
252 lines
7.4 KiB

'use strict';
const { marked } = require('marked');
let JSDOM,
const { encodeURL, slugize, stripHTML, url_for, isExternalLink, escapeHTML: escape } = require('hexo-util');
const MarkedRenderer = marked.Renderer;
const MarkedTokenizer = marked.Tokenizer;
const { basename, dirname, extname, join } = require('path').posix;
const rATag = /<a(?:\s+?|\s+?[^<>]+\s+?)?href=["'](?:#)([^<>"']+)["'][^<>]*>/i;
const rDlSyntax = /(?:^|\s)(\S.+)<br>:\s+(\S.+)/;
const anchorId = (str, transformOption) => {
return slugize(str.trim(), {transform: transformOption});
class Renderer extends MarkedRenderer {
constructor(hexo) {
this._headingId = {};
this.hexo = hexo;
// Add id attribute to headings
heading(text, level) {
const { anchorAlias, headerIds, modifyAnchors } = this.options;
const { _headingId } = this;
if (!headerIds) {
return `<h${level}>${text}</h${level}>`;
const transformOption = modifyAnchors;
let id = anchorId(stripHTML(text), transformOption);
const headingId = _headingId;
const anchorAliasOpt = anchorAlias && text.startsWith('<a href="#');
if (anchorAliasOpt) {
const customAnchor = text.match(rATag)[1];
id = anchorId(stripHTML(customAnchor), transformOption);
// Add a number after id if repeated
if (headingId[id]) {
id += `-${headingId[id]++}`;
} else {
headingId[id] = 1;
if (anchorAliasOpt) {
text = text.replace(rATag, (str, alias) => {
return str.replace(alias, id);
// add headerlink
return `<h${level} id="${id}"><a href="#${id}" class="headerlink" title="${stripHTML(text)}"></a>${text}</h${level}>`;
link(href, title, text) {
const { external_link, sanitizeUrl } = this.options;
const { url: urlCfg } = this.hexo.config;
if (sanitizeUrl) {
if (href.startsWith('javascript:') || href.startsWith('vbscript:') || href.startsWith('data:')) {
href = '';
let out = '<a href="';
try {
out += encodeURL(href);
} catch (e) {
out += href;
out += '"';
if (title) {
out += ` title="${title}"`;
if (external_link) {
const target = ' target="_blank"';
const noopener = ' rel="noopener"';
const nofollowTag = ' rel="noopener external nofollow noreferrer"';
if (isExternalLink(href, urlCfg, external_link.exclude)) {
if (external_link.enable && external_link.nofollow) {
out += target + nofollowTag;
} else if (external_link.enable) {
out += target + noopener;
} else if (external_link.nofollow) {
out += nofollowTag;
out += `>${text}</a>`;
return out;
// Support Basic Description Lists
paragraph(text) {
const { descriptionLists = true } = this.options;
if (descriptionLists) {
if (rDlSyntax.test(text)) {
return text.replace(rDlSyntax, '<dl><dt>$1</dt><dd>$2</dd></dl>');
return `<p>${text}</p>\n`;
// Prepend root to image path
image(href, title, text) {
const { hexo, options } = this;
const { relative_link } = hexo.config;
const { lazyload, prependRoot, postPath } = options;
if (!/^(#|\/\/|http(s)?:)/.test(href) && !relative_link && prependRoot) {
if (!href.startsWith('/') && !href.startsWith('\\') && postPath) {
const PostAsset = hexo.model('PostAsset');
// findById requires forward slash
const asset = PostAsset.findById(join(postPath, href.replace(/\\/g, '/')));
// asset.path is backward slash in Windows
if (asset) href = asset.path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
href = url_for.call(hexo, href);
let out = `<img src="${encodeURL(href)}"`;
if (text) out += ` alt="${text}"`;
if (title) out += ` title="${title}"`;
if (lazyload) out += ' loading="lazy"';
out += '>';
return out;
langPrefix: ''
// https://github.com/markedjs/marked/blob/b6773fca412c339e0cedd56b63f9fa1583cfd372/src/Lexer.js#L8-L24
const smartypants = (str, quotes) => {
const [openDbl, closeDbl, openSgl, closeSgl] = typeof quotes === 'string' && quotes.length === 4
? quotes
: ['\u201c', '\u201d', '\u2018', '\u2019'];
return str
// em-dashes
.replace(/---/g, '\u2014')
// en-dashes
.replace(/--/g, '\u2013')
// opening singles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{"\s])'/g, '$1' + openSgl)
// closing singles & apostrophes
.replace(/'/g, closeSgl)
// opening doubles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{\u2018\s])"/g, '$1' + openDbl)
// closing doubles
.replace(/"/g, closeDbl)
// ellipses
.replace(/\.{3}/g, '\u2026');
class Tokenizer extends MarkedTokenizer {
// Support AutoLink option
url(src, mangle) {
const { options } = this;
const { autolink } = options;
if (!autolink) return;
return super.url(src, mangle);
// Override smartypants
inlineText(src) {
const { options, rules } = this;
const { quotes, smartypants: isSmarty } = options;
// https://github.com/markedjs/marked/blob/b6773fca412c339e0cedd56b63f9fa1583cfd372/src/Tokenizer.js#L643-L658
const cap = rules.inline.text.exec(src);
if (cap) {
let text;
if (this.lexer.state.inRawBlock || this.rules.inline.url.exec(src)) {
text = cap[0];
} else {
text = escape(isSmarty ? smartypants(cap[0], quotes) : cap[0]);
return {
type: 'text',
raw: cap[0],
module.exports = function(data, options) {
const { post_asset_folder, marked: markedCfg, source_dir } = this.config;
const { prependRoot, postAsset, dompurify } = markedCfg;
const { path, text } = data;
// exec filter to extend renderer.
const renderer = new Renderer(this);
this.execFilterSync('marked:renderer', renderer, {context: this});
const tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
this.execFilterSync('marked:tokenizer', tokenizer, {context: this});
const extensions = [];
this.execFilterSync('marked:extensions', extensions, {context: this});
let postPath = '';
if (path && post_asset_folder && prependRoot && postAsset) {
const Post = this.model('Post');
// Windows compatibility, Post.findOne() requires forward slash
const source = path.substring(this.source_dir.length).replace(/\\/g, '/');
const post = Post.findOne({ source });
if (post) {
const { source: postSource } = post;
postPath = join(source_dir, dirname(postSource), basename(postSource, extname(postSource)));
let sanitizer = function(html) { return html; };
if (dompurify) {
if (createDOMPurify === undefined && JSDOM === undefined) {
createDOMPurify = require('dompurify');
JSDOM = require('jsdom').JSDOM;
const window = new JSDOM('').window;
const DOMPurify = createDOMPurify(window);
let param = {};
if (dompurify !== true) {
param = dompurify;
sanitizer = function(html) { return DOMPurify.sanitize(html, param); };
return sanitizer(marked(text, Object.assign({
}, markedCfg, options, { postPath })));