import test from 'tape'; import * as utils from '../../src/main/utils'; test('#ucs2decode()', (q) => { const data = [ // Every Unicode symbol is tested separately. These are just the extra // tests for symbol combinations: { description: 'Consecutive astral symbols', decoded: [127829, 119808, 119558, 119638], encoded: [0xD83C, 0xDF55, 0xD835, 0xDC00, 0xD834, 0xDF06, 0xD834, 0xDF56], }, { description: 'U+D800 (high surrogate) followed by non-surrogates', decoded: [55296, 97, 98], encoded: [0xD800, 0x61, 0x62], }, { description: 'U+DC00 (low surrogate) followed by non-surrogates', decoded: [56320, 97, 98], encoded: [0xDC00, 0x61, 0x62], }, { description: 'High surrogate followed by another high surrogate', decoded: [0xD800, 0xD800], encoded: [0xD800, 0xD800], }, { description: 'Unmatched high surrogate, followed by a surrogate pair, followed by an unmatched high surrogate', decoded: [0xD800, 0x1D306, 0xD800], encoded: [0xD800, 0xD834, 0xDF06, 0xD800], }, { description: 'Low surrogate followed by another low surrogate', decoded: [0xDC00, 0xDC00], encoded: [0xDC00, 0xDC00], }, { description: 'Unmatched low surrogate, followed by a surrogate pair, followed by an unmatched low surrogate', decoded: [0xDC00, 0x1D306, 0xDC00], encoded: [0xDC00, 0xD834, 0xDF06, 0xDC00], }, { description: 'High surrogate followed by a low surrogate', decoded: [0x10400], encoded: [0xD801, 0xDC00], }, ]; test('Return ucs2 code array of a string', (t) => { data.forEach(({ description, encoded, decoded }) => { t.deepEqual(utils.ucs2decode(String.fromCharCode(...encoded)), decoded, description); }); t.end(); }); q.end(); }); test('#escapeRegex()', (t) => { const escaped = '\\^\\$\\.\\*\\+\\?\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\|\\\\'; const unescaped = '^$.*+?()[]{}|\\'; t.equal(utils.escapeRegExp(unescaped + unescaped), escaped + escaped, 'should escape values'); t.equal(utils.escapeRegExp('abc'), 'abc', 'should handle strings with nothing to escape'); /* eslint-disable no-sparse-arrays,no-confusing-arrow */ const values = [, null, undefined, '']; const expected = => ''); const actual =, index) => index ? utils.escapeRegExp(value) : utils.escapeRegExp()); /* eslint-enable no-sparse-arrays,no-confusing-arrow */ t.deepEqual(expected, actual, 'should return an empty string for empty values'); t.end(); }); test('#parseCmdEqualOption', (t) => { t.deepEqual(utils.parseCmdEqualOption('a=b'), ['a', 'b'], 'a=b'); t.deepEqual(utils.parseCmdEqualOption('a\\==b'), ['a=', 'b'], 'a\\==b'); t.deepEqual(utils.parseCmdEqualOption('a\\\\=b'), ['a\\', 'b'], 'a\\\\=b'); t.equal(utils.parseCmdEqualOption('a==b'), false, 'a==b'); t.deepEqual(utils.parseCmdEqualOption('a__REPLACE_TOKEN__=b'), ['a__REPLACE_TOKEN__', 'b'], 'a__REPLACE_TOKEN__=b'); t.end(); }); test('#mergeOptions', (t) => { const opt = { a: 'b' }; t.deepEqual(utils.mergeOptions(opt, 'abc'), opt, 'extrame case with option="abc"'); t.end(); });