
80 lines
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var RE_GRADIENT_STOPS = /([\(\,]\s*)(-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?:%|px|em))(\s+)((hsl|rgb)a?\([^\)]+\)|#[^\)\,]+)/g,
RE_GRADIENT_VAL = /(\(\s*)(?:(-?(\d*\.)?\d+)deg|((to )?(top|bottom|left|right)( (top|bottom|left|right))?))/g,
RE_GRADIENT_TYPE = /((repeating-)?(linear|radial)-gradient\()/g,
RE_TRANSFORM = /\b(transform)\b/g,
RE_FILL_KEYWORD = /\s*\b(fill)\b\s*/g;
var DIRECTIONS = { top: 'bottom', bottom: 'top', left: 'right', right:'left' };
* Expose `normalize`.
function normalize(property, value, prefix){
var result = value.toString(),
/* Fixing the gradients */
if (~result.indexOf('gradient(')) {
/* Normalize color stops */
result = result.replace(RE_GRADIENT_STOPS,'$1$4$3$2');
/* Normalize legacy gradients */
result = result.replace(RE_GRADIENT_VAL, function(){
args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
return normalizeGradient(args, prefix);
/* Adding prefixes to the legacy gradients */
if (prefix) result = result.replace(RE_GRADIENT_TYPE, '-' + prefix + '-$1');
/* Adding prefixes to the `transform` values of legacy `transition` property */
if (prefix && (property == "'transition'" || property == "'transition-property'")) {
result = result.replace(RE_TRANSFORM, '-' + prefix + '-$1');
/* Removing `fill` keyword from the legacy `border-image` property */
if (prefix && (property == "'border-image'" || property == "'border-image-slice'")) {
result = result.replace(RE_FILL_KEYWORD, ' ');
return result;
function normalizeGradient(parts, prefix){
/* Fix the degrees to the legacy syntax */
var val = parts[0];
// when the gradients were unprefixed, the w3c changed the way that the
// angle direction is interpreted. see:
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2012/06/25/unprefixed-css3-gradients-in-ie10.aspx
if (parts[1]) val += (prefix ? parseFloat((Math.abs(450 - parts[1]) % 360).toFixed(3)) : parts[1]) + 'deg';
/* Fix the directions to the legacy syntax */
if (prefix && parts[4]) {
// `to top` to `bottom` etc.
if (parts[5]) val += DIRECTIONS[parts[5]];
if (parts[6]) val += ' ' + DIRECTIONS[parts[7]];
} else if (!prefix && !parts[4]) {
// `top` to `to bottom` etc.
if (parts[5]) val += 'to ' + DIRECTIONS[parts[5]];
if (parts[6]) val += ' ' + DIRECTIONS[parts[7]];
} else {
if (parts[3]) val += parts[3];
return val;
var plugin = function(){
return function(style){
var nodes = this.nodes;
style.define('normalize', function(property, value, prefix) {
return new nodes.Ident(normalize(property, value, prefix));
module.exports = plugin;