
155 lines
4.6 KiB

'use strict';
const pathFn = require('path');
const fs = require('hexo-fs');
const { underline } = require('picocolors');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const { spawn } = require('hexo-util');
const parseConfig = require('./parse_config');
const swigHelpers = {
now: function(format) {
return DateTime.now().toFormat(format);
module.exports = function(args) {
const baseDir = this.base_dir;
const deployDir = pathFn.join(baseDir, '.deploy_git');
const publicDir = this.public_dir;
let extendDirs = args.extend_dirs;
const ignoreHidden = args.ignore_hidden;
const ignorePattern = args.ignore_pattern;
const log = this.log;
const message = commitMessage(args);
const verbose = !args.silent;
if (!args.repo && process.env.HEXO_DEPLOYER_REPO) {
args.repo = process.env.HEXO_DEPLOYER_REPO;
if (!args.repo && !args.repository) {
let help = '';
help += 'You have to configure the deployment settings in _config.yml first!\n\n';
help += 'Example:\n';
help += ' deploy:\n';
help += ' type: git\n';
help += ' repo: <repository url>\n';
help += ' branch: [branch]\n';
help += ' message: [message]\n\n';
help += ' extend_dirs: [extend directory]\n\n';
help += 'For more help, you can check the docs: ' + underline('https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html');
function git(...args) {
return spawn('git', args, {
cwd: deployDir,
verbose: verbose,
stdio: 'inherit'
function setup() {
const userName = args.name || args.user || args.userName || '';
const userEmail = args.email || args.userEmail || '';
// Create a placeholder for the first commit
return fs.writeFile(pathFn.join(deployDir, 'placeholder'), '').then(() => {
return git('init');
}).then(() => {
return userName && git('config', 'user.name', userName);
}).then(() => {
return userEmail && git('config', 'user.email', userEmail);
}).then(() => {
return git('add', '-A');
}).then(() => {
return git('commit', '-m', 'First commit');
function push(repo) {
return git('add', '-A').then(() => {
return git('commit', '-m', message).catch(() => {
// Do nothing. It's OK if nothing to commit.
}).then(() => {
return git('push', '-u', repo.url, 'HEAD:' + repo.branch, '--force');
return fs.exists(deployDir).then(exist => {
if (exist) return;
log.info('Setting up Git deployment...');
return setup();
}).then(() => {
log.info('Clearing .deploy_git folder...');
return fs.emptyDir(deployDir);
}).then(() => {
const opts = {};
log.info('Copying files from public folder...');
if (typeof ignoreHidden === 'object') {
opts.ignoreHidden = ignoreHidden.public;
} else {
opts.ignoreHidden = ignoreHidden;
if (typeof ignorePattern === 'string') {
opts.ignorePattern = new RegExp(ignorePattern);
} else if (typeof ignorePattern === 'object' && Reflect.apply(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ignorePattern, ['public'])) {
opts.ignorePattern = new RegExp(ignorePattern.public);
return fs.copyDir(publicDir, deployDir, opts);
}).then(() => {
log.info('Copying files from extend dirs...');
if (!extendDirs) {
if (typeof extendDirs === 'string') {
extendDirs = [extendDirs];
const mapFn = function(dir) {
const opts = {};
const extendPath = pathFn.join(baseDir, dir);
const extendDist = pathFn.join(deployDir, dir);
if (typeof ignoreHidden === 'object') {
opts.ignoreHidden = ignoreHidden[dir];
} else {
opts.ignoreHidden = ignoreHidden;
if (typeof ignorePattern === 'string') {
opts.ignorePattern = new RegExp(ignorePattern);
} else if (typeof ignorePattern === 'object' && Reflect.apply(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ignorePattern, [dir])) {
opts.ignorePattern = new RegExp(ignorePattern[dir]);
return fs.copyDir(extendPath, extendDist, opts);
return Promise.map(extendDirs, mapFn, {
concurrency: 2
}).then(() => {
return parseConfig(args);
}).each(repo => {
return push(repo);
function commitMessage(args) {
const message = args.m || args.msg || args.message || 'Site updated: {{ now("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }}';
return nunjucks.renderString(message, swigHelpers);