the file // descriptor, with echo disabled. func DisableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { - newState := state.termios - newState.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO - - if err := tcset(fd, &newState); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return disableEcho(fd, state) } // SetRawTerminal puts the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into -// raw mode and returns the previous state. On UNIX, this puts both the input -// and output into raw mode. On Windows, it only puts the input into raw mode. -func SetRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - oldState, err := MakeRaw(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return oldState, err +// raw mode and returns the previous state. On UNIX, this is the equivalent of +// [MakeRaw], and puts both the input and output into raw mode. On Windows, it +// only puts the input into raw mode. +func SetRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { + return setRawTerminal(fd) } // SetRawTerminalOutput puts the output of terminal connected to the given file // descriptor into raw mode. On UNIX, this does nothing and returns nil for the // state. On Windows, it disables LF -> CRLF translation. -func SetRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - return nil, nil +func SetRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { + return setRawTerminalOutput(fd) +} + +// MakeRaw puts the terminal (Windows Console) connected to the +// given file descriptor into raw mode and returns the previous state of +// the terminal so that it can be restored. +func MakeRaw(fd uintptr) (previousState *State, err error) { + return makeRaw(fd) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ec7706a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +//go:build !windows +// +build !windows + +package term + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + "os" + + "golang.org/x/sys/unix" +) + +// ErrInvalidState is returned if the state of the terminal is invalid. +// +// Deprecated: ErrInvalidState is no longer used. +var ErrInvalidState = errors.New("Invalid terminal state") + +// terminalState holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. +type terminalState struct { + termios unix.Termios +} + +func stdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { + return os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr +} + +func getFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { + var inFd uintptr + var isTerminalIn bool + if file, ok := in.(*os.File); ok { + inFd = file.Fd() + isTerminalIn = isTerminal(inFd) + } + return inFd, isTerminalIn +} + +func getWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { + uws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCGWINSZ) + ws := &Winsize{Height: uws.Row, Width: uws.Col, x: uws.Xpixel, y: uws.Ypixel} + return ws, err +} + +func setWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { + return unix.IoctlSetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCSWINSZ, &unix.Winsize{ + Row: ws.Height, + Col: ws.Width, + Xpixel: ws.x, + Ypixel: ws.y, + }) +} + +func isTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { + _, err := tcget(fd) + return err == nil +} + +func restoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { + if state == nil { + return errors.New("invalid terminal state") + } + return tcset(fd, &state.termios) +} + +func saveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + termios, err := tcget(fd) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &State{termios: *termios}, nil +} + +func disableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { + newState := state.termios + newState.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO + + return tcset(fd, &newState) +} + +func setRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + return makeRaw(fd) +} + +func setRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + return nil, nil +} + +func tcget(fd uintptr) (*unix.Termios, error) { + p, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(int(fd), getTermios) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return p, nil +} + +func tcset(fd uintptr, p *unix.Termios) error { + return unix.IoctlSetTermios(int(fd), setTermios, p) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go index 3cdc8edb..81ccff04 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/term_windows.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package term import ( + "fmt" "io" "os" "os/signal" @@ -9,22 +10,15 @@ import ( "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) -// State holds the console mode for the terminal. -type State struct { +// terminalState holds the platform-specific state / console mode for the terminal. +type terminalState struct { mode uint32 } -// Winsize is used for window size. -type Winsize struct { - Height uint16 - Width uint16 -} - // vtInputSupported is true if winterm.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT is supported by the console var vtInputSupported bool -// StdStreams returns the standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr). -func StdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { +func stdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { // Turn on VT handling on all std handles, if possible. This might // fail, in which case we will fall back to terminal emulation. var ( @@ -87,16 +81,14 @@ func StdStreams() (stdIn io.ReadCloser, stdOut, stdErr io.Writer) { stdErr = os.Stderr } - return + return stdIn, stdOut, stdErr } -// GetFdInfo returns the file descriptor for an os.File and indicates whether the file represents a terminal. -func GetFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { +func getFdInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { return windowsconsole.GetHandleInfo(in) } -// GetWinsize returns the window size based on the specified file descriptor. -func GetWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { +func getWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { var info windows.ConsoleScreenBufferInfo if err := windows.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(windows.Handle(fd), &info); err != nil { return nil, err @@ -110,21 +102,21 @@ func GetWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { return winsize, nil } -// IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal. -func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { +func setWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { + return fmt.Errorf("not implemented on Windows") +} + +func isTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { var mode uint32 err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &mode) return err == nil } -// RestoreTerminal restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor -// to a previous state. -func RestoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { +func restoreTerminal(fd uintptr, state *State) error { return windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), state.mode) } -// SaveState saves the state of the terminal connected to the given file descriptor. -func SaveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { +func saveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { var mode uint32 if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &mode); err != nil { @@ -134,9 +126,8 @@ func SaveState(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { return &State{mode: mode}, nil } -// DisableEcho disables echo for the terminal connected to the given file descriptor. -// -- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx -func DisableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { +func disableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { + // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx mode := state.mode mode &^= windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT mode |= windows.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | windows.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT @@ -150,69 +141,27 @@ func DisableEcho(fd uintptr, state *State) error { return nil } -// SetRawTerminal puts the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into -// raw mode and returns the previous state. On UNIX, this puts both the input -// and output into raw mode. On Windows, it only puts the input into raw mode. -func SetRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - state, err := MakeRaw(fd) +func setRawTerminal(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + oldState, err := MakeRaw(fd) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Register an interrupt handler to catch and restore prior state - restoreAtInterrupt(fd, state) - return state, err + restoreAtInterrupt(fd, oldState) + return oldState, err } -// SetRawTerminalOutput puts the output of terminal connected to the given file -// descriptor into raw mode. On UNIX, this does nothing and returns nil for the -// state. On Windows, it disables LF -> CRLF translation. -func SetRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - state, err := SaveState(fd) +func setRawTerminalOutput(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + oldState, err := saveState(fd) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Ignore failures, since winterm.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN might not be supported on this // version of Windows. - _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), state.mode|windows.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN) - return state, err -} - -// MakeRaw puts the terminal (Windows Console) connected to the given file descriptor into raw -// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be restored. -func MakeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { - state, err := SaveState(fd) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - mode := state.mode - - // See - // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx - // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx - - // Disable these modes - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT - mode &^= windows.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT - - // Enable these modes - mode |= windows.ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS - mode |= windows.ENABLE_INSERT_MODE - mode |= windows.ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE - if vtInputSupported { - mode |= windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT - } - - err = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), mode) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return state, nil + _ = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), oldState.mode|windows.DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN) + return oldState, err } func restoreAtInterrupt(fd uintptr, state *State) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go similarity index 50% rename from vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios.go rename to vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go index 99c0f7de..60c82378 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_unix.go @@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import ( ) // Termios is the Unix API for terminal I/O. +// +// Deprecated: use [unix.Termios]. type Termios = unix.Termios -// MakeRaw puts the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into raw -// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be -// restored. -func MakeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { +func makeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { termios, err := tcget(fd) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -21,10 +20,10 @@ func MakeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { oldState := State{termios: *termios} - termios.Iflag &^= (unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON) + termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST - termios.Lflag &^= (unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN) - termios.Cflag &^= (unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB) + termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN + termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8 termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1 termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5be4e760 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/termios_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package term + +import "golang.org/x/sys/windows" + +func makeRaw(fd uintptr) (*State, error) { + state, err := SaveState(fd) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + mode := state.mode + + // See + // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686033(v=vs.85).aspx + // -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683462(v=vs.85).aspx + + // Disable these modes + mode &^= windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT + mode &^= windows.ENABLE_LINE_INPUT + mode &^= windows.ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT + mode &^= windows.ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT + mode &^= windows.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT + + // Enable these modes + mode |= windows.ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS + mode |= windows.ENABLE_INSERT_MODE + mode |= windows.ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE + if vtInputSupported { + mode |= windows.ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT + } + + err = windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), mode) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return state, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go index f32aa537..fb34c547 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/ansi_reader.go @@ -195,10 +195,10 @@ func keyToString(keyEvent *winterm.KEY_EVENT_RECORD, escapeSequence []byte) stri // +Key generates ESC N Key if !control && alt { - return ansiterm.KEY_ESC_N + strings.ToLower(string(keyEvent.UnicodeChar)) + return ansiterm.KEY_ESC_N + strings.ToLower(string(rune(keyEvent.UnicodeChar))) } - return string(keyEvent.UnicodeChar) + return string(rune(keyEvent.UnicodeChar)) } // formatVirtualKey converts a virtual key (e.g., up arrow) into the appropriate ANSI string. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go index 116b74e8..21e57bd5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/windows/console.go @@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ func GetHandleInfo(in interface{}) (uintptr, bool) { // IsConsole returns true if the given file descriptor is a Windows Console. // The code assumes that GetConsoleMode will return an error for file descriptors that are not a console. -// Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.GetConsoleMode() or golang.org/x/term.IsTerminal() -var IsConsole = isConsole +// +// Deprecated: use [windows.GetConsoleMode] or [golang.org/x/term.IsTerminal]. +func IsConsole(fd uintptr) bool { + return isConsole(fd) +} func isConsole(fd uintptr) bool { var mode uint32 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/winsize.go b/vendor/github.com/moby/term/winsize.go deleted file mode 100644 index bea8d459..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/moby/term/winsize.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !windows -// +build !windows - -package term - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// GetWinsize returns the window size based on the specified file descriptor. -func GetWinsize(fd uintptr) (*Winsize, error) { - uws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCGWINSZ) - ws := &Winsize{Height: uws.Row, Width: uws.Col, x: uws.Xpixel, y: uws.Ypixel} - return ws, err -} - -// SetWinsize tries to set the specified window size for the specified file descriptor. -func SetWinsize(fd uintptr, ws *Winsize) error { - uws := &unix.Winsize{Row: ws.Height, Col: ws.Width, Xpixel: ws.x, Ypixel: ws.y} - return unix.IoctlSetWinsize(int(fd), unix.TIOCSWINSZ, uws) -} diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index b88041d0..b193ce37 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp -# github.com/google/btree v1.0.1 -## explicit; go 1.12 +# github.com/google/btree v1.1.2 +## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/google/btree # github.com/google/cel-go v0.17.7 ## explicit; go 1.18 @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/name ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/google/gofuzz github.com/google/gofuzz/bytesource -# github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20210720184732-4bb14d4b1be1 -## explicit; go 1.14 +# github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20221118152302-e6195bd50e26 +## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/google/pprof/profile # github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 ## explicit; go 1.13 @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/v2/pbutil # github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure -# github.com/moby/term v0.0.0-20221205130635-1aeaba878587 +# github.com/moby/term v0.5.0 ## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/moby/term github.com/moby/term/windows