/* Language: Ada Author: Lars Schulna Description: Ada is a general-purpose programming language that has great support for saftey critical and real-time applications. It has been developed by the DoD and thus has been used in military and safety-critical applications (like civil aviation). The first version appeared in the 80s, but it's still actively developed today with the newest standard being Ada2012. */ // We try to support full Ada2012 // // We highlight all appearances of types, keywords, literals (string, char, number, bool) // and titles (user defined function/procedure/package) // CSS classes are set accordingly // // Languages causing problems for language detection: // xml (broken by Foo : Bar type), elm (broken by Foo : Bar type), vbscript-html (broken by body keyword) // sql (ada default.txt has a lot of sql keywords) /** @type LanguageFn */ function ada(hljs) { // Regular expression for Ada numeric literals. // stolen form the VHDL highlighter // Decimal literal: const INTEGER_RE = '\\d(_|\\d)*'; const EXPONENT_RE = '[eE][-+]?' + INTEGER_RE; const DECIMAL_LITERAL_RE = INTEGER_RE + '(\\.' + INTEGER_RE + ')?' + '(' + EXPONENT_RE + ')?'; // Based literal: const BASED_INTEGER_RE = '\\w+'; const BASED_LITERAL_RE = INTEGER_RE + '#' + BASED_INTEGER_RE + '(\\.' + BASED_INTEGER_RE + ')?' + '#' + '(' + EXPONENT_RE + ')?'; const NUMBER_RE = '\\b(' + BASED_LITERAL_RE + '|' + DECIMAL_LITERAL_RE + ')'; // Identifier regex const ID_REGEX = '[A-Za-z](_?[A-Za-z0-9.])*'; // bad chars, only allowed in literals const BAD_CHARS = `[]\\{\\}%#'"`; // Ada doesn't have block comments, only line comments const COMMENTS = hljs.COMMENT('--', '$'); // variable declarations of the form // Foo : Bar := Baz; // where only Bar will be highlighted const VAR_DECLS = { // TODO: These spaces are not required by the Ada syntax // however, I have yet to see handwritten Ada code where // someone does not put spaces around : begin: '\\s+:\\s+', end: '\\s*(:=|;|\\)|=>|$)', // endsWithParent: true, // returnBegin: true, illegal: BAD_CHARS, contains: [ { // workaround to avoid highlighting // named loops and declare blocks beginKeywords: 'loop for declare others', endsParent: true }, { // properly highlight all modifiers className: 'keyword', beginKeywords: 'not null constant access function procedure in out aliased exception' }, { className: 'type', begin: ID_REGEX, endsParent: true, relevance: 0 } ] }; const KEYWORDS = [ "abort", "else", "new", "return", "abs", "elsif", "not", "reverse", "abstract", "end", "accept", "entry", "select", "access", "exception", "of", "separate", "aliased", "exit", "or", "some", "all", "others", "subtype", "and", "for", "out", "synchronized", "array", "function", "overriding", "at", "tagged", "generic", "package", "task", "begin", "goto", "pragma", "terminate", "body", "private", "then", "if", "procedure", "type", "case", "in", "protected", "constant", "interface", "is", "raise", "use", "declare", "range", "delay", "limited", "record", "when", "delta", "loop", "rem", "while", "digits", "renames", "with", "do", "mod", "requeue", "xor" ]; return { name: 'Ada', case_insensitive: true, keywords: { keyword: KEYWORDS, literal: [ "True", "False" ] }, contains: [ COMMENTS, // strings "foobar" { className: 'string', begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [ { begin: /""/, relevance: 0 } ] }, // characters '' { // character literals always contain one char className: 'string', begin: /'.'/ }, { // number literals className: 'number', begin: NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }, { // Attributes className: 'symbol', begin: "'" + ID_REGEX }, { // package definition, maybe inside generic className: 'title', begin: '(\\bwith\\s+)?(\\bprivate\\s+)?\\bpackage\\s+(\\bbody\\s+)?', end: '(is|$)', keywords: 'package body', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true, illegal: BAD_CHARS }, { // function/procedure declaration/definition // maybe inside generic begin: '(\\b(with|overriding)\\s+)?\\b(function|procedure)\\s+', end: '(\\bis|\\bwith|\\brenames|\\)\\s*;)', keywords: 'overriding function procedure with is renames return', // we need to re-match the 'function' keyword, so that // the title mode below matches only exactly once returnBegin: true, contains: [ COMMENTS, { // name of the function/procedure className: 'title', begin: '(\\bwith\\s+)?\\b(function|procedure)\\s+', end: '(\\(|\\s+|$)', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true, illegal: BAD_CHARS }, // 'self' // // parameter types VAR_DECLS, { // return type className: 'type', begin: '\\breturn\\s+', end: '(\\s+|;|$)', keywords: 'return', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true, // we are done with functions endsParent: true, illegal: BAD_CHARS } ] }, { // new type declarations // maybe inside generic className: 'type', begin: '\\b(sub)?type\\s+', end: '\\s+', keywords: 'type', excludeBegin: true, illegal: BAD_CHARS }, // see comment above the definition VAR_DECLS // no markup // relevance boosters for small snippets // {begin: '\\s*=>\\s*'}, // {begin: '\\s*:=\\s*'}, // {begin: '\\s+:=\\s+'}, ] }; } module.exports = ada;