# Changelog ## 2.4.0 - Add support for SFTP - thanks @der-On ## 2.3.7 - tidier errors when connect fails ## 2.3.4-6 - update deps ## 2.3.3 - If delete does not work, try to continue anyway ## 2.3.2 - Require node 8.0 ## 2.3.1 - Fix a bug some experienced uploaded to "/" ## 2.3.0 - Return result of process at end of run ## 2.2.1 - Bugfix: transfered file count ## 2.2.0 - remove console logs in favour of 'log' events ## 2.1.1 - AFix a bug for windows users ## 2.1.0 - Add delete destination before commencing uploads ## 2.0.0 - complete rewrite using promises - switch from jsftp to ftp-srv - breaks continueOnError - config must now include an include field with non-empty value. E.g. use ['*', '**/*'] for all files - format using prettier - adds tests ## 1.2.0 - Adds an optional config.include which supersedes any exclusion rules. - Linting code cleanup via xo style/tool ## 1.1.0 - Updated dependencies ## 1.0.0 - refactored for (hopefully) easier to understand code - brought jsftp to 1.3.x, async to 0.9.x - removed relative path from uploading/uploaded event data. (filename contains file name and partial path) ## 0.7.0 - added prompting user for FTP password if none given in config ## 0.6.0 - added optional ```continueOnError``` config. When set to true, ftp-deploy continues to upload files after a failed put. When not specified or set to false, the ```.deploy()``` callback is called immediately after a failed put. - added ```upload-error``` event - removed ```stopOnError``` config setting in preference of ```continueOnError``` ## 0.5.0 - upgraded jsftp from 0.6.x to 1.2.x - Added ```stopOnError``` to configuration. - added ```error``` event. - deprecated paralleluploads config setting (no longer supported by jsftp) ## 0.4.0 - uploading and uploaded events emit data instead of a relative file path. ## 0.3.0 - New config setting ```exclude``` can be used to exclude folders/files from the ftp deploy process ## 0.2.0 - Requiring ftp-deploy returns the FtpDeploy object, and you will need to instantiate is separately on your own. - New config setting ```paralleluploads```: sets number of parallelUploads (within a specific folder) - ftpDeploy instance has properties ```transferred``` and ```total```. Useful for determining progress based on file count.