diff --git a/_i18n/ja/_posts/2024/2024-07-01-es2024-playwright-v1.45.0-e18eecosystem-performance.md b/_i18n/ja/_posts/2024/2024-07-01-es2024-playwright-v1.45.0-e18eecosystem-performance.md
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@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ ECMAScript 2024がEcma GAで承認されたため正式にリリースされた
rspack ReleaseNote
Rspack 1.0 Aplhaリリース
-`optimization.concatenateModule`の有効か、Lightning CSSをビルトインサポート。
+`optimization.concatenateModule`の有効化、Lightning CSSをビルトインサポート。
diff --git a/_i18n/ko/_posts/2024/2024-07-01-es2024-playwright-v1.45.0-e18eecosystem-performance.md b/_i18n/ko/_posts/2024/2024-07-01-es2024-playwright-v1.45.0-e18eecosystem-performance.md
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+title: "2024-07-01: ES2024, Playwright v1.45.0, e18e(Ecosystem Performance)"
+author: "azu"
+translator: rewrite0w0
+layout: post
+date: 2024-07-01T13:22:00.731Z
+category: JSer
+- ECMAScript
+- React
+- npm
+- nodejs
+- TypeScript
+JSer.info #698 - ECMAScript 2024가 정식으로 출시되었어요.
+- [Release ES2024 Candidate February 28th 2024 · tc39/ecma262](https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2024-candidate-2024-02-28)
+ES2024는, `Object.groupBy`/`Map.groupBy`, `Promise.withResolvers`, `ArrayBuffers.prototype.resize`, `Atomics.waitAsync`가 추가되었어요.
+상세한 내용은 다음 글에서 확인가능해요.
+- [Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?](https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html)
+Playwright v1.45.0가 출시되었어요.
+- [Release v1.45.0 · microsoft/playwright](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/releases/tag/v1.45.0)
+시간을 조작할 수 있는 Clock API 추가, `--fail-on-flaky-tests` 플래그 추가, `testConfig. respectGitIgnore` 추가가 있어요.
+프로제긑 e18e (Ecosystem Performance)가 시작되었어요.
+- [e18e/e18e](https://github.com/e18e/e18e)
+e18e는, JavaScript 에코시스템의 성능 향상을 위한 프로젝트에요.
+현재는, JavaScript 패키지에 관련한 가이드라인이 정리되어 있어요.
+의존을 최신화하는 cleanup, 불필요한 의존을 줄이는 speedup, 채에 방법을 제공하는 levelup 같은 항목의 가이드가 작성되어 있어요.
+{% include inline-support.html %}
+## Node.js — Node v20.15.0 (LTS)
+[nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v20.15.0](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v20.15.0 "Node.js — Node v20.15.0 (LTS)")
+nodejs ReleaseNote
+Node.js v20.15.0 출시.
+`node:test`가 `plan`메서드 지원, `--inspect-wait` 플래그 추가, `zlib.crc32()` 추가, `--disable-wasm-trap-handler` 플래그 추가
+## Release ES2024 Candidate February 28th 2024 · tc39/ecma262
+[github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2024-candidate-2024-02-28](https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2024-candidate-2024-02-28 "Release ES2024 Candidate February 28th 2024 · tc39/ecma262")
+ECMAScript news
+ECMAScript 2024가 Ecma GA 승인을 받고 정식으로 출시.
+- [Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?](https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html "Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?")
+## Announcing Rspack v1.0 Alpha - Rspack
+[www.rspack.dev/blog/announcing-1-0-alpha](https://www.rspack.dev/blog/announcing-1-0-alpha "Announcing Rspack v1.0 Alpha - Rspack")
+rspack ReleaseNote
+Rspack 1.0 Aplha 출시
+`optimization.concatenateModule` 유효화, Lightning CSS 빌트인 지원.
+옵션 일부 변경
+## Release Version 17.0.0 Release Notes · facebook/relay
+[github.com/facebook/relay/releases/tag/v17.0.0](https://github.com/facebook/relay/releases/tag/v17.0.0 "Release Version 17.0.0 Release Notes · facebook/relay")
+GraphQL React library ReleaseNote
+Relay v17.0.0 출시.
+Schema Validation 추가, explicit error handling와 semantic nullability 실험적인 추가
+## Release v1.45.0 · microsoft/playwright
+[github.com/microsoft/playwright/releases/tag/v1.45.0](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/releases/tag/v1.45.0 "Release v1.45.0 · microsoft/playwright")
+playwright ReleaseNote
+playwright v1.45.0 출시.
+시간을 조작할 수 있는 Clock API 추가, `--fail-on-flaky-tests` 플래그 추가, `testConfig. respectGitIgnore` 추가
+## Introducing React-Admin V5
+[marmelab.com/blog/2024/06/20/react-admin-v5.html](https://marmelab.com/blog/2024/06/20/react-admin-v5.html "Introducing React-Admin V5")
+React library ReleaseNote
+React-admin v5 출시
+- [Release 5.0.0 · marmelab/react-admin](https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/releases/tag/v5.0.0 "Release 5.0.0 · marmelab/react-admin")
+## Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites
+[sansec.io/research/polyfill-supply-chain-attack](https://sansec.io/research/polyfill-supply-chain-attack "Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites")
+JavaScript polyfill security news
+`polyfill.io`에서 얻은 코드에 멀웨어같은 백도어가 포함되어 있다는 이야기.
+## New JavaScript Set methods | MDN Blog
+[developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/javascript-set-methods/](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/javascript-set-methods/ "New JavaScript Set methods | MDN Blog")
+JavaScript ECMAScript article
+ES2025에 입성할 Set Methods에 대하여.
+Firefox 127에 구현되어 있음
+## TypeScript v4.9에서 v5.5까지 추가된 기능 복습하기 - STORES Product Blog
+[product.st.inc/entry/2024/06/24/152109](https://product.st.inc/entry/2024/06/24/152109 "TypeScript v4.9에서 v5.5까지 추가된 기능 복습하기 - STORES Product Blog")
+TypeScript article
+최신 TypeScript에 추가된 구문이나 자료형 추론 기능에 대하여
+## Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?
+[2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html](https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html "Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?")
+ECMAScript article
+ES2024에 추가된 기능이나 구문에 대한 정리
+`Object.groupBy`/`Map.groupBy`, `Promise.withResolvers`, `ArrayBuffers.prototype.resize`, `Atomics.waitAsync`
+## Bun 비호환하는 확장 API - moriken's project
+[scrapbox.io/petamoriken/Bun\_%E3%81%AE%E9%9D%9E%E4%BA%92%E6%8F%9B%E3%81%AA%E6%8B%A1%E5%BC%B5\_API](https://scrapbox.io/petamoriken/Bun_%E3%81%AE%E9%9D%9E%E4%BA%92%E6%8F%9B%E3%81%AA%E6%8B%A1%E5%BC%B5_API "Bun 비호환하는 확장 API - moriken's project")
+Bun article
+Bun 비표준 확장 API에 대하여
+## Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS
+[workos.com/blog/migrating-to-next-js-app-router-with-zero-downtime](https://workos.com/blog/migrating-to-next-js-app-router-with-zero-downtime "Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS")
+Next.js article
+Next.js, Pages Router에서 App Router으로 단계적 이행 방법에 대하여.
+1. Next.js 업데이트
+2. `useRouter` 이행
+3. 일시적인 `/app/new` 작성
+4. `rewrites` 사용해 쿼리 리다이렉트
+5. `/pages` 삭제
+순서로 이행하는 방법에 대하여
+## React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts | TkDodo's blog
+[tkdodo.eu/blog/react-19-and-suspense-a-drama-in-3-acts](https://tkdodo.eu/blog/react-19-and-suspense-a-drama-in-3-acts "React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts | TkDodo's blog")
+React article
+React 19 RC의 Suspense 내부 동작 변경에 대하여.
+fetch-on-render와 render-as-your-fetch 패턴, Fetch 이 외 비동기처리, React 19에서 수정 예정에 관련하여
+## Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou
+[lea.verou.me/blog/2024/css-conditionals-now/](https://lea.verou.me/blog/2024/css-conditionals-now/ "Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou")
+CSS article
+CSS에서 if문 표현하는 기술에 대하여.
+Binary Linear Interpolation, Toggles, Paused animations, Type Grinding, Variable animation name
+웹사이트, 서비스, 문서
+## e18e/e18e
+[github.com/e18e/e18e](https://github.com/e18e/e18e "e18e/e18e")
+JavaScript npm performance document
+JavaScript 패키지 관련 가이드라인.
+의존 최신화 위한 cleanup, 불필요한 의존을 줄이는 speedup, 대체 방법을 제공하는 levelup 각 항목의 가이드
+소프트웨어, 도구, 라이브러리
+## es-tooling/eslint-plugin-depend: An ESLint plugin for suggesting optimisations in choice of dependency, native equivalents, etc.
+[github.com/es-tooling/eslint-plugin-depend](https://github.com/es-tooling/eslint-plugin-depend "es-tooling/eslint-plugin-depend: An ESLint plugin for suggesting optimisations in choice of dependency, native equivalents, etc.")
+ESLint plugin npm
+네이티브에서 이용가능한 불필요한 의존이나 관리되지 않는 패키지를 검출하는 ESLint 룰