You can contribute by writing an article, fixing a bug, etc.
Here you will find all the articles inside the repository, some of them are:
- Published: already finished but you can still make small changes like fixing grammar errors.
- Draft: someone is already working on it but it's not finished yet.
- Unassigned: no one has picked that article or started working on it.
- Pending translation: there is already a version in another language and we need the translation for that particular language.
After you have been asked to write a piece of content:
- Fork this respository.
- Commit you new article into any of the subdirectories withing the content folder (depending on what assignment are you writing).
- Create a Pull Request into this repository.
- Do not use HTML, only markdown basic syntax.
- Write your own content from scratch, do not copy and paste from another website (even if you are meant to rephrease it later).
- Include images and links to any of the public URLs, here is a list of recomended ways to link.
- Find a [cool exercise]( that people can build to practice related to the article and technologies you are talking about, include the project landing page.
- Find a cool project that people can build to practice related to the article and technologies you are talking about, include the project landing page.