/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Mikola Lysenko @mikolalysenko */ "use strict"; /* cspell:disable-next-line */ // Refactor: Peter Somogyvari @petermetz /** @typedef {">=" | "<=" | "<" | ">" | "-" } BinarySearchPredicate */ /** @typedef {"GE" | "GT" | "LT" | "LE" | "EQ" } SearchPredicateSuffix */ /** * Helper function for compiling binary search functions. * * The generated code uses a while loop to repeatedly divide the search interval * in half until the desired element is found, or the search interval is empty. * * The following is an example of a generated function for calling `compileSearch("P", "c(x,y)<=0", true, ["y", "c"], false)`: * * ```js * function P(a,l,h,y,c){var i=l-1;while(l<=h){var m=(l+h)>>>1,x=a[m];if(c(x,y)<=0){i=m;l=m+1}else{h=m-1}}return i}; * ``` * * @param {string} funcName The name of the function to be compiled. * @param {string} predicate The predicate / comparison operator to be used in the binary search. * @param {boolean} reversed Whether the search should be reversed. * @param {string[]} extraArgs Extra arguments to be passed to the function. * @param {boolean=} earlyOut Whether the search should return as soon as a match is found. * @returns {string} The compiled binary search function. */ const compileSearch = (funcName, predicate, reversed, extraArgs, earlyOut) => { const code = [ "function ", funcName, "(a,l,h,", extraArgs.join(","), "){", earlyOut ? "" : "var i=", reversed ? "l-1" : "h+1", ";while(l<=h){var m=(l+h)>>>1,x=a[m]" ]; if (earlyOut) { if (predicate.indexOf("c") < 0) { code.push(";if(x===y){return m}else if(x<=y){"); } else { code.push(";var p=c(x,y);if(p===0){return m}else if(p<=0){"); } } else { code.push(";if(", predicate, "){i=m;"); } if (reversed) { code.push("l=m+1}else{h=m-1}"); } else { code.push("h=m-1}else{l=m+1}"); } code.push("}"); if (earlyOut) { code.push("return -1};"); } else { code.push("return i};"); } return code.join(""); }; /** * This helper functions generate code for two binary search functions: * A(): Performs a binary search on an array using the comparison operator specified. * P(): Performs a binary search on an array using a _custom comparison function_ * `c(x,y)` **and** comparison operator specified by `predicate`. * * @param {BinarySearchPredicate} predicate The predicate / comparison operator to be used in the binary search. * @param {boolean} reversed Whether the search should be reversed. * @param {SearchPredicateSuffix} suffix The suffix to be used in the function name. * @param {boolean=} earlyOut Whether the search should return as soon as a match is found. * @returns {function} The compiled binary search function. */ const compileBoundsSearch = (predicate, reversed, suffix, earlyOut) => { const arg1 = compileSearch( "A", "x" + predicate + "y", reversed, ["y"], earlyOut ); const arg2 = compileSearch( "P", "c(x,y)" + predicate + "0", reversed, ["y", "c"], earlyOut ); const fnHeader = "function dispatchBinarySearch"; const fnBody = "(a,y,c,l,h){\ if(typeof(c)==='function'){\ return P(a,(l===void 0)?0:l|0,(h===void 0)?a.length-1:h|0,y,c)\ }else{\ return A(a,(c===void 0)?0:c|0,(l===void 0)?a.length-1:l|0,y)\ }}\ return dispatchBinarySearch"; const fnArgList = [arg1, arg2, fnHeader, suffix, fnBody, suffix]; const fnSource = fnArgList.join(""); const result = new Function(fnSource); return result(); }; /** * These functions are used to perform binary searches on arrays. * * @example * ```js * const { gt, le} = require("./binarySearchBounds"); * const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; * * // Find the index of the first element greater than 5 * const index1 = gt(arr, 5); // index1 === 3 * * // Find the index of the first element less than or equal to 5 * const index2 = le(arr, 5); // index2 === 4 * ``` */ module.exports = { ge: compileBoundsSearch(">=", false, "GE"), gt: compileBoundsSearch(">", false, "GT"), lt: compileBoundsSearch("<", true, "LT"), le: compileBoundsSearch("<=", true, "LE"), eq: compileBoundsSearch("-", true, "EQ", true) };