var utils = require('../utils') , nodes = require('../nodes') , Image = require('./image'); /** * Return the width and height of the given `img` path. * * Examples: * * image-size('foo.png') * // => 200px 100px * * image-size('foo.png')[0] * // => 200px * * image-size('foo.png')[1] * // => 100px * * Can be used to test if the image exists, * using an optional argument set to `true` * (without this argument this function throws error * if there is no such image). * * Example: * * image-size('nosuchimage.png', true)[0] * // => 0 * * @param {String} img * @param {Boolean} ignoreErr * @return {Expression} * @api public */ function imageSize(img, ignoreErr) { utils.assertType(img, 'string', 'img'); try { var img = new Image(this, img.string); } catch (err) { if (ignoreErr) { return [new nodes.Unit(0), new nodes.Unit(0)]; } else { throw err; } } // Read size; var size = img.size(); img.close(); // Return (w h) var expr = []; expr.push(new nodes.Unit(size[0], 'px')); expr.push(new nodes.Unit(size[1], 'px')); return expr; }; imageSize.params = ['img', 'ignoreErr']; module.exports = imageSize;