var utils = require('./utils') /** * A lexer token. * @typedef {object} LexerToken * @property {string} match The string that was matched. * @property {number} type Lexer type enum. * @property {number} length Length of the original string processed. */ /** * Enum for token types. * @readonly * @enum {number} */ var TYPES = { /** Whitespace */ WHITESPACE: 0, /** Plain string */ STRING: 1, /** Variable filter */ FILTER: 2, /** Empty variable filter */ FILTEREMPTY: 3, /** Function */ FUNCTION: 4, /** Function with no arguments */ FUNCTIONEMPTY: 5, /** Open parenthesis */ PARENOPEN: 6, /** Close parenthesis */ PARENCLOSE: 7, /** Comma */ COMMA: 8, /** Variable */ VAR: 9, /** Number */ NUMBER: 10, /** Math operator */ OPERATOR: 11, /** Open square bracket */ BRACKETOPEN: 12, /** Close square bracket */ BRACKETCLOSE: 13, /** Key on an object using dot-notation */ DOTKEY: 14, /** Start of an array */ ARRAYOPEN: 15, /** End of an array * Currently unused ARRAYCLOSE: 16, */ /** Open curly brace */ CURLYOPEN: 17, /** Close curly brace */ CURLYCLOSE: 18, /** Colon (:) */ COLON: 19, /** JavaScript-valid comparator */ COMPARATOR: 20, /** Boolean logic */ LOGIC: 21, /** Boolean logic "not" */ NOT: 22, /** true or false */ BOOL: 23, /** Variable assignment */ ASSIGNMENT: 24, /** Start of a method */ METHODOPEN: 25, /** End of a method * Currently unused METHODEND: 26, */ /** Unknown type */ UNKNOWN: 100 } var rules = [ { type: TYPES.WHITESPACE, regex: [/^\s+/] }, { type: TYPES.STRING, regex: [/^""/, /^".*?[^\\]"/, /^''/, /^'.*?[^\\]'/] }, { type: TYPES.FILTER, regex: [/^\|\s*(\w+)\(/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.FILTEREMPTY, regex: [/^\|\s*(\w+)/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.FUNCTIONEMPTY, regex: [/^\s*(\w+)\(\)/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.FUNCTION, regex: [/^\s*(\w+)\(/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.PARENOPEN, regex: [/^\(/] }, { type: TYPES.PARENCLOSE, regex: [/^\)/] }, { type: TYPES.COMMA, regex: [/^,/] }, { type: TYPES.LOGIC, regex: [/^(&&|\|\|)\s*/, /^(and|or)\s+/], idx: 1, replace: { and: '&&', or: '||' } }, { type: TYPES.COMPARATOR, regex: [/^(===|==|!==|!=|<=|<|>=|>|in\s|gte\s|gt\s|lte\s|lt\s)\s*/], idx: 1, replace: { gte: '>=', gt: '>', lte: '<=', lt: '<' } }, { type: TYPES.ASSIGNMENT, regex: [/^(=|\+=|-=|\*=|\/=)/] }, { type: TYPES.NOT, regex: [/^!\s*/, /^not\s+/], replace: { not: '!' } }, { type: TYPES.BOOL, regex: [/^(true|false)\s+/, /^(true|false)$/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.VAR, regex: [/^[a-zA-Z_$]\w*((\.\$?\w*)+)?/, /^[a-zA-Z_$]\w*/] }, { type: TYPES.BRACKETOPEN, regex: [/^\[/] }, { type: TYPES.BRACKETCLOSE, regex: [/^\]/] }, { type: TYPES.CURLYOPEN, regex: [/^\{/] }, { type: TYPES.COLON, regex: [/^:/] }, { type: TYPES.CURLYCLOSE, regex: [/^\}/] }, { type: TYPES.DOTKEY, regex: [/^\.(\w+)/], idx: 1 }, { type: TYPES.NUMBER, regex: [/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/] }, { type: TYPES.OPERATOR, regex: [/^(\+|-|\/|\*|%)/] } ] exports.types = TYPES /** * Return the token type object for a single chunk of a string. * @param {string} str String chunk. * @return {LexerToken} Defined type, potentially stripped or replaced with more suitable content. * @private */ function reader (str) { var matched utils.some(rules, function (rule) { return utils.some(rule.regex, function (regex) { var match = str.match(regex) var normalized if (!match) { return } normalized = match[rule.idx || 0].replace(/\s*$/, '') normalized = rule.hasOwnProperty('replace') && rule.replace.hasOwnProperty(normalized) ? rule.replace[normalized] : normalized matched = { match: normalized, type: rule.type, length: match[0].length } return true }) }) if (!matched) { matched = { match: str, type: TYPES.UNKNOWN, length: str.length } } return matched } /** * Read a string and break it into separate token types. * @param {string} str * @return {Array.LexerToken} Array of defined types, potentially stripped or replaced with more suitable content. * @private */ = function (str) { var offset = 0 var tokens = [] var substr var match while (offset < str.length) { substr = str.substring(offset) match = reader(substr) offset += match.length tokens.push(match) } return tokens }