# favicon favicon: /img/favicon.ico # rss rss: /atom.xml # main menu navigation menu: Home: / || Home About: /about/ || About Archives: /archives/ || Archives Tags: /tags/ || Tags bio: I just want something simpler... page_404: enable: true subtitle: 'Oops! Page not found.' comments: enable: true type: waline # waline | valine button: true #Waline https://waline.js.org waline: serverURL: # your waline serverURLs avatarCDN: # default is https://sdn.geekzu.org/avatar/ avatar: monsterid # gravatar style https://zh-tw.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/#default-image placeholder: 'Let me know what you thinkļ¼' valine: appid: # leancloud application app id appkey: # leancloud application app key notify: false # mail notifier , https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki verify: false # Verification code placeholder: Just go go # comment box placeholder avatar: mm # gravatar style guest_info: nick,mail,link # custom comment header pageSize: 10 # pagination size recordIP: false # record IP serverURLs: # your serverURLs emojiCDN: # emoji CDN enableQQ: true # stylesheets loaded in the stylesheets: - /css/main.css # scripts loaded in the end of the body scripts: - /js/main.js