- Clone Repositories
- Install the required software
- Build Autotune Docker image
- Deploy Autotune using the Docker image
- Demo Repo
- Clone the kruize autotune repository onto your workstation with the following command.
$ git clone [email protected]:kruize/autotune.git
- Clone the kruize benchmarks repository onto your workstation with the following command.
$ git clone [email protected]:kruize/benchmarks.git
Autotune can be deployed to a supported Kubernetes cluster. We currently support Minikube.
Minikube setup with 8 CPUs and 16 GB Memory is recommended for autotune deployment. After setting up minikube, install prometheus from autotune repo with the following command
$ ./scripts/prometheus_on_minikube.sh -as
Info: installing prometheus...
Info: Checking pre requisites for prometheus...
No resources found in monitoring namespace.
Info: Downloading cadvisor git
Info: Waiting for prometheus-k8s-1 to come up...
prometheus-k8s-1 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 102s
prometheus-k8s-1 1/2 Running 1 106s
Info: prometheus-k8s-1 deploy succeeded: Running
prometheus-k8s-1 1/2 Running 1 106s
Build autotune docker image 'autotune:test' with the following command
$ ./build.sh -i autotune:test
Usage: ./build.sh [-d] [-v version_string] [-i autotune_docker_image] [-o optuna_docker_image]
-d: build in dev friendly mode
-i: build with specific autotune operator docker image name [Default - kruize/autotune_operator:<version from pom.xml>]
-o: build with specific optuna docker image name [Default - kruize/autotune_optuna:<version from pom.xml>]
-v: build as specific autotune version
Note - You can use the 'dev friendly mode' option to quickly build the autotune docker image using the cached layers.
Let us now deploy autotune using the docker image onto the minikube cluster
$ ./deploy.sh -c minikube -i autotune:test
Usage: ./deploy.sh [-c [docker|minikube|openshift]] [-i autotune docker image] [-o optuna docker image] [-n namespace] [-d configmaps-dir ] [-s start] [-t terminate]
-s: Deploy autotune [Default]
-t: Terminate autotune deployment
-c: kubernetes cluster type. At present we support only minikube [Default - minikube]
-i: build with specific autotune operator docker image name [Default - kruize/autotune_operator:<version from pom.xml>]
-o: build with specific optuna docker image name [Default - kruize/autotune_optuna:<version from pom.xml>]
-n: Namespace to which autotune is deployed [Default - monitoring for cluster type minikube]
-d: Config maps directory [Default - manifests/configmaps]
For example,
./deploy.sh -c minikube -i <docker hub user>/autotune_operator:test -o <docker hub user>/autotune_optuna:test
Info: Checking pre requisites for minikube...
Prometheus is installed and running.
Info: One time setup - Create a service account to deploy autotune
serviceaccount/autotune-sa created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/autotunes.recommender.com created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/autotuneconfigs.recommender.com created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/autotunequeryvariables.recommender.com created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/autotune-cr created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/autotune-crb created
servicemonitor.monitoring.coreos.com/autotune created
prometheus.monitoring.coreos.com/prometheus created
Creating environment variable in minikube cluster using configMap
configmap/autotune-config created
Deploying AutotuneConfig objects
autotuneconfig.recommender.com/container created
autotuneconfig.recommender.com/hotspot created
autotuneconfig.recommender.com/quarkus created
Deploying AutotuneQueryVariable objects
autotunequeryvariable.recommender.com/minikube created
Info: Deploying autotune yaml to minikube cluster
deployment.apps/autotune created
service/autotune created
Info: Waiting for autotune to come up...
autotune-58cf47df84-rhqhx 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s
autotune-58cf47df84-rhqhx 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 50s
autotune-58cf47df84-rhqhx 1/1 Running 0 54s
Info: autotune deploy succeeded: Running
autotune-58cf47df84-rhqhx 1/1 Running 0 54s
Info: Access Autotune at
Please see the demo repo for more details on how to use Autotune.