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Join Order Benchmark (JOB)

JOB is a standard SQL benchmark that stresses database query optimizers, as described in the influential paper:

Viktor Leis, et al. "How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really?" PVLDB Volume 9, No. 3, 2015 pdf

This benchmark uses real world data set, and is extremely challenging, compared with other benchmarks, such as TPC series. We ported this benchmark to Datalog to see how Datalevin handle complex queries.

Data Set

The data set is originally from Internet Movie Database IMDB, downloaded in May 2013. The exported CSV files of the data set can be downloaded from

Unpack the downloaded imdb.tgz to obtain 21 CSV files, totaling 3.7 GiB. Each CSV file is a table. The data is highly normalized, with many foreign key references. The biggest table has over 36 million rows, while the smallest has only 4 rows.


Assume a PostgreSQL server is running.

First import the schema: psql -f data/schema.sql

Then copy the CSV data into tables, e.g. in psql:

\copy aka_name from aka_name.csv csv escape '\'
\copy aka_title from aka_title.csv csv escape '\'
\copy cast_info from cast_info.csv csv escape '\'
\copy char_name from char_name.csv csv escape '\'
\copy comp_cast_type from comp_cast_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy company_name from company_name.csv csv escape '\'
\copy company_type from company_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy complete_cast from complete_cast.csv csv escape '\'
\copy info_type from info_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy keyword from keyword.csv csv escape '\'
\copy kind_type from kind_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy link_type from link_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy movie_companies from movie_companies.csv csv escape '\'
\copy movie_info from movie_info.csv csv escape '\'
\copy movie_info_idx from movie_info_idx.csv csv escape '\'
\copy movie_keyword from movie_keyword.csv csv escape '\'
\copy movie_link from movie_link.csv csv escape '\'
\copy name from name.csv csv escape '\'
\copy person_info from person_info.csv csv escape '\'
\copy role_type from role_type.csv csv escape '\'
\copy title from title.csv csv escape '\'

Finally create foreign key indices: psql -f data/fkindexes.sql


We translated the SQL schema to equivalent Datalevin schema, as shown in datalevin-bench.core namespace. The attribute names follow Clojure convention.

The same set of CSV files are transformed into datoms and loaded into Datalevin by uncommenting and running (def db ...) at this line. This loads 277,878,514 datoms into Datalevin.


The queries directory contains 113 SQL queries for this benchmark. These queries all involve more than 5 tables and often have 10 or more where clauses,

We manually translated the SQL queries to equivalent Datalevin queries, and manually verified that PostgreSQL and Datalevin produce exactly the same results for the same query (Note 1).

For example, the query 1b of the benchmark:

SELECT MIN(mc.note) AS production_note,
       MIN(t.title) AS movie_title,
       MIN(t.production_year) AS movie_year
FROM company_type AS ct,
     info_type AS it,
     movie_companies AS mc,
     movie_info_idx AS mi_idx,
     title AS t
WHERE ct.kind = 'production companies'
  AND = 'bottom 10 rank'
  AND mc.note NOT LIKE '%(as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures)%'
  AND t.production_year BETWEEN 2005 AND 2010
  AND = mc.company_type_id
  AND = mc.movie_id
  AND = mi_idx.movie_id
  AND mc.movie_id = mi_idx.movie_id
  AND = mi_idx.info_type_id;

is translated into the equivalent Datalevin query:

'[:find (min ?mc.note) (min ?t.title) (min ?t.production-year)
  [?ct :company-type/kind "production companies"]
  [?it :info-type/info "bottom 10 rank"]
  [?mc :movie-companies/note ?mc.note]
  [(not-like ?mc.note "%(as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures)%")]
  [?t :title/production-year ?t.production-year]
  [(<= 2005 ?t.production-year 2010)]
  [?mc :movie-companies/company-type ?ct]
  [?mc :movie-companies/movie ?t]
  [?mi :movie-info-idx/movie ?t]
  [?mi :movie-info-idx/info-type ?it]
  [?t :title/title ?t.title]]

Most queries in the benchmark are more complex than this example.

For Datalevin, both lein and clj build tools are needed, the former is for building the main project, and the later for running tests and benchmarks.

Run tests to see results are correct.

clj -Xtest

Run Benchmark

These software were tested on a MacBook Pro 16 inch Nov 2023, Apple M3 Pro chip, 6 performance cores and 6 efficiency cores, 36GB memory, 1TB SSD disk:

  • Homebrew PostgreSQL@16
  • Datalevin latest in this repository

All software were in default configuration without any tuning.

For PostgreSQL, first run postgres-time bash script to warm up. This runs all 113 queries one after another. Then run the script again. The results of the second run were reported.

The numbers were extracted from PostgreSQL's own EXPLAIN ANALYZE results, and written into a CSV file postgres_onepass_time.csv, in order to remove the impact of client/server communication and other unrelated factors.


Same as the above, we run clj -Xbench once to warm up. Then run it again to report the results. The numbers were extracted from explain function results and written into a CSV file datalevin_onepass_time.csv.

cd ../..
lein run   # this runs essential tests to ensure a good build
cd benchmarks/JOB-bench
clj -Xbench
clj -Xbench

We did not run the same query repeatedly and then compute the median or average for the query, because that would be mainly benchmarking caching behavior of the databases, as both have various caches. In this test, we are mainly interested in the behavior of query optimizer.


We look at the timing results. The total query time can be divided into two parts: query planning time and plan execution time. Raw data files are the following:

Wall clock time

Table below shows how long it took for the systems to finish running 113 queries in this benchmark:

DB Wall Clock Time (seconds)
PostgreSQL 204
Datalevin 156

Datalevin is about 1.3X faster than PostgreSQL overall in running these complex queries.

Planning time

Numbers below are in milliseconds.

DB Mean Min Median Max
PostgreSQL 9.8 0.8 3.6 44.1
Datalevin 76.6 5.5 66.5 505.8

Datalevin spent almost an order of magnitude more time than PostgreSQL on query planning.

Execution time

Numbers below are in milliseconds.

DB Mean Min Median Max
PostgreSQL 1752.6 3.0 174.6 55251.3
Datalevin 1251.5 0.1 184.8 27261.4

On average, Datalevin is 1.4X faster than PostgreSQL in plan execution. The median times are similar, the differences are mainly in extrema. The best plan in Datalevin can be an order of magnitude faster, while the worst plan in PostgreSQL can be 2X slower than the worst plan in Datalevin.


For these complex queries, planning time is insignificant compared with the long execution time. While PostgreSQL is extremely fast in coming up with its plans, the quality of the plans seems to be worse than that of Datalevin, as it routinely misses the best plans and occasionally come up with extremely bad plans that took a long time to run. On the other hand, Datalevin spend more time in query planning, and it manages to find some very good plans while fares better when the planning algorithm misses the mark. For more details of Datalevin's query processing, please see documentation.

PostgreSQL's planning algorithm is based on statistics collected by separate processes, so it is more expensive to maintain, at the same time, less effective, due to its strong statistical assumptions that are almost never true in real data. Datalevin's planning algorithm holds much weaker statistical assumptions, and is based on counting and sampling at query time, while it is more expensive to plan, the generated plans are of higher quality, resulting in better overall query performance in handling complex queries.


  1. Manual verification is needed because all the queries return MIN results, but PostgreSQL version 16's MIN function result is not consistent with UTF-8 encoding, and not even with its own < or LEAST function results. For example, for query 1b, Postgresql 16 MIN(mc_note) returns "(as Grosvenor Park)", but "(Set Decoration Rentals)" should be the correct answer based on UTF-8 encoding, as SELECT LEAST('(as Grosvenor Park)','(Set Decoration Rentals)'); returns "(Set Decoration Rentals)". So we removed MIN() to obtain full results in order to verify that Datalevin produces exactly the same results as Postgresql before running MIN().