- Writer: Min-Jung Kim
- Title: (cs229) Lecture 4 : Perceptron. Exponential Family. Generalized Linear Models.
- Link: http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes2020fall/notes2020fall/cs229-notes1.pdf
http://cs229.stanford.edu/livenotes2020spring/cs229-livenotes-lecture4.pdf - Keywords: Perceptron, Exponential Family, Generalized Linear Model, Softmax Regression (Multi-class classification)
Perceptron is somewhat similar to sigmoid function but different.
It is hard version of sigmoid function.
Perceptron is not something that's widely used in practice.
We study it mostly for historical reasons.
It is not used because it does not have a probabilistic interpretation of what 's happening.
Also it could never classify xor
It is class of probability distributions, whos PDF can be written in the form
y : data (output)
: natural parameter (parameter of distribution)
b(y) : base measure
T(y) : sufficient statistic. In this lecture, T(y) = y
: log partition, normalizing constant
Bernoulli Distribution
: probability of event
a) MLE w.r.t. --> concave
(Which means.. If we perform maximum likelihood on E.F, and when E.F. is parameterized in the natural parameters, then the optimization problem is concave.
Therefore, Negative Log Likelihood is convex)
We can build a lot of powerful models by choosing nappropriate E.F and plugging it onto a linear model.
a) ~ Exponential Family
Depending on the problem that you have, you can choose any member of E.F as parameterized by
c) Test Time Output =
No matter what kind of GLM you are doing, no matter which choice of distribution that you make,
the learning update rule is the same.
= canonical response function
= canonical link function
Yet another member of GLM family.
Usually, hypothesis equals probability or scalar, while softmax outputs prob. distribution.