document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { let headerContentWidth, $nav let mobileSidebarOpen = false const adjustMenu = init => { const getAllWidth = ele => { let width = 0 ele.length && Array.from(ele).forEach(i => { width += i.offsetWidth }) return width } if (init) { const blogInfoWidth = getAllWidth(document.querySelector('#blog-info > a').children) const menusWidth = getAllWidth(document.getElementById('menus').children) headerContentWidth = blogInfoWidth + menusWidth $nav = document.getElementById('nav') } let hideMenuIndex = '' if (window.innerWidth <= 768) hideMenuIndex = true else hideMenuIndex = headerContentWidth > $nav.offsetWidth - 120 if (hideMenuIndex) { $nav.classList.add('hide-menu') } else { $nav.classList.remove('hide-menu') } } // 初始化header const initAdjust = () => { adjustMenu(true) $nav.classList.add('show') } // sidebar menus const sidebarFn = { open: () => { btf.sidebarPaddingR() = 'hidden' btf.animateIn(document.getElementById('menu-mask'), 'to_show 0.5s') document.getElementById('sidebar-menus').classList.add('open') mobileSidebarOpen = true }, close: () => { const $body = document.body $ = '' $ = '' btf.animateOut(document.getElementById('menu-mask'), 'to_hide 0.5s') document.getElementById('sidebar-menus').classList.remove('open') mobileSidebarOpen = false } } /** * 首頁top_img底下的箭頭 */ const scrollDownInIndex = () => { const $scrollDownEle = document.getElementById('scroll-down') $scrollDownEle && $scrollDownEle.addEventListener('click', function () { btf.scrollToDest(document.getElementById('content-inner').offsetTop, 300) }) } /** * 代碼 * 只適用於Hexo默認的代碼渲染 */ const addHighlightTool = function () { const highLight = GLOBAL_CONFIG.highlight if (!highLight) return const { highlightCopy, highlightLang, highlightHeightLimit, plugin } = highLight const isHighlightShrink = GLOBAL_CONFIG_SITE.isHighlightShrink const isShowTool = highlightCopy || highlightLang || isHighlightShrink !== undefined const $figureHighlight = plugin === 'highlighjs' ? document.querySelectorAll('figure.highlight') : document.querySelectorAll('pre[class*="language-"]') if (!((isShowTool || highlightHeightLimit) && $figureHighlight.length)) return const isPrismjs = plugin === 'prismjs' const highlightShrinkClass = isHighlightShrink === true ? 'closed' : '' const highlightShrinkEle = isHighlightShrink !== undefined ? `` : '' const highlightCopyEle = highlightCopy ? '
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loadItem : arrLength } const fetchUrl = async (url) => { const response = await fetch(url) return await response.json() } const runJustifiedGallery = (item, arr) => { if (!item.classList.contains('lazyload')) item.innerHTML = htmlStr(arr) else { const limit = item.getAttribute('data-limit') lazyloadFn(item, arr, limit) const clickBtnFn = () => { const lastItemLength = lazyloadFn(item, arr, limit) fjGallery(item, 'appendImages', item.querySelectorAll(`.fj-gallery-item:nth-last-child(-n+${lastItemLength})`)) btf.loadLightbox(item.querySelectorAll('img')) lastItemLength < limit && item.nextElementSibling.removeEventListener('click', clickBtnFn) } item.nextElementSibling.addEventListener('click', clickBtnFn) } btf.initJustifiedGallery(item) btf.loadLightbox(item.querySelectorAll('img')) } const addJustifiedGallery = () => { ele.forEach(item => { item.classList.contains('url') ? fetchUrl(item.textContent).then(res => { runJustifiedGallery(item, res) }) : runJustifiedGallery(item, JSON.parse(item.textContent)) }) } if (window.fjGallery) { addJustifiedGallery() return } getCSS(`${GLOBAL_CONFIG.source.justifiedGallery.css}`) getScript(`${GLOBAL_CONFIG.source.justifiedGallery.js}`).then(addJustifiedGallery) } /** * rightside scroll percent */ const rightsideScrollPercent = currentTop => { const perNum = btf.getScrollPercent(currentTop, document.body) const $goUp = document.getElementById('go-up') if (perNum < 95) { $goUp.classList.add('show-percent') $goUp.querySelector('.scroll-percent').textContent = perNum } else { $goUp.classList.remove('show-percent') } } /** * 滾動處理 */ const scrollFn = function () { const $rightside = document.getElementById('rightside') const innerHeight = window.innerHeight + 56 let initTop = 0 let isChatShow = true const $header = document.getElementById('page-header') const isChatBtn = typeof chatBtn !== 'undefined' const isShowPercent = GLOBAL_CONFIG.percent.rightside // 當滾動條小于 56 的時候 if (document.body.scrollHeight <= innerHeight) { $ = 'opacity: 1; transform: translateX(-58px)' return } // find the scroll direction const scrollDirection = currentTop => { const result = currentTop > initTop // true is down & false is up initTop = currentTop return result } const scrollTask = btf.throttle(() => { const currentTop = window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop const isDown = scrollDirection(currentTop) if (currentTop > 56) { if (isDown) { if ($header.classList.contains('nav-visible')) $header.classList.remove('nav-visible') if (isChatBtn && isChatShow === true) { window.chatBtn.hide() isChatShow = false } } else { if (!$header.classList.contains('nav-visible')) $header.classList.add('nav-visible') if (isChatBtn && isChatShow === false) { isChatShow = true } } $header.classList.add('nav-fixed') if (window.getComputedStyle($rightside).getPropertyValue('opacity') === '0') { $ = 'opacity: 0.8; transform: translateX(-58px)' } } else { if (currentTop === 0) { $header.classList.remove('nav-fixed', 'nav-visible') } $ = "opacity: ''; transform: ''" } isShowPercent && rightsideScrollPercent(currentTop) if (document.body.scrollHeight <= innerHeight) { $ = 'opacity: 0.8; transform: translateX(-58px)' } }, 200) window.scrollCollect = scrollTask window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollCollect) } /** * toc,anchor */ const scrollFnToDo = function () { const isToc = GLOBAL_CONFIG_SITE.isToc const isAnchor = GLOBAL_CONFIG.isAnchor const $article = document.getElementById('article-container') if (!($article && (isToc || isAnchor))) return let $tocLink, $cardToc, autoScrollToc, $tocPercentage, isExpand if (isToc) { const $cardTocLayout = document.getElementById('card-toc') $cardToc = $cardTocLayout.getElementsByClassName('toc-content')[0] $tocLink = $cardToc.querySelectorAll('.toc-link') $tocPercentage = $cardTocLayout.querySelector('.toc-percentage') isExpand = $cardToc.classList.contains('is-expand') window.mobileToc = { open: () => { $ = 'animation: toc-open .3s; opacity: 1; right: 55px' }, close: () => { $ = 'toc-close .2s' setTimeout(() => { $ = "opacity:''; animation: ''; right: ''" }, 100) } } // toc元素點擊 $cardToc.addEventListener('click', e => { e.preventDefault() const target = if (target.contains('toc-content')) return const $target = target.contains('toc-link') ? : btf.scrollToDest(btf.getEleTop(document.getElementById(decodeURI($target.getAttribute('href')).replace('#', ''))), 300) if (window.innerWidth < 900) { window.mobileToc.close() } }) autoScrollToc = item => { const activePosition = item.getBoundingClientRect().top const sidebarScrollTop = $cardToc.scrollTop if (activePosition > (document.documentElement.clientHeight - 100)) { $cardToc.scrollTop = sidebarScrollTop + 150 } if (activePosition < 100) { $cardToc.scrollTop = sidebarScrollTop - 150 } } } // find head position & add active class const list = $article.querySelectorAll('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6') let detectItem = '' const findHeadPosition = function (top) { if (top === 0) { return false } let currentId = '' let currentIndex = '' list.forEach(function (ele, index) { if (top > btf.getEleTop(ele) - 80) { const id = currentId = id ? '#' + encodeURI(id) : '' currentIndex = index } }) if (detectItem === currentIndex) return if (isAnchor) btf.updateAnchor(currentId) detectItem = currentIndex if (isToc) { $cardToc.querySelectorAll('.active').forEach(i => { i.classList.remove('active') }) if (currentId === '') { return } const currentActive = $tocLink[currentIndex] currentActive.classList.add('active') setTimeout(() => { autoScrollToc(currentActive) }, 0) if (isExpand) return let parent = currentActive.parentNode for (; !parent.matches('.toc'); parent = parent.parentNode) { if (parent.matches('li')) parent.classList.add('active') } } } // main of scroll window.tocScrollFn = btf.throttle(() => { const currentTop = window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop if (isToc && GLOBAL_CONFIG.percent.toc) { $tocPercentage.textContent = btf.getScrollPercent(currentTop, $article) } findHeadPosition(currentTop) }, 100) window.addEventListener('scroll', tocScrollFn) } const modeChangeFn = mode => { if (!window.themeChange) { return } const turnMode = item => window.themeChange[item](mode) Object.keys(window.themeChange).forEach(item => { if (['disqus', 'disqusjs'].includes(item)) { setTimeout(() => turnMode(item), 300) } else { turnMode(item) } }) } /** * Rightside */ const rightSideFn = { switchReadMode: () => { // read-mode const $body = document.body $body.classList.add('read-mode') const newEle = document.createElement('button') newEle.type = 'button' newEle.className = 'fas fa-sign-out-alt exit-readmode' $body.appendChild(newEle) const clickFn = () => { $body.classList.remove('read-mode') newEle.remove() newEle.removeEventListener('click', clickFn) } newEle.addEventListener('click', clickFn) }, switchDarkMode: () => { // Switch Between Light And Dark Mode const willChangeMode = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-theme') === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark' if (willChangeMode === 'dark') { activateDarkMode() saveToLocal.set('theme', 'dark', 2) GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar !== undefined && btf.snackbarShow(GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar.day_to_night) } else { activateLightMode() saveToLocal.set('theme', 'light', 2) GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar !== undefined && btf.snackbarShow(GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar.night_to_day) } modeChangeFn(willChangeMode) }, showOrHideBtn: (e) => { // rightside 點擊設置 按鈕 展開 const rightsideHideClassList = document.getElementById('rightside-config-hide').classList rightsideHideClassList.toggle('show') if (e.classList.contains('show')) { rightsideHideClassList.add('status') setTimeout(() => { rightsideHideClassList.remove('status') }, 300) } e.classList.toggle('show') }, scrollToTop: () => { // Back to top btf.scrollToDest(0, 500) }, hideAsideBtn: () => { // Hide aside const $htmlDom = document.documentElement.classList const saveStatus = $htmlDom.contains('hide-aside') ? 'show' : 'hide' saveToLocal.set('aside-status', saveStatus, 2) $htmlDom.toggle('hide-aside') }, runMobileToc: () => { if (window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('card-toc')).getPropertyValue('opacity') === '0') else window.mobileToc.close() }, toggleChatDisplay: () => { window.chatBtnFn() } } document.getElementById('rightside').addEventListener('click', function (e) { const $target = ? : switch ($ { case 'go-up': rightSideFn.scrollToTop() break case 'rightside_config': rightSideFn.showOrHideBtn($target) break case 'mobile-toc-button': rightSideFn.runMobileToc() break case 'readmode': rightSideFn.switchReadMode() break case 'darkmode': rightSideFn.switchDarkMode() break case 'hide-aside-btn': rightSideFn.hideAsideBtn() break case 'chat-btn': rightSideFn.toggleChatDisplay() break default: break } }) /** * menu * 側邊欄sub-menu 展開/收縮 */ const clickFnOfSubMenu = () => { document.querySelectorAll('#sidebar-menus').forEach(function (item) { item.addEventListener('click', function () { this.classList.toggle('hide') }) }) } /** * 複製時加上版權信息 */ const addCopyright = () => { const copyright = GLOBAL_CONFIG.copyright document.body.oncopy = (e) => { e.preventDefault() const copyFont = window.getSelection(0).toString() let textFont = copyFont if (copyFont.length > copyright.limitCount) { textFont = `${copyFont}\n\n\n${}\n${}${window.location.href}\n${copyright.languages.source}\n${}` } if (e.clipboardData) { return e.clipboardData.setData('text', textFont) } else { return window.clipboardData.setData('text', textFont) } } } /** * 網頁運行時間 */ const addRuntime = () => { const $runtimeCount = document.getElementById('runtimeshow') if ($runtimeCount) { const publishDate = $runtimeCount.getAttribute('data-publishDate') $runtimeCount.textContent = `${btf.diffDate(publishDate)} ${GLOBAL_CONFIG.runtime}` } } /** * 最後一次更新時間 */ const addLastPushDate = () => { const $lastPushDateItem = document.getElementById('last-push-date') if ($lastPushDateItem) { const lastPushDate = 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function (e) { const $this = this const $tabItem = $this.parentNode if (!$tabItem.classList.contains('active')) { const $tabContent = $tabItem.parentNode.nextElementSibling const $siblings = btf.siblings($tabItem, '.active')[0] $siblings && $siblings.classList.remove('active') $tabItem.classList.add('active') const tabId = $this.getAttribute('data-href').replace('#', '') const childList = [...$tabContent.children] childList.forEach(item => { if ( === tabId) item.classList.add('active') else item.classList.remove('active') }) const $isTabJustifiedGallery = $tabContent.querySelectorAll(`#${tabId} .fj-gallery`) if ($isTabJustifiedGallery.length > 0) { btf.initJustifiedGallery($isTabJustifiedGallery) } } }) }) }, backToTop: () => { document.querySelectorAll('#article-container .tabs .tab-to-top').forEach(function (item) { item.addEventListener('click', function () { btf.scrollToDest(btf.getEleTop(btf.getParents(this, '.tabs')), 300) }) }) } } const toggleCardCategory = function () { const 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data = GLOBAL_CONFIG.noticeOutdate const diffDay = btf.diffDate(GLOBAL_CONFIG_SITE.postUpdate) if (diffDay >= data.limitDay) { const ele = document.createElement('div') ele.className = 'post-outdate-notice' ele.textContent = data.messagePrev + ' ' + diffDay + ' ' + data.messageNext const $targetEle = document.getElementById('article-container') if (data.position === 'top') { $targetEle.insertBefore(ele, $targetEle.firstChild) } else { $targetEle.appendChild(ele) } } } const lazyloadImg = () => { window.lazyLoadInstance = new LazyLoad({ elements_selector: 'img', threshold: 0, data_src: 'lazy-src' }) } const relativeDate = function (selector) { selector.forEach(item => { const timeVal = item.getAttribute('datetime') item.textContent = btf.diffDate(timeVal, true) = 'inline' }) } const unRefreshFn = function () { window.addEventListener('resize', () => { adjustMenu(false) btf.isHidden(document.getElementById('toggle-menu')) && mobileSidebarOpen && sidebarFn.close() }) document.getElementById('menu-mask').addEventListener('click', e => { sidebarFn.close() }) clickFnOfSubMenu() GLOBAL_CONFIG.islazyload && lazyloadImg() GLOBAL_CONFIG.copyright !== undefined && addCopyright() if (GLOBAL_CONFIG.autoDarkmode) { window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change', e => { if (saveToLocal.get('theme') !== undefined) return e.matches ? modeChangeFn('dark') : modeChangeFn('light') }) } } window.refreshFn = function () { initAdjust() if (GLOBAL_CONFIG_SITE.isPost) { GLOBAL_CONFIG.noticeOutdate !== undefined && addPostOutdateNotice() && relativeDate(document.querySelectorAll('#post-meta time')) } else { GLOBAL_CONFIG.relativeDate.homepage && relativeDate(document.querySelectorAll('#recent-posts time')) GLOBAL_CONFIG.runtime && addRuntime() addLastPushDate() toggleCardCategory() } scrollFnToDo() GLOBAL_CONFIG_SITE.isHome && scrollDownInIndex() addHighlightTool() GLOBAL_CONFIG.isPhotoFigcaption && addPhotoFigcaption() scrollFn() const $jgEle = document.querySelectorAll('#article-container .fj-gallery') $jgEle.length && runJustifiedGallery($jgEle) runLightbox() addTableWrap() clickFnOfTagHide() tabsFn.clickFnOfTabs() tabsFn.backToTop() switchComments() document.getElementById('toggle-menu').addEventListener('click', () => { }) } refreshFn() unRefreshFn() })