
1327 lines
35 KiB

const { toXML } = require("./dist/jstoxml");
const assert = require("assert");
describe("toXML", () => {
describe("primitives", () => {
const vals = ["foo", false, true, 4, 4.56];
vals.forEach((val) => {
it(`outputs ${val}`, () => {
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `${val}`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("functions", () => {
describe("primitive outputs", () => {
const vals = [999, "foo", false, true];
vals.forEach((val) => {
it(`${val}`, () => {
const result = toXML(() => val);
const expectedResult = `${val}`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("fat arrow", () => {
const val = 888;
const result = toXML(() => val);
const expectedResult = val;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("accessing config within function", () => {
const val = {
foo: {
depth: (config) => config.depth,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo><depth>2</depth></foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("converts nonprimitive output", () => {
const val = { foo: "bar" };
const result = toXML(() => val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("converts nested nonprimitive output", () => {
const val = { foo: { bar: { baz: 2 } } };
const result = toXML(() => val);
const expectedResult = "<foo><bar><baz>2</baz></bar></foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("converts nested nonprimitive output with indent", () => {
const val = { foo: { bar: { baz: 2 } } };
const config = { indent: " " };
const result = toXML(() => val, config);
const expectedResult =
"<foo>\n <bar>\n <baz>2</baz>\n </bar>\n</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("github issues", () => {
it("issue 3", () => {
const val = {
foo: true,
bar: "",
foo2: false,
ok: "This is ok",
ok2: "false",
ok3: "true",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
"<foo>true</foo><bar/><foo2>false</foo2><ok>This is ok</ok><ok2>false</ok2><ok3>true</ok3>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("arrays", () => {
it("1", () => {
const val = [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }, { foo2: "bar2" }];
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo><foo>baz</foo><foo2>bar2</foo2>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("attributes in subobject", () => {
const val = [
{ foo: "bar" },
{ foo: "baz" },
{ foo: undefined },
{ foo: "" },
{ foo: null },
_name: "foo",
_content: "bar",
_attrs: {
a: "b",
c: "d",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
'<foo>bar</foo><foo>baz</foo><foo/><foo/>foo<foo a="b" c="d">bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("nesting with indent", () => {
const val = {
foo: [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }, { foo2: "bar2" }],
const config = { indent: " " };
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<foo>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("special-objects", () => {
it("1", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_content: "bar",
_attrs: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="1" b="2">bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("2", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_content: {
foo: "bar",
_attrs: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="1" b="2"><foo>bar</foo></foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("3", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_content: () => 1 + 2,
_attrs: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="1" b="2">3</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("objects", () => {
it("1", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo><foo2>bar2</foo2>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("attributes", () => {
const val = {
_name: "a",
_attrs: {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<a foo="bar" foo2="bar2"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("attributes 2", () => {
const val = {
_name: "a",
_attrs: {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
_content: "la dee da",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<a foo="bar" foo2="bar2">la dee da</a>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("attributes nesting", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: {
a: "b",
_content: {
_name: "bar",
_attrs: {
c: "d",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="b"><bar c="d"/></foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("with mixed content", () => {
const val = {
blah: null,
foo: "bar",
"more blah": null,
bar: 0,
"more more blah": null,
baz: false,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
"blah<foo>bar</foo>more blah<bar>0</bar>more more blah<baz>false</baz>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("nesting with indent", () => {
const val = {
foo: {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
const config = { indent: " " };
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<foo>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("deep nesting", () => {
const val = {
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: {
f: {
g: {
h: {
i: {
j: {
k: {
l: {
m: {
foo: "bar",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("header", () => {
it("default header", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const config = {
header: true,
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><foo>bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("no header", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const config = {
header: false,
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("no header by default", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("default header with indent", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const config = {
header: true,
indent: " ",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<foo>bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("custom header", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const config = {
header: '<?FOO BAR="123" BAZ="XX"?>',
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = '<?FOO BAR="123" BAZ="XX"?><foo>bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("custom header 2", () => {
const val = [
row: 'bar'
row: 'bar2'
const config = {
header: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>',
indent: ' '
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("filtering", () => {
it("values", () => {
const val = {
foo: "<a>",
bar: '"b"',
baz: "'&whee'",
const config = {
filter: {
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"&": "&amp;",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("attributes", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: '<"\'&"foo>' },
const config = {
attributesFilter: {
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"&": "&amp;",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="&lt;&quot;&apos;&amp;&quot;foo&gt;"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
const entities = {
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
Object.entries(entities).forEach(([entity, entityEncoded]) => {
it(`filters '${entity}' entities by default`, () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: `aaa ${entity} bbb` },
_content: `foo ${entity} bar`,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<foo a="aaa ${entityEncoded} bbb">foo ${entityEncoded} bar</foo>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it(`filters entities by default 2`, () => {
const val = {
foo: '1 < 2 & 2 > 1'
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<foo>1 &lt; 2 &amp; 2 &gt; 1</foo>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("does not double encode", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "baz &amp; &gt; &lt; bat" },
_content: "foo &amp; &gt; &lt; bar",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
'<foo a="baz &amp; &gt; &lt; bat">foo &amp; &gt; &lt; bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("does not double encode 2", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "baz &&amp; &&gt; &&lt; bat" },
_content: "foo &&amp; &&gt; &&lt; bar",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
'<foo a="baz &amp;&amp; &amp;&gt; &amp;&lt; bat">foo &amp;&amp; &amp;&gt; &amp;&lt; bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("does not double encode 3", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "&cent; &#162; &euro; &#8364; &eu ro;" },
_content: "&cent; &#162; &euro; &#8364; &eu ro;",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
'<foo a="&cent; &#162; &euro; &#8364; &amp;eu ro;">&cent; &#162; &euro; &#8364; &amp;eu ro;</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("escapes quotes in attributes by default", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: '"bat"' },
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="&quot;bat&quot;"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it(`turns off attributes filter`, () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "baz & < > \" bat" },
_content: "foo & < > bar",
const result = toXML(val, { attributesFilter: false });
const expectedResult = `<foo a="baz & < > \" bat">foo &amp; &lt; &gt; bar</foo>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it(`turns off filter`, () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "baz & < > \" bat" },
_content: "foo & < > bar",
const result = toXML(val, { filter: false });
const expectedResult = `<foo a="baz &amp; &lt; &gt; &quot; bat">foo & < > bar</foo>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it(`turns off both filter and attributesFilter`, () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: { a: "baz & < > \" bat" },
_content: "foo & < > bar",
const result = toXML(val, { filter: false, attributesFilter: false });
const expectedResult = `<foo a="baz & < > \" bat">foo & < > bar</foo>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("misc", () => {
it("outputs <_content> if it has no tag name", () => {
const val = {
_content: "foo",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<_content>foo</_content>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("outputs emoji attributes", () => {
const val = {
html: {
_attrs: [{ "⚡": true }, { lang: "en" }, { lang: "klingon" }],
const result = toXML(val, { attributesFilter: {} });
const expectedResult = '<html ⚡ lang="en" lang="klingon"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("outputs emoji attributes 2", () => {
const val = {
html: {
_attrs: { "⚡": true, lang: "en" },
const result = toXML(val, { attributesFilter: {} });
const expectedResult = '<html ⚡ lang="en"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("does not force self close if tag has content", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_selfCloseTag: true,
_content: "bar",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("nested elements with self-closing sibling", () => {
const val = {
people: {
students: [
student: { name: "Joe" },
student: { name: "Jane" },
teacher: {
_selfCloseTag: true,
_attrs: {
name: "Yoda",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
'<people><students><student><name>Joe</name></student><student><name>Jane</name></student></students><teacher name="Yoda"/></people>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("sibling _content tag", () => {
const val = {
foo: {
bar: "baz",
_content: {
bar2: "baz2",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo><bar>baz</bar><bar2>baz2</bar2></foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("examples", () => {
it("1 simple object", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo><foo2>bar2</foo2>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("2 simple array", () => {
const val = [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "bar2" }];
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo>bar</foo><foo>bar2</foo>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("3 simple function", () => {
const date = new Date();
const val = {
currentTime: () => date,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<currentTime>${date}</currentTime>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("4 attributes", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_content: "bar",
_attrs: {
a: "b",
c: "d",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<foo a="b" c="d">bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("5 tags with mixed content", () => {
const val = {
text1: null,
foo: "bar",
text2: null,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "text1<foo>bar</foo>text2";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("6 nested tags with indent", () => {
const val = {
a: {
foo: "bar",
foo2: "bar2",
const config = {
header: false,
indent: " ",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<a>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("7 nested tags attributes", () => {
const val = {
ooo: {
_name: "foo",
_attrs: {
a: "b",
_content: {
_name: "bar",
_attrs: {
c: "d",
const config = {
header: false,
indent: " ",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<ooo>
<foo a="b">
<bar c="d"/>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("8 complex functions", () => {
const val = {
someNestedXML: () => ({ foo: "bar" }),
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<someNestedXML><foo>bar</foo></someNestedXML>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("9 RSS feed", () => {
const date = new Date();
const val = {
_name: "rss",
_attrs: {
version: "2.0",
_content: {
channel: [
{ title: "RSS Example" },
{ description: "Description" },
{ link: "google.com" },
{ lastBuildDate: () => date },
{ pubDate: () => date },
{ language: "en" },
item: {
title: "Item title",
link: "Item link",
description: "Item Description",
pubDate: () => date,
item: {
title: "Item2 title",
link: "Item2 link",
description: "Item2 Description",
pubDate: () => date,
const config = {
header: true,
indent: " ",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>RSS Example</title>
<title>Item title</title>
<link>Item link</link>
<description>Item Description</description>
<title>Item2 title</title>
<link>Item2 link</link>
<description>Item2 Description</description>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("10 podcast RSS", () => {
const val = {
_name: "rss",
_attrs: {
"xmlns:itunes": "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd",
version: "2.0",
_content: {
channel: [
{ title: "Title" },
{ link: "google.com" },
{ language: "en-us" },
{ copyright: "Copyright 2011" },
{ "itunes:subtitle": "Subtitle" },
{ "itunes:author": "Author" },
{ "itunes:summary": "Summary" },
{ description: "Description" },
"itunes:owner": {
"itunes:name": "Name",
"itunes:email": "Email",
_name: "itunes:image",
_attrs: {
href: "image.jpg",
_name: "itunes:category",
_attrs: {
text: "Technology",
_content: {
_name: "itunes:category",
_attrs: {
text: "Gadgets",
_name: "itunes:category",
_attrs: {
text: "TV &amp; Film",
item: [
{ title: "Podcast Title" },
{ "itunes:author": "Author" },
{ "itunes:subtitle": "Subtitle" },
{ "itunes:summary": "Summary" },
{ "itunes:image": "image.jpg" },
_name: "enclosure",
_attrs: {
url: "http://example.com/podcast.m4a",
length: "8727310",
type: "audio/x-m4a",
{ guid: "http://example.com/archive/aae20050615.m4a" },
{ pubDate: "Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMT" },
{ "itunes:duration": "7:04" },
{ "itunes:keywords": "salt, pepper, shaker, exciting" },
item: [
{ title: "Podcast2 Title" },
{ "itunes:author": "Author2" },
{ "itunes:subtitle": "Subtitle2" },
{ "itunes:summary": "Summary2" },
{ "itunes:image": "image2.jpg" },
_name: "enclosure",
_attrs: {
url: "http://example.com/podcast2.m4a",
length: "655555",
type: "audio/x-m4a",
{ guid: "http://example.com/archive/aae2.m4a" },
{ pubDate: "Wed, 15 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMT" },
{ "itunes:duration": "11:20" },
{ "itunes:keywords": "foo, bar" },
const config = {
header: true,
indent: " ",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" version="2.0">
<copyright>Copyright 2011</copyright>
<itunes:image href="image.jpg"/>
<itunes:category text="Technology">
<itunes:category text="Gadgets"/>
<itunes:category text="TV &amp; Film"/>
<title>Podcast Title</title>
<enclosure url="http://example.com/podcast.m4a" length="8727310" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
<pubDate>Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<itunes:keywords>salt, pepper, shaker, exciting</itunes:keywords>
<title>Podcast2 Title</title>
<enclosure url="http://example.com/podcast2.m4a" length="655555" type="audio/x-m4a"/>
<pubDate>Wed, 15 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<itunes:keywords>foo, bar</itunes:keywords>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("11 filter", () => {
const val = {
foo: "<a>",
bar: '"b"',
baz: "'&whee'",
const config = {
filter: {
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"&": "&amp;",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("11b attributes filter", () => {
const val = {
_name: "foo",
_content: "bar",
_attrs: {
a: "http://example.com/?test='1'&foo=<bar>&whee=\"sha\"",
b: "http://example2.com/?test='2'&md=<5>&sum=\"sha\"",
const config = {
attributesFilter: {
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"&": "&amp;",
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
'<foo a="http://example.com/?test=&apos;1&apos;&amp;foo=&lt;bar&gt;&amp;whee=&quot;sha&quot;" b="http://example2.com/?test=&apos;2&apos;&amp;md=&lt;5&gt;&amp;sum=&quot;sha&quot;">bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("12 avoiding self closing tags", () => {
const val = [
_name: "foo",
_content: "",
_selfCloseTag: false,
_name: "bar",
_content: undefined,
_selfCloseTag: false,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<foo></foo><bar></bar>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("13 custom xml header", () => {
const val = {
foo: "bar",
const config = {
header: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>',
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?><foo>bar</foo>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("14 emoji attributes", () => {
const val = {
html: {
_attrs: {
"⚡": true,
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<html ⚡/>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("15 duplicate attribute keys", () => {
const val = {
html: {
_attrs: [{ lang: "en" }, { lang: "klingon" }],
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = '<html lang="en" lang="klingon"/>';
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
describe("issues", () => {
it("issue #33: array of primitives", () => {
const val = {
x: [1, 2, 3],
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<x>1</x><x>2</x><x>3</x>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #33: array of primitives 2", () => {
const val = {
a: {
x: [1, 2, 3],
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<a><x>1</x><x>2</x><x>3</x></a>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #33: array of primitives 2 with indent", () => {
const val = {
a: {
x: [1, 2, 3],
const config = { indent: " " };
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = "<a>\n <x>1</x>\n <x>2</x>\n <x>3</x>\n</a>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #33: array of objects", () => {
const val = {
a: {
x: [
{ b: 1, c: 2 },
{ d: 3, e: 4 },
{ f: 5, g: 6 },
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #33: array of objects jstoxml format", () => {
const val = {
a: [
_name: "foo",
_content: "1",
_name: "foo",
_content: "2",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<a><foo>1</foo><foo>2</foo></a>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #34: array of array", () => {
const val = {
Response: [
_name: "Play",
_content: "first sound",
_name: "Play",
_content: "second sound",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult =
"<Response><Play>first sound</Play><Play>second sound</Play></Response>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #34", () => {
const val = { t: [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "bar2" }] };
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<t><foo>bar</foo><foo>bar2</foo></t>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #34", () => {
const val = {
t: [
{ _name: "foo", _content: "bar" },
{ _name: "foo", _content: "bar2" },
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = "<t><foo>bar</foo><foo>bar2</foo></t>";
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #38", () => {
const getFooVal = (iteration) => iteration;
const getCurrentTime = (iterations) => {
return Array(iterations)
.map((foo, index) => {
return {
currentTime: {
foo: getFooVal.bind(null, index + 1),
const val = {
invoice1: [
invoice: "a",
getCurrentTime.bind(null, 3),
foo2: "a",
const config = { indent: " " };
const result = toXML(val, config);
const expectedResult = `<invoice1>
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #40 forced separator, no indent", () => {
const val = [{ a: "A Value" }, "\n", { b: "B Value" }];
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<a>A Value</a>
<b>B Value</b>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #40 array with indent", () => {
const val = [{ a: "A Value" }, { b: "B Value" }];
const result = toXML(val, { indent: " " });
const expectedResult = `<a>A Value</a>
<b>B Value</b>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #40 array without indent", () => {
const val = [{ a: "A Value" }, { b: "B Value" }];
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<a>A Value</a><b>B Value</b>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #40 object with indent", () => {
const val = {
a: "A Value",
b: "B Value",
const result = toXML(val, { indent: " " });
const expectedResult = `<a>A Value</a>
<b>B Value</b>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("issue #40 object without indent", () => {
const val = {
a: "A Value",
b: "B Value",
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<a>A Value</a><b>B Value</b>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 1", () => {
const val = {
_comment: "test comment",
a: "foo"
const result = toXML(val);
const expectedResult = `<!-- test comment --><a>foo</a>`;
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 2", () => {
const val = {
_comment: "test comment",
a: "foo"
const result = toXML(val, { indent: ' ' });
const expectedResult = `<!-- test comment -->
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 3", () => {
const val = {
_comment: "comment 1",
b: {
_comment: "comment 2",
a: "foo"
const result = toXML(val, { indent: ' ' });
const expectedResult = `<!-- comment 1 -->
<!-- comment 2 -->
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 4", () => {
const val = {
_comment: "comment 1",
b: [
{ _comment: "comment 2" },
{ _comment: "comment 3" },
{ a: "foo" }
const result = toXML(val, { indent: ' ' });
const expectedResult = `<!-- comment 1 -->
<!-- comment 2 -->
<!-- comment 3 -->
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 5", () => {
const val = {
_comment: 'Some important comment',
a: {
b: [1, 2, 3]
const result = toXML(val, { indent: ' ' });
const expectedResult = `<!-- Some important comment -->
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);
it("comments 6", () => {
const val = [
{ _comment: 'Some important comment' },
{ _comment: 'This is a very long comment!' },
{ _comment: 'More important exposition!' },
{ a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }
const result = toXML(val, { indent: ' ' });
const expectedResult = `<!-- Some important comment -->
<!-- This is a very long comment! -->
<!-- More important exposition! -->
assert.equal(result, expectedResult);