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declare namespace debounceFn {
interface Options {
Time to wait until the `input` function is called.
@default 0
readonly wait?: number;
Trigger the function on the leading edge of the `wait` interval.
For example, this can be useful for preventing accidental double-clicks on a "submit" button from firing a second time.
@default false
readonly before?: boolean;
Trigger the function on the trailing edge of the `wait` interval.
@default true
readonly after?: boolean;
interface BeforeOptions extends Options {
readonly before: true;
interface NoBeforeNoAfterOptions extends Options {
readonly after: false;
readonly before?: false;
interface DebouncedFunction<ArgumentsType extends unknown[], ReturnType> {
(...arguments: ArgumentsType): ReturnType;
cancel(): void;
[Debounce](https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-debounce-function) a function.
@param input - Function to debounce.
@returns A debounced function that delays calling the `input` function until after `wait` milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was called.
It comes with a `.cancel()` method to cancel any scheduled `input` function calls.
import debounceFn = require('debounce-fn');
window.onresize = debounceFn(() => {
// Do something on window resize
}, {wait: 100});
declare function debounceFn<ArgumentsType extends unknown[], ReturnType>(
input: (...arguments: ArgumentsType) => ReturnType,
options: debounceFn.BeforeOptions
): debounceFn.DebouncedFunction<ArgumentsType, ReturnType>;
declare function debounceFn<ArgumentsType extends unknown[], ReturnType>(
input: (...arguments: ArgumentsType) => ReturnType,
options: debounceFn.NoBeforeNoAfterOptions
): debounceFn.DebouncedFunction<ArgumentsType, undefined>;
declare function debounceFn<ArgumentsType extends unknown[], ReturnType>(
input: (...arguments: ArgumentsType) => ReturnType,
options?: debounceFn.Options
): debounceFn.DebouncedFunction<ArgumentsType, ReturnType | undefined>;
export = debounceFn;