/* global window */ /** * Some of tests are taken from Text-Unidecode-0.04/test.pl * * @see */ import test from 'tape'; import 'es5-shim'; const { transl } = window; const defaultOptions = { unknown: '[?]', replace: [], replaceAfter: [], ignore: [], }; test('#transliterate()', (q) => { test('- Purity tests', (t) => { const tests = []; for (let i = 1; tests.length < 127; tests.push(String.fromCharCode(i++))); tests.forEach((str) => { t.equal(transl(str), str, `${str.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)} ${str}`); }); t.end(); }); test('- Basic string tests', (t) => { const tests = [ '', 1 / 10, 'I like pie.', '\n', '\r\n', 'I like pie.\n', ]; tests.forEach((str) => { t.equal(transl(str.toString()), str.toString(), str); }); t.end(); }); test('- Complex tests', (t) => { const tests = [ ['\u00C6neid', 'AEneid'], ['\u00E9tude', 'etude'], ['\u5317\u4EB0', 'Bei Jing'], // Chinese ['\u1515\u14c7\u14c7', 'shanana'], // Canadian syllabics ['\u13d4\u13b5\u13c6', 'taliqua'], // Cherokee ['\u0726\u071b\u073d\u0710\u073a', 'ptu\'i'], // Syriac ['\u0905\u092d\u093f\u091c\u0940\u0924', 'abhijiit'], // Devanagari ['\u0985\u09ad\u09bf\u099c\u09c0\u09a4', 'abhijiit'], // Bengali ['\u0d05\u0d2d\u0d3f\u0d1c\u0d40\u0d24', 'abhijiit'], // Malayalaam ['\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d32\u0d2e\u0d4d', 'mlyaalm'], // the Malayaalam word for 'Malayaalam' // Yes, if we were doing it right, that'd be 'malayaalam', not 'mlyaalm' ['\u3052\u3093\u307e\u3044\u8336', 'genmaiCha'], // Japanese, astonishingly unmangled. [`\u0800\u1400${unescape('%uD840%uDD00')}`, '[?][?][?]'], // Unknown characters ]; for (const [str, result] of tests) { t.equal(transl(str), result, `${str}-->${result}`); } t.end(); }); test('- With ignore option', (t) => { const tests = [ ['\u00C6neid', ['\u00C6'], '\u00C6neid'], ['\u4F60\u597D\uFF0C\u4E16\u754C\uFF01', ['\uFF0C', '\uFF01'], 'Ni Hao\uFF0CShi Jie\uFF01'], ['\u4F60\u597D\uFF0C\u4E16\u754C\uFF01', ['\u4F60\u597D', '\uFF01'], '\u4F60\u597D,Shi Jie\uFF01'], ]; for (const [str, ignore, result] of tests) { t.equal(transl(str, { ignore }), result, `${str}-->${result}`); } t.end(); }); test('- With replace option', (t) => { const tests = [ ['\u4F60\u597D\uFF0C\u4E16\u754C\uFF01', [['\u4F60\u597D', 'Hola']], 'Hola,Shi Jie !'], ]; for (const [str, replace, result] of tests) { t.equal(transl(str, { replace }), result, `${str}-->${result}`); } t.end(); }); q.end(); }); test('#transliterage.config()', (t) => { transl.config(defaultOptions); t.deepEqual(transl.config(), defaultOptions, 'read current config'); t.end(); });