var utils = require('./utils') var _tags = require('./tags') var _filters = require('./filters') var parser = require('./parser') var dateformatter = require('./dateformatter') var loaders = require('./loaders') /** * Swig version number as a string. * @example * if (swig.version === "1.4.2") { ... } * * @type {String} */ exports.version = '1.4.2' /** * Swig Options Object. This object can be passed to many of the API-level Swig methods to control various aspects of the engine. All keys are optional. * @typedef {Object} SwigOpts * @property {boolean} autoescape Controls whether or not variable output will automatically be escaped for safe HTML output. Defaults to true. Functions executed in variable statements will not be auto-escaped. Your application/functions should take care of their own auto-escaping. * @property {array} varControls Open and close controls for variables. Defaults to ['{{', '}}']. * @property {array} tagControls Open and close controls for tags. Defaults to ['{%', '%}']. * @property {array} cmtControls Open and close controls for comments. Defaults to ['{#', '#}']. * @property {object} locals Default variable context to be passed to all templates. * @property {CacheOptions} cache Cache control for templates. Defaults to saving in 'memory'. Send false to disable. Send an object with get and set functions to customize. * @property {TemplateLoader} loader The method that Swig will use to load templates. Defaults to swig.loaders.fs. */ var defaultOptions = { autoescape: true, varControls: ['{{', '}}'], tagControls: ['{%', '%}'], cmtControls: ['{#', '#}'], locals: {}, /** * Cache control for templates. Defaults to saving all templates into memory. * @typedef {boolean|string|object} CacheOptions * @example * // Default * swig.setDefaults({ cache: 'memory' }); * @example * // Disables caching in Swig. * swig.setDefaults({ cache: false }); * @example * // Custom cache storage and retrieval * swig.setDefaults({ * cache: { * get: function (key) { ... }, * set: function (key, val) { ... } * } * }); */ cache: 'memory', /** * Configure Swig to use either the swig.loaders.fs or swig.loaders.memory template loader. Or, you can write your own! * For more information, please see the Template Loaders documentation. * @typedef {class} TemplateLoader * @example * // Default, FileSystem loader * swig.setDefaults({ loader: swig.loaders.fs() }); * @example * // FileSystem loader allowing a base path * // With this, you don't use relative URLs in your template references * swig.setDefaults({ loader: swig.loaders.fs(__dirname + '/templates') }); * @example * // Memory Loader * swig.setDefaults({ loader: swig.loaders.memory({ * layout: '{% block foo %}{% endblock %}', * page1: '{% extends "layout" %}{% block foo %}Tacos!{% endblock %}' * })}); */ loader: loaders.fs() } var defaultInstance /** * Empty function, used in templates. * @return {string} Empty string * @private */ function efn () { return '' } /** * Validate the Swig options object. * @param {?SwigOpts} options Swig options object. * @return {undefined} This method will throw errors if anything is wrong. * @private */ function validateOptions (options) { if (!options) { return } utils.each(['varControls', 'tagControls', 'cmtControls'], function (key) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return } if (!utils.isArray(options[key]) || options[key].length !== 2) { throw new Error( 'Option "' + key + '" must be an array containing 2 different control strings.' ) } if (options[key][0] === options[key][1]) { throw new Error( 'Option "' + key + '" open and close controls must not be the same.' ) } utils.each(options[key], function (a, i) { if (a.length < 2) { throw new Error( 'Option "' + key + '" ' + (i ? 'open ' : 'close ') + 'control must be at least 2 characters. Saw "' + a + '" instead.' ) } }) }) if (options.hasOwnProperty('cache')) { if (options.cache && options.cache !== 'memory') { if (!options.cache.get || !options.cache.set) { throw new Error( 'Invalid cache option ' + JSON.stringify(options.cache) + ' found. Expected "memory" or { get: function (key) { ... }, set: function (key, value) { ... } }.' ) } } } if (options.hasOwnProperty('loader')) { if (options.loader) { if (!options.loader.load || !options.loader.resolve) { throw new Error( 'Invalid loader option ' + JSON.stringify(options.loader) + ' found. Expected { load: function (pathname, cb) { ... }, resolve: function (to, from) { ... } }.' ) } } } } /** * Set defaults for the base and all new Swig environments. * * @example * swig.setDefaults({ cache: false }); * // => Disables Cache * * @example * swig.setDefaults({ locals: { now: function () { return new Date(); } }}); * // => sets a globally accessible method for all template * // contexts, allowing you to print the current date * // => {{ now()|date('F jS, Y') }} * * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {undefined} */ exports.setDefaults = function (options) { validateOptions(options) defaultInstance.options = utils.extend(defaultInstance.options, options) } /** * Set the default TimeZone offset for date formatting via the date filter. This is a global setting and will affect all Swig environments, old or new. * @param {number} offset Offset from GMT, in minutes. * @return {undefined} */ exports.setDefaultTZOffset = function (offset) { dateformatter.tzOffset = offset } /** * Create a new, separate Swig compile/render environment. * * @example * var swig = require('swig'); * var myswig = new swig.Swig({varControls: ['<%=', '%>']}); * myswig.render('Tacos are <%= tacos =>!', { locals: { tacos: 'delicious' }}); * // => Tacos are delicious! * swig.render('Tacos are <%= tacos =>!', { locals: { tacos: 'delicious' }}); * // => 'Tacos are <%= tacos =>!' * * @param {SwigOpts} [opts={}] Swig options object. * @return {object} New Swig environment. */ exports.Swig = function (opts) { validateOptions(opts) this.options = utils.extend({}, defaultOptions, opts || {}) this.cache = {} this.extensions = {} var self = this var tags = _tags var filters = _filters /** * Get combined locals context. * @param {?SwigOpts} [options] Swig options object. * @return {object} Locals context. * @private */ function getLocals (options) { if (!options || !options.locals) { return self.options.locals } return utils.extend({}, self.options.locals, options.locals) } /** * Determine whether caching is enabled via the options provided and/or defaults * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig Options Object * @return {boolean} * @private */ function shouldCache (options) { options = options || {} return ( (options.hasOwnProperty('cache') && !options.cache) || !self.options.cache ) } /** * Get compiled template from the cache. * @param {string} key Name of template. * @return {object|undefined} Template function and tokens. * @private */ function cacheGet (key, options) { if (shouldCache(options)) { return } if (self.options.cache === 'memory') { return self.cache[key] } return self.options.cache.get(key) } /** * Store a template in the cache. * @param {string} key Name of template. * @param {object} val Template function and tokens. * @return {undefined} * @private */ function cacheSet (key, options, val) { if (shouldCache(options)) { return } if (self.options.cache === 'memory') { self.cache[key] = val return } self.options.cache.set(key, val) } /** * Clears the in-memory template cache. * * @example * swig.invalidateCache(); * * @return {undefined} */ this.invalidateCache = function () { if (self.options.cache === 'memory') { self.cache = {} } } /** * Add a custom filter for swig variables. * * @example * function replaceMs(input) { return input.replace(/m/g, 'f'); } * swig.setFilter('replaceMs', replaceMs); * // => {{ "onomatopoeia"|replaceMs }} * // => onofatopeia * * @param {string} name Name of filter, used in templates. Will overwrite previously defined filters, if using the same name. * @param {function} method Function that acts against the input. See Custom Filters for more information. * @return {undefined} */ this.setFilter = function (name, method) { if (typeof method !== 'function') { throw new Error('Filter "' + name + '" is not a valid function.') } filters[name] = method } /** * Add a custom tag. To expose your own extensions to compiled template code, see swig.setExtension. * * For a more in-depth explanation of writing custom tags, see Custom Tags. * * @example * var tacotag = require('./tacotag'); * swig.setTag('tacos', tacotag.parse, tacotag.compile, tacotag.ends, tacotag.blockLevel); * // => {% tacos %}Make this be tacos.{% endtacos %} * // => Tacos tacos tacos tacos. * * @param {string} name Tag name. * @param {function} parse Method for parsing tokens. * @param {function} compile Method for compiling renderable output. * @param {boolean} [ends=false] Whether or not this tag requires an end tag. * @param {boolean} [blockLevel=false] If false, this tag will not be compiled outside of block tags when extending a parent template. * @return {undefined} */ this.setTag = function (name, parse, compile, ends, blockLevel) { if (typeof parse !== 'function') { throw new Error( 'Tag "' + name + '" parse method is not a valid function.' ) } if (typeof compile !== 'function') { throw new Error( 'Tag "' + name + '" compile method is not a valid function.' ) } tags[name] = { parse: parse, compile: compile, ends: ends || false, block: !!blockLevel } } /** * Add extensions for custom tags. This allows any custom tag to access a globally available methods via a special globally available object, _ext, in templates. * * @example * swig.setExtension('trans', function (v) { return translate(v); }); * function compileTrans(compiler, args, content, parent, options) { * return '_output += _ext.trans(' + args[0] + ');' * }; * swig.setTag('trans', parseTrans, compileTrans, true); * * @param {string} name Key name of the extension. Accessed via _ext[name]. * @param {*} object The method, value, or object that should be available via the given name. * @return {undefined} */ this.setExtension = function (name, object) { self.extensions[name] = object } /** * Parse a given source string into tokens. * * @param {string} source Swig template source. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {object} parsed Template tokens object. * @private */ this.parse = function (source, options) { validateOptions(options) var locals = getLocals(options) var opt = {} var k for (k in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(k) && k !== 'locals') { opt[k] = options[k] } } options = utils.extend({}, self.options, opt) options.locals = locals return parser.parse(this, source, options, tags, filters) } /** * Parse a given file into tokens. * * @param {string} pathname Full path to file to parse. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {object} parsed Template tokens object. * @private */ this.parseFile = function (pathname, options) { var src if (!options) { options = {} } pathname = self.options.loader.resolve(pathname, options.resolveFrom) src = self.options.loader.load(pathname) if (!options.filename) { options = utils.extend({ filename: pathname }, options) } return self.parse(src, options) } /** * Re-Map blocks within a list of tokens to the template's block objects. * @param {array} tokens List of tokens for the parent object. * @param {object} template Current template that needs to be mapped to the parent's block and token list. * @return {array} * @private */ function remapBlocks (blocks, tokens) { return, function (token) { var args = token.args ? token.args.join('') : '' if ( === 'block' && blocks[args]) { token = blocks[args] } if (token.content && token.content.length) { token.content = remapBlocks(blocks, token.content) } return token }) } /** * Import block-level tags to the token list that are not actual block tags. * @param {array} blocks List of block-level tags. * @param {array} tokens List of tokens to render. * @return {undefined} * @private */ function importNonBlocks (blocks, tokens) { var temp = [] utils.each(blocks, function (block) { temp.push(block) }) utils.each(temp.reverse(), function (block) { if ( !== 'block') { tokens.unshift(block) } }) } /** * Recursively compile and get parents of given parsed token object. * * @param {object} tokens Parsed tokens from template. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {object} Parsed tokens from parent templates. * @private */ function getParents (tokens, options) { var parentName = tokens.parent var parentFiles = [] var parents = [] var parentFile var parent var l while (parentName) { if (!options || !options.filename) { throw new Error( 'Cannot extend "' + parentName + '" because current template has no filename.' ) } parentFile = parentFile || options.filename parentFile = self.options.loader.resolve(parentName, parentFile) parent = cacheGet(parentFile, options) || self.parseFile( parentFile, utils.extend({}, options, { filename: parentFile }) ) parentName = parent.parent if (parentFiles.indexOf(parentFile) !== -1) { throw new Error('Illegal circular extends of "' + parentFile + '".') } parentFiles.push(parentFile) parents.push(parent) } // Remap each parents'(1) blocks onto its own parent(2), receiving the full token list for rendering the original parent(1) on its own. l = parents.length for (l = parents.length - 2; l >= 0; l -= 1) { parents[l].tokens = remapBlocks(parents[l].blocks, parents[l + 1].tokens) importNonBlocks(parents[l].blocks, parents[l].tokens) } return parents } /** * Pre-compile a source string into a cache-able template function. * * @example * swig.precompile('{{ tacos }}'); * // => { * // tpl: function (_swig, _locals, _filters, _utils, _fn) { ... }, * // tokens: { * // name: undefined, * // parent: null, * // tokens: [...], * // blocks: {} * // } * // } * * In order to render a pre-compiled template, you must have access to filters and utils from Swig. efn is simply an empty function that does nothing. * * @param {string} source Swig template source string. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {object} Renderable function and tokens object. */ this.precompile = function (source, options) { var tokens = self.parse(source, options) var parents = getParents(tokens, options) var tpl if (parents.length) { // Remap the templates first-parent's tokens using this template's blocks. tokens.tokens = remapBlocks(tokens.blocks, parents[0].tokens) importNonBlocks(tokens.blocks, tokens.tokens) } try { tpl = new Function( // eslint-disable-line '_swig', '_ctx', '_filters', '_utils', '_fn', ' var _ext = _swig.extensions,\n' + ' _output = "";\n' + parser.compile(tokens, parents, options) + '\n' + ' return _output;\n' ) } catch (e) { utils.throwError(e, null, options.filename) } return { tpl: tpl, tokens: tokens } } /** * Compile and render a template string for final output. * * When rendering a source string, a file path should be specified in the options object in order for extends, include, and import to work properly. Do this by adding { filename: '/absolute/path/to/mytpl.html' } to the options argument. * * @example * swig.render('{{ tacos }}', { locals: { tacos: 'Tacos!!!!' }}); * // => Tacos!!!! * * @param {string} source Swig template source string. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {string} Rendered output. */ this.render = function (source, options) { return self.compile(source, options)() } /** * Compile and render a template file for final output. This is most useful for libraries like Express.js. * * @example * swig.renderFile('./template.html', {}, function (err, output) { * if (err) { * throw err; * } * console.log(output); * }); * * @example * swig.renderFile('./template.html', {}); * // => output * * @param {string} pathName File location. * @param {object} [locals={}] Template variable context. * @param {Function} [cb] Asyncronous callback function. If not provided, compileFile will run syncronously. * @return {string} Rendered output. */ this.renderFile = function (pathName, locals, cb) { if (cb) { self.compileFile(pathName, {}, function (err, fn) { var result if (err) { cb(err) return } try { result = fn(locals) } catch (err2) { cb(err2) return } cb(null, result) }) return } return self.compileFile(pathName)(locals) } /** * Compile string source into a renderable template function. * * @example * var tpl = swig.compile('{{ tacos }}'); * // => { * // [Function: compiled] * // parent: null, * // tokens: [{ compile: [Function] }], * // blocks: {} * // } * tpl({ tacos: 'Tacos!!!!' }); * // => Tacos!!!! * * When compiling a source string, a file path should be specified in the options object in order for extends, include, and import to work properly. Do this by adding { filename: '/absolute/path/to/mytpl.html' } to the options argument. * * @param {string} source Swig template source string. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @return {function} Renderable function with keys for parent, blocks, and tokens. */ this.compile = function (source, options) { var key = options ? options.filename : null var cached = key ? cacheGet(key, options) : null var context var contextLength var pre if (cached) { return cached } context = getLocals(options) contextLength = utils.keys(context).length pre = self.precompile(source, options) function compiled (locals) { var lcls if (locals && contextLength) { lcls = utils.extend({}, context, locals) } else if (locals && !contextLength) { lcls = locals } else if (!locals && contextLength) { lcls = context } else { lcls = {} } return pre.tpl(self, lcls, filters, utils, efn) } utils.extend(compiled, pre.tokens) if (key) { cacheSet(key, options, compiled) } return compiled } /** * Compile a source file into a renderable template function. * * @example * var tpl = swig.compileFile('./mytpl.html'); * // => { * // [Function: compiled] * // parent: null, * // tokens: [{ compile: [Function] }], * // blocks: {} * // } * tpl({ tacos: 'Tacos!!!!' }); * // => Tacos!!!! * * @example * swig.compileFile('/myfile.txt', { varControls: ['<%=', '=%>'], tagControls: ['<%', '%>']}); * // => will compile 'myfile.txt' using the var and tag controls as specified. * * @param {string} pathname File location. * @param {SwigOpts} [options={}] Swig options object. * @param {Function} [cb] Asyncronous callback function. If not provided, compileFile will run syncronously. * @return {function} Renderable function with keys for parent, blocks, and tokens. */ this.compileFile = function (pathname, options, cb) { var src, cached if (!options) { options = {} } pathname = self.options.loader.resolve(pathname, options.resolveFrom) if (!options.filename) { options = utils.extend({ filename: pathname }, options) } cached = cacheGet(pathname, options) if (cached) { if (cb) { cb(null, cached) return } return cached } if (cb) { self.options.loader.load(pathname, function (err, src) { if (err) { cb(err) return } var compiled try { compiled = self.compile(src, options) } catch (err2) { cb(err2) return } cb(err, compiled) }) return } src = self.options.loader.load(pathname) return self.compile(src, options) } /** * Run a pre-compiled template function. This is most useful in the browser when you've pre-compiled your templates with the Swig command-line tool. * * @example * $ swig compile ./mytpl.html --wrap-start="var mytpl = " > mytpl.js * @example * * * * @param {function} tpl Pre-compiled Swig template function. Use the Swig CLI to compile your templates. * @param {object} [locals={}] Template variable context. * @param {string} [filepath] Filename used for caching the template. * @return {string} Rendered output. */ = function (tpl, locals, filepath) { var context = getLocals({ locals: locals }) if (filepath) { cacheSet(filepath, {}, tpl) } return tpl(self, context, filters, utils, efn) } } /*! * Export methods publicly */ defaultInstance = new exports.Swig() exports.setFilter = defaultInstance.setFilter exports.setTag = defaultInstance.setTag exports.setExtension = defaultInstance.setExtension exports.parseFile = defaultInstance.parseFile exports.precompile = defaultInstance.precompile exports.compile = defaultInstance.compile exports.compileFile = defaultInstance.compileFile exports.render = defaultInstance.render exports.renderFile = defaultInstance.renderFile = exports.invalidateCache = defaultInstance.invalidateCache exports.loaders = loaders