
1028 lines
36 KiB

'use strict';
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var lexer = require('./lexer');
var nodes = require('./nodes');
var Obj = require('./object').Obj;
var lib = require('./lib');
var Parser = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Obj) {
_inheritsLoose(Parser, _Obj);
function Parser() {
return _Obj.apply(this, arguments) || this;
var _proto = Parser.prototype;
_proto.init = function init(tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
this.peeked = null;
this.breakOnBlocks = null;
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = false;
this.extensions = [];
_proto.nextToken = function nextToken(withWhitespace) {
var tok;
if (this.peeked) {
if (!withWhitespace && this.peeked.type === lexer.TOKEN_WHITESPACE) {
this.peeked = null;
} else {
tok = this.peeked;
this.peeked = null;
return tok;
tok = this.tokens.nextToken();
if (!withWhitespace) {
while (tok && tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_WHITESPACE) {
tok = this.tokens.nextToken();
return tok;
_proto.peekToken = function peekToken() {
this.peeked = this.peeked || this.nextToken();
return this.peeked;
_proto.pushToken = function pushToken(tok) {
if (this.peeked) {
throw new Error('pushToken: can only push one token on between reads');
this.peeked = tok;
_proto.error = function error(msg, lineno, colno) {
if (lineno === undefined || colno === undefined) {
var tok = this.peekToken() || {};
lineno = tok.lineno;
colno = tok.colno;
if (lineno !== undefined) {
lineno += 1;
if (colno !== undefined) {
colno += 1;
return new lib.TemplateError(msg, lineno, colno);
_proto.fail = function fail(msg, lineno, colno) {
throw this.error(msg, lineno, colno);
_proto.skip = function skip(type) {
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (!tok || tok.type !== type) {
return false;
return true;
_proto.expect = function expect(type) {
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (tok.type !== type) {
this.fail('expected ' + type + ', got ' + tok.type, tok.lineno, tok.colno);
return tok;
_proto.skipValue = function skipValue(type, val) {
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (!tok || tok.type !== type || tok.value !== val) {
return false;
return true;
_proto.skipSymbol = function skipSymbol(val) {
return this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL, val);
_proto.advanceAfterBlockEnd = function advanceAfterBlockEnd(name) {
var tok;
if (!name) {
tok = this.peekToken();
if (!tok) {
this.fail('unexpected end of file');
if (tok.type !== lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL) {
this.fail('advanceAfterBlockEnd: expected symbol token or ' + 'explicit name to be passed');
name = this.nextToken().value;
tok = this.nextToken();
if (tok && tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_END) {
if (tok.value.charAt(0) === '-') {
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = true;
} else {
this.fail('expected block end in ' + name + ' statement');
return tok;
_proto.advanceAfterVariableEnd = function advanceAfterVariableEnd() {
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (tok && tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_VARIABLE_END) {
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = tok.value.charAt(tok.value.length - this.tokens.tags.VARIABLE_END.length - 1) === '-';
} else {
this.fail('expected variable end');
_proto.parseFor = function parseFor() {
var forTok = this.peekToken();
var node;
var endBlock;
if (this.skipSymbol('for')) {
node = new nodes.For(forTok.lineno, forTok.colno);
endBlock = 'endfor';
} else if (this.skipSymbol('asyncEach')) {
node = new nodes.AsyncEach(forTok.lineno, forTok.colno);
endBlock = 'endeach';
} else if (this.skipSymbol('asyncAll')) {
node = new nodes.AsyncAll(forTok.lineno, forTok.colno);
endBlock = 'endall';
} else {
this.fail('parseFor: expected for{Async}', forTok.lineno, forTok.colno);
node.name = this.parsePrimary();
if (!(node.name instanceof nodes.Symbol)) {
this.fail('parseFor: variable name expected for loop');
var type = this.peekToken().type;
if (type === lexer.TOKEN_COMMA) {
// key/value iteration
var key = node.name;
node.name = new nodes.Array(key.lineno, key.colno);
while (this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COMMA)) {
var prim = this.parsePrimary();
if (!this.skipSymbol('in')) {
this.fail('parseFor: expected "in" keyword for loop', forTok.lineno, forTok.colno);
node.arr = this.parseExpression();
node.body = this.parseUntilBlocks(endBlock, 'else');
if (this.skipSymbol('else')) {
node.else_ = this.parseUntilBlocks(endBlock);
return node;
_proto.parseMacro = function parseMacro() {
var macroTok = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('macro')) {
this.fail('expected macro');
var name = this.parsePrimary(true);
var args = this.parseSignature();
var node = new nodes.Macro(macroTok.lineno, macroTok.colno, name, args);
node.body = this.parseUntilBlocks('endmacro');
return node;
_proto.parseCall = function parseCall() {
// a call block is parsed as a normal FunCall, but with an added
// 'caller' kwarg which is a Caller node.
var callTok = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('call')) {
this.fail('expected call');
var callerArgs = this.parseSignature(true) || new nodes.NodeList();
var macroCall = this.parsePrimary();
var body = this.parseUntilBlocks('endcall');
var callerName = new nodes.Symbol(callTok.lineno, callTok.colno, 'caller');
var callerNode = new nodes.Caller(callTok.lineno, callTok.colno, callerName, callerArgs, body);
// add the additional caller kwarg, adding kwargs if necessary
var args = macroCall.args.children;
if (!(args[args.length - 1] instanceof nodes.KeywordArgs)) {
args.push(new nodes.KeywordArgs());
var kwargs = args[args.length - 1];
kwargs.addChild(new nodes.Pair(callTok.lineno, callTok.colno, callerName, callerNode));
return new nodes.Output(callTok.lineno, callTok.colno, [macroCall]);
_proto.parseWithContext = function parseWithContext() {
var tok = this.peekToken();
var withContext = null;
if (this.skipSymbol('with')) {
withContext = true;
} else if (this.skipSymbol('without')) {
withContext = false;
if (withContext !== null) {
if (!this.skipSymbol('context')) {
this.fail('parseFrom: expected context after with/without', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
return withContext;
_proto.parseImport = function parseImport() {
var importTok = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('import')) {
this.fail('parseImport: expected import', importTok.lineno, importTok.colno);
var template = this.parseExpression();
if (!this.skipSymbol('as')) {
this.fail('parseImport: expected "as" keyword', importTok.lineno, importTok.colno);
var target = this.parseExpression();
var withContext = this.parseWithContext();
var node = new nodes.Import(importTok.lineno, importTok.colno, template, target, withContext);
return node;
_proto.parseFrom = function parseFrom() {
var fromTok = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('from')) {
this.fail('parseFrom: expected from');
var template = this.parseExpression();
if (!this.skipSymbol('import')) {
this.fail('parseFrom: expected import', fromTok.lineno, fromTok.colno);
var names = new nodes.NodeList();
var withContext;
while (1) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
var nextTok = this.peekToken();
if (nextTok.type === lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_END) {
if (!names.children.length) {
this.fail('parseFrom: Expected at least one import name', fromTok.lineno, fromTok.colno);
// Since we are manually advancing past the block end,
// need to keep track of whitespace control (normally
// this is done in `advanceAfterBlockEnd`
if (nextTok.value.charAt(0) === '-') {
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = true;
if (names.children.length > 0 && !this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COMMA)) {
this.fail('parseFrom: expected comma', fromTok.lineno, fromTok.colno);
var name = this.parsePrimary();
if (name.value.charAt(0) === '_') {
this.fail('parseFrom: names starting with an underscore cannot be imported', name.lineno, name.colno);
if (this.skipSymbol('as')) {
var alias = this.parsePrimary();
names.addChild(new nodes.Pair(name.lineno, name.colno, name, alias));
} else {
withContext = this.parseWithContext();
return new nodes.FromImport(fromTok.lineno, fromTok.colno, template, names, withContext);
_proto.parseBlock = function parseBlock() {
var tag = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('block')) {
this.fail('parseBlock: expected block', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
var node = new nodes.Block(tag.lineno, tag.colno);
node.name = this.parsePrimary();
if (!(node.name instanceof nodes.Symbol)) {
this.fail('parseBlock: variable name expected', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
node.body = this.parseUntilBlocks('endblock');
var tok = this.peekToken();
if (!tok) {
this.fail('parseBlock: expected endblock, got end of file');
return node;
_proto.parseExtends = function parseExtends() {
var tagName = 'extends';
var tag = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol(tagName)) {
this.fail('parseTemplateRef: expected ' + tagName);
var node = new nodes.Extends(tag.lineno, tag.colno);
node.template = this.parseExpression();
return node;
_proto.parseInclude = function parseInclude() {
var tagName = 'include';
var tag = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol(tagName)) {
this.fail('parseInclude: expected ' + tagName);
var node = new nodes.Include(tag.lineno, tag.colno);
node.template = this.parseExpression();
if (this.skipSymbol('ignore') && this.skipSymbol('missing')) {
node.ignoreMissing = true;
return node;
_proto.parseIf = function parseIf() {
var tag = this.peekToken();
var node;
if (this.skipSymbol('if') || this.skipSymbol('elif') || this.skipSymbol('elseif')) {
node = new nodes.If(tag.lineno, tag.colno);
} else if (this.skipSymbol('ifAsync')) {
node = new nodes.IfAsync(tag.lineno, tag.colno);
} else {
this.fail('parseIf: expected if, elif, or elseif', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
node.cond = this.parseExpression();
node.body = this.parseUntilBlocks('elif', 'elseif', 'else', 'endif');
var tok = this.peekToken();
switch (tok && tok.value) {
case 'elseif':
case 'elif':
node.else_ = this.parseIf();
case 'else':
node.else_ = this.parseUntilBlocks('endif');
case 'endif':
node.else_ = null;
this.fail('parseIf: expected elif, else, or endif, got end of file');
return node;
_proto.parseSet = function parseSet() {
var tag = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('set')) {
this.fail('parseSet: expected set', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
var node = new nodes.Set(tag.lineno, tag.colno, []);
var target;
while (target = this.parsePrimary()) {
if (!this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COMMA)) {
if (!this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '=')) {
if (!this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_END)) {
this.fail('parseSet: expected = or block end in set tag', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
} else {
node.body = new nodes.Capture(tag.lineno, tag.colno, this.parseUntilBlocks('endset'));
node.value = null;
} else {
node.value = this.parseExpression();
return node;
_proto.parseSwitch = function parseSwitch() {
* Store the tag names in variables in case someone ever wants to
* customize this.
var switchStart = 'switch';
var switchEnd = 'endswitch';
var caseStart = 'case';
var caseDefault = 'default';
// Get the switch tag.
var tag = this.peekToken();
// fail early if we get some unexpected tag.
if (!this.skipSymbol(switchStart) && !this.skipSymbol(caseStart) && !this.skipSymbol(caseDefault)) {
this.fail('parseSwitch: expected "switch," "case" or "default"', tag.lineno, tag.colno);
// parse the switch expression
var expr = this.parseExpression();
// advance until a start of a case, a default case or an endswitch.
this.parseUntilBlocks(caseStart, caseDefault, switchEnd);
// this is the first case. it could also be an endswitch, we'll check.
var tok = this.peekToken();
// create new variables for our cases and default case.
var cases = [];
var defaultCase;
// while we're dealing with new cases nodes...
do {
// skip the start symbol and get the case expression
var cond = this.parseExpression();
// get the body of the case node and add it to the array of cases.
var body = this.parseUntilBlocks(caseStart, caseDefault, switchEnd);
cases.push(new nodes.Case(tok.line, tok.col, cond, body));
// get our next case
tok = this.peekToken();
} while (tok && tok.value === caseStart);
// we either have a default case or a switch end.
switch (tok.value) {
case caseDefault:
defaultCase = this.parseUntilBlocks(switchEnd);
case switchEnd:
// otherwise bail because EOF
this.fail('parseSwitch: expected "case," "default" or "endswitch," got EOF.');
// and return the switch node.
return new nodes.Switch(tag.lineno, tag.colno, expr, cases, defaultCase);
_proto.parseStatement = function parseStatement() {
var tok = this.peekToken();
var node;
if (tok.type !== lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL) {
this.fail('tag name expected', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
if (this.breakOnBlocks && lib.indexOf(this.breakOnBlocks, tok.value) !== -1) {
return null;
switch (tok.value) {
case 'raw':
return this.parseRaw();
case 'verbatim':
return this.parseRaw('verbatim');
case 'if':
case 'ifAsync':
return this.parseIf();
case 'for':
case 'asyncEach':
case 'asyncAll':
return this.parseFor();
case 'block':
return this.parseBlock();
case 'extends':
return this.parseExtends();
case 'include':
return this.parseInclude();
case 'set':
return this.parseSet();
case 'macro':
return this.parseMacro();
case 'call':
return this.parseCall();
case 'import':
return this.parseImport();
case 'from':
return this.parseFrom();
case 'filter':
return this.parseFilterStatement();
case 'switch':
return this.parseSwitch();
if (this.extensions.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.extensions.length; i++) {
var ext = this.extensions[i];
if (lib.indexOf(ext.tags || [], tok.value) !== -1) {
return ext.parse(this, nodes, lexer);
this.fail('unknown block tag: ' + tok.value, tok.lineno, tok.colno);
return node;
_proto.parseRaw = function parseRaw(tagName) {
tagName = tagName || 'raw';
var endTagName = 'end' + tagName;
// Look for upcoming raw blocks (ignore all other kinds of blocks)
var rawBlockRegex = new RegExp('([\\s\\S]*?){%\\s*(' + tagName + '|' + endTagName + ')\\s*(?=%})%}');
var rawLevel = 1;
var str = '';
var matches = null;
// Skip opening raw token
// Keep this token to track line and column numbers
var begun = this.advanceAfterBlockEnd();
// Exit when there's nothing to match
// or when we've found the matching "endraw" block
while ((matches = this.tokens._extractRegex(rawBlockRegex)) && rawLevel > 0) {
var all = matches[0];
var pre = matches[1];
var blockName = matches[2];
// Adjust rawlevel
if (blockName === tagName) {
rawLevel += 1;
} else if (blockName === endTagName) {
rawLevel -= 1;
// Add to str
if (rawLevel === 0) {
// We want to exclude the last "endraw"
str += pre;
// Move tokenizer to beginning of endraw block
this.tokens.backN(all.length - pre.length);
} else {
str += all;
return new nodes.Output(begun.lineno, begun.colno, [new nodes.TemplateData(begun.lineno, begun.colno, str)]);
_proto.parsePostfix = function parsePostfix(node) {
var lookup;
var tok = this.peekToken();
while (tok) {
if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN) {
// Function call
node = new nodes.FunCall(tok.lineno, tok.colno, node, this.parseSignature());
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET) {
// Reference
lookup = this.parseAggregate();
if (lookup.children.length > 1) {
this.fail('invalid index');
node = new nodes.LookupVal(tok.lineno, tok.colno, node, lookup.children[0]);
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR && tok.value === '.') {
// Reference
var val = this.nextToken();
if (val.type !== lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL) {
this.fail('expected name as lookup value, got ' + val.value, val.lineno, val.colno);
// Make a literal string because it's not a variable
// reference
lookup = new nodes.Literal(val.lineno, val.colno, val.value);
node = new nodes.LookupVal(tok.lineno, tok.colno, node, lookup);
} else {
tok = this.peekToken();
return node;
_proto.parseExpression = function parseExpression() {
var node = this.parseInlineIf();
return node;
_proto.parseInlineIf = function parseInlineIf() {
var node = this.parseOr();
if (this.skipSymbol('if')) {
var condNode = this.parseOr();
var bodyNode = node;
node = new nodes.InlineIf(node.lineno, node.colno);
node.body = bodyNode;
node.cond = condNode;
if (this.skipSymbol('else')) {
node.else_ = this.parseOr();
} else {
node.else_ = null;
return node;
_proto.parseOr = function parseOr() {
var node = this.parseAnd();
while (this.skipSymbol('or')) {
var node2 = this.parseAnd();
node = new nodes.Or(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseAnd = function parseAnd() {
var node = this.parseNot();
while (this.skipSymbol('and')) {
var node2 = this.parseNot();
node = new nodes.And(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseNot = function parseNot() {
var tok = this.peekToken();
if (this.skipSymbol('not')) {
return new nodes.Not(tok.lineno, tok.colno, this.parseNot());
return this.parseIn();
_proto.parseIn = function parseIn() {
var node = this.parseIs();
while (1) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
// check if the next token is 'not'
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (!tok) {
var invert = tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL && tok.value === 'not';
// if it wasn't 'not', put it back
if (!invert) {
if (this.skipSymbol('in')) {
var node2 = this.parseIs();
node = new nodes.In(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
if (invert) {
node = new nodes.Not(node.lineno, node.colno, node);
} else {
// if we'd found a 'not' but this wasn't an 'in', put back the 'not'
if (invert) {
return node;
// I put this right after "in" in the operator precedence stack. That can
// obviously be changed to be closer to Jinja.
_proto.parseIs = function parseIs() {
var node = this.parseCompare();
// look for an is
if (this.skipSymbol('is')) {
// look for a not
var not = this.skipSymbol('not');
// get the next node
var node2 = this.parseCompare();
// create an Is node using the next node and the info from our Is node.
node = new nodes.Is(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
// if we have a Not, create a Not node from our Is node.
if (not) {
node = new nodes.Not(node.lineno, node.colno, node);
// return the node.
return node;
_proto.parseCompare = function parseCompare() {
var compareOps = ['==', '===', '!=', '!==', '<', '>', '<=', '>='];
var expr = this.parseConcat();
var ops = [];
while (1) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
var tok = this.nextToken();
if (!tok) {
} else if (compareOps.indexOf(tok.value) !== -1) {
ops.push(new nodes.CompareOperand(tok.lineno, tok.colno, this.parseConcat(), tok.value));
} else {
if (ops.length) {
return new nodes.Compare(ops[0].lineno, ops[0].colno, expr, ops);
} else {
return expr;
// finds the '~' for string concatenation
_proto.parseConcat = function parseConcat() {
var node = this.parseAdd();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_TILDE, '~')) {
var node2 = this.parseAdd();
node = new nodes.Concat(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseAdd = function parseAdd() {
var node = this.parseSub();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '+')) {
var node2 = this.parseSub();
node = new nodes.Add(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseSub = function parseSub() {
var node = this.parseMul();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '-')) {
var node2 = this.parseMul();
node = new nodes.Sub(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseMul = function parseMul() {
var node = this.parseDiv();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '*')) {
var node2 = this.parseDiv();
node = new nodes.Mul(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseDiv = function parseDiv() {
var node = this.parseFloorDiv();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '/')) {
var node2 = this.parseFloorDiv();
node = new nodes.Div(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseFloorDiv = function parseFloorDiv() {
var node = this.parseMod();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '//')) {
var node2 = this.parseMod();
node = new nodes.FloorDiv(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseMod = function parseMod() {
var node = this.parsePow();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '%')) {
var node2 = this.parsePow();
node = new nodes.Mod(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parsePow = function parsePow() {
var node = this.parseUnary();
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '**')) {
var node2 = this.parseUnary();
node = new nodes.Pow(node.lineno, node.colno, node, node2);
return node;
_proto.parseUnary = function parseUnary(noFilters) {
var tok = this.peekToken();
var node;
if (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '-')) {
node = new nodes.Neg(tok.lineno, tok.colno, this.parseUnary(true));
} else if (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '+')) {
node = new nodes.Pos(tok.lineno, tok.colno, this.parseUnary(true));
} else {
node = this.parsePrimary();
if (!noFilters) {
node = this.parseFilter(node);
return node;
_proto.parsePrimary = function parsePrimary(noPostfix) {
var tok = this.nextToken();
var val;
var node = null;
if (!tok) {
this.fail('expected expression, got end of file');
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_STRING) {
val = tok.value;
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_INT) {
val = parseInt(tok.value, 10);
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_FLOAT) {
val = parseFloat(tok.value);
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_BOOLEAN) {
if (tok.value === 'true') {
val = true;
} else if (tok.value === 'false') {
val = false;
} else {
this.fail('invalid boolean: ' + tok.value, tok.lineno, tok.colno);
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_NONE) {
val = null;
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_REGEX) {
val = new RegExp(tok.value.body, tok.value.flags);
if (val !== undefined) {
node = new nodes.Literal(tok.lineno, tok.colno, val);
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL) {
node = new nodes.Symbol(tok.lineno, tok.colno, tok.value);
} else {
// See if it's an aggregate type, we need to push the
// current delimiter token back on
node = this.parseAggregate();
if (!noPostfix) {
node = this.parsePostfix(node);
if (node) {
return node;
} else {
throw this.error("unexpected token: " + tok.value, tok.lineno, tok.colno);
_proto.parseFilterName = function parseFilterName() {
var tok = this.expect(lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL);
var name = tok.value;
while (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '.')) {
name += '.' + this.expect(lexer.TOKEN_SYMBOL).value;
return new nodes.Symbol(tok.lineno, tok.colno, name);
_proto.parseFilterArgs = function parseFilterArgs(node) {
if (this.peekToken().type === lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN) {
// Get a FunCall node and add the parameters to the
// filter
var call = this.parsePostfix(node);
return call.args.children;
return [];
_proto.parseFilter = function parseFilter(node) {
while (this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_PIPE)) {
var name = this.parseFilterName();
node = new nodes.Filter(name.lineno, name.colno, name, new nodes.NodeList(name.lineno, name.colno, [node].concat(this.parseFilterArgs(node))));
return node;
_proto.parseFilterStatement = function parseFilterStatement() {
var filterTok = this.peekToken();
if (!this.skipSymbol('filter')) {
this.fail('parseFilterStatement: expected filter');
var name = this.parseFilterName();
var args = this.parseFilterArgs(name);
var body = new nodes.Capture(name.lineno, name.colno, this.parseUntilBlocks('endfilter'));
var node = new nodes.Filter(name.lineno, name.colno, name, new nodes.NodeList(name.lineno, name.colno, [body].concat(args)));
return new nodes.Output(name.lineno, name.colno, [node]);
_proto.parseAggregate = function parseAggregate() {
var tok = this.nextToken();
var node;
switch (tok.type) {
case lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN:
node = new nodes.Group(tok.lineno, tok.colno);
node = new nodes.Array(tok.lineno, tok.colno);
case lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_CURLY:
node = new nodes.Dict(tok.lineno, tok.colno);
return null;
while (1) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
var type = this.peekToken().type;
if (type === lexer.TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN || type === lexer.TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET || type === lexer.TOKEN_RIGHT_CURLY) {
if (node.children.length > 0) {
if (!this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COMMA)) {
this.fail('parseAggregate: expected comma after expression', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
if (node instanceof nodes.Dict) {
// TODO: check for errors
var key = this.parsePrimary();
// We expect a key/value pair for dicts, separated by a
// colon
if (!this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COLON)) {
this.fail('parseAggregate: expected colon after dict key', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
// TODO: check for errors
var value = this.parseExpression();
node.addChild(new nodes.Pair(key.lineno, key.colno, key, value));
} else {
// TODO: check for errors
var expr = this.parseExpression();
return node;
_proto.parseSignature = function parseSignature(tolerant, noParens) {
var tok = this.peekToken();
if (!noParens && tok.type !== lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN) {
if (tolerant) {
return null;
} else {
this.fail('expected arguments', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN) {
tok = this.nextToken();
var args = new nodes.NodeList(tok.lineno, tok.colno);
var kwargs = new nodes.KeywordArgs(tok.lineno, tok.colno);
var checkComma = false;
while (1) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
tok = this.peekToken();
if (!noParens && tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN) {
} else if (noParens && tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_END) {
if (checkComma && !this.skip(lexer.TOKEN_COMMA)) {
this.fail('parseSignature: expected comma after expression', tok.lineno, tok.colno);
} else {
var arg = this.parseExpression();
if (this.skipValue(lexer.TOKEN_OPERATOR, '=')) {
kwargs.addChild(new nodes.Pair(arg.lineno, arg.colno, arg, this.parseExpression()));
} else {
checkComma = true;
if (kwargs.children.length) {
return args;
_proto.parseUntilBlocks = function parseUntilBlocks() {
var prev = this.breakOnBlocks;
for (var _len = arguments.length, blockNames = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
blockNames[_key] = arguments[_key];
this.breakOnBlocks = blockNames;
var ret = this.parse();
this.breakOnBlocks = prev;
return ret;
_proto.parseNodes = function parseNodes() {
var tok;
var buf = [];
while (tok = this.nextToken()) {
if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_DATA) {
var data = tok.value;
var nextToken = this.peekToken();
var nextVal = nextToken && nextToken.value;
// If the last token has "-" we need to trim the
// leading whitespace of the data. This is marked with
// the `dropLeadingWhitespace` variable.
if (this.dropLeadingWhitespace) {
// TODO: this could be optimized (don't use regex)
data = data.replace(/^\s*/, '');
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = false;
// Same for the succeeding block start token
if (nextToken && (nextToken.type === lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_START && nextVal.charAt(nextVal.length - 1) === '-' || nextToken.type === lexer.TOKEN_VARIABLE_START && nextVal.charAt(this.tokens.tags.VARIABLE_START.length) === '-' || nextToken.type === lexer.TOKEN_COMMENT && nextVal.charAt(this.tokens.tags.COMMENT_START.length) === '-')) {
// TODO: this could be optimized (don't use regex)
data = data.replace(/\s*$/, '');
buf.push(new nodes.Output(tok.lineno, tok.colno, [new nodes.TemplateData(tok.lineno, tok.colno, data)]));
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_BLOCK_START) {
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = false;
var n = this.parseStatement();
if (!n) {
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_VARIABLE_START) {
var e = this.parseExpression();
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = false;
buf.push(new nodes.Output(tok.lineno, tok.colno, [e]));
} else if (tok.type === lexer.TOKEN_COMMENT) {
this.dropLeadingWhitespace = tok.value.charAt(tok.value.length - this.tokens.tags.COMMENT_END.length - 1) === '-';
} else {
// Ignore comments, otherwise this should be an error
this.fail('Unexpected token at top-level: ' + tok.type, tok.lineno, tok.colno);
return buf;
_proto.parse = function parse() {
return new nodes.NodeList(0, 0, this.parseNodes());
_proto.parseAsRoot = function parseAsRoot() {
return new nodes.Root(0, 0, this.parseNodes());
return Parser;
}(Obj); // var util = require('util');
// var l = lexer.lex('{%- if x -%}\n hello {% endif %}');
// var t;
// while((t = l.nextToken())) {
// console.log(util.inspect(t));
// }
// var p = new Parser(lexer.lex('hello {% filter title %}' +
// 'Hello madam how are you' +
// '{% endfilter %}'));
// var n = p.parseAsRoot();
// nodes.printNodes(n);
module.exports = {
parse: function parse(src, extensions, opts) {
var p = new Parser(lexer.lex(src, opts));
if (extensions !== undefined) {
p.extensions = extensions;
return p.parseAsRoot();
Parser: Parser