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Solutions to Lab - Whitelist Allowed Registries Image Policy Webhook:
For this lab we are going to deploy a ImagePolicyWebhook which will deny us from using images with latest tag and ensure that all images have tags.
Deploy the ReplicaSet defined in the file /root/nginx-latest.yml and validate that the pod is running. This YAML file uses the latest nginx image from DockerHub.
Run $ kubectl apply -f /root/nginx-latest.yml $ kubectl get rs $ kubectl get po -l tier=nginx-latest
Deploy an Image Policy Webhook server.
Run $ kubectl apply -f image-policy-webhook.yaml
is the value passed to registry-whitelist parameter by the command running inside the webhook podsGet webhook pods by $ kubectl get pods | grep webhook Check the value of the flag --registry-whitelist in $ kubectl describe po <image-bouncer-webhook-POD>
Fix those two YAML files so that it works with ImagePolicyWebhook.
$ vi /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_configuration.yaml Add the path to the kubeconfig file: kubeConfigFile: /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_kube_config.yaml Check webhook service by running: $ kubectl describe svc image-bouncer-webhook $ vi /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_kube_config.yaml Edit this line: server: https://image-bouncer-webhook:30080/image_policy You can verify by running $ netstat -na | grep 30080 Or $ telnet image-bouncer-webhook 30080
Enable the ImagePolicyWebhook admission controller as final step so that our image policy validation can take place in API server.
$ vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml Edit those lines: - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,ImagePolicyWebhook - --admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/admission_configuration.yaml
Now delete and create pod in
and validate that there is an error reported when we use the latest image tag.Run $ kubectl delete -f /root/nginx-latest.yml $ kubectl apply -f /root/nginx-latest.yml Note: You should see an error message when you run: $ kubectl describe replicaset nginx-latest
Fix the error for untrusted registry in
using the1.19
image.$ vi /root/nginx-latest.yml # Edit the line below: image: nginx:1.19 $ kubectl apply -f /root/nginx-untrusted.yml # Check the pod created by running: $ kubectl describe replicaset nginx-latest $ kubectl get pod | grep nginx-latest