'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var constantinople = require('constantinople'); var runtime = require('pug-runtime'); var stringify = require('js-stringify'); function isConstant(src) { return constantinople(src, {pug: runtime, pug_interp: undefined}); } function toConstant(src) { return constantinople.toConstant(src, {pug: runtime, pug_interp: undefined}); } module.exports = compileAttrs; /** * options: * - terse * - runtime * - format ('html' || 'object') */ function compileAttrs(attrs, options) { assert(Array.isArray(attrs), 'Attrs should be an array'); assert( attrs.every(function(attr) { return ( attr && typeof attr === 'object' && typeof attr.name === 'string' && (typeof attr.val === 'string' || typeof attr.val === 'boolean') && typeof attr.mustEscape === 'boolean' ); }), 'All attributes should be supplied as an object of the form {name, val, mustEscape}' ); assert(options && typeof options === 'object', 'Options should be an object'); assert( typeof options.terse === 'boolean', 'Options.terse should be a boolean' ); assert( typeof options.runtime === 'function', 'Options.runtime should be a function that takes a runtime function name and returns the source code that will evaluate to that function at runtime' ); assert( options.format === 'html' || options.format === 'object', 'Options.format should be "html" or "object"' ); var buf = []; var classes = []; var classEscaping = []; function addAttribute(key, val, mustEscape, buf) { if (isConstant(val)) { if (options.format === 'html') { var str = stringify( runtime.attr(key, toConstant(val), mustEscape, options.terse) ); var last = buf[buf.length - 1]; if (last && last[last.length - 1] === str[0]) { buf[buf.length - 1] = last.substr(0, last.length - 1) + str.substr(1); } else { buf.push(str); } } else { val = toConstant(val); if (mustEscape) { val = runtime.escape(val); } buf.push(stringify(key) + ': ' + stringify(val)); } } else { if (options.format === 'html') { buf.push( options.runtime('attr') + '("' + key + '", ' + val + ', ' + stringify(mustEscape) + ', ' + stringify(options.terse) + ')' ); } else { if (mustEscape) { val = options.runtime('escape') + '(' + val + ')'; } buf.push(stringify(key) + ': ' + val); } } } attrs.forEach(function(attr) { var key = attr.name; var val = attr.val; var mustEscape = attr.mustEscape; if (key === 'class') { classes.push(val); classEscaping.push(mustEscape); } else { if (key === 'style') { if (isConstant(val)) { val = stringify(runtime.style(toConstant(val))); } else { val = options.runtime('style') + '(' + val + ')'; } } addAttribute(key, val, mustEscape, buf); } }); var classesBuf = []; if (classes.length) { if (classes.every(isConstant)) { addAttribute( 'class', stringify(runtime.classes(classes.map(toConstant), classEscaping)), false, classesBuf ); } else { classes = classes.map(function(cls, i) { if (isConstant(cls)) { cls = stringify( classEscaping[i] ? runtime.escape(toConstant(cls)) : toConstant(cls) ); classEscaping[i] = false; } return cls; }); addAttribute( 'class', options.runtime('classes') + '([' + classes.join(',') + '], ' + stringify(classEscaping) + ')', false, classesBuf ); } } buf = classesBuf.concat(buf); if (options.format === 'html') return buf.length ? buf.join('+') : '""'; else return '{' + buf.join(',') + '}'; }