'use strict'; /* eslint no-magic-numbers: 1 */ var test = require('tape'); var isCallable = require('../'); var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); var v = require('es-value-fixtures'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var inspect = require('object-inspect'); var typedArrayNames = require('available-typed-arrays')(); var generators = require('make-generator-function')(); var arrows = require('make-arrow-function').list(); var asyncs = require('make-async-function').list(); var weirdlyCommentedArrowFn; try { /* eslint-disable no-new-func */ weirdlyCommentedArrowFn = Function('return cl/*/**/=>/**/ass - 1;')(); /* eslint-enable no-new-func */ } catch (e) { /**/ } var isIE68 = !(0 in [undefined]); var isFirefox = typeof window !== 'undefined' && ('netscape' in window) && (/ rv:/).test(navigator.userAgent); var fnToStringCoerces; try { Function.prototype.toString.call(v.uncoercibleFnObject); fnToStringCoerces = true; } catch (e) { fnToStringCoerces = false; } var noop = function () {}; var classFake = function classFake() { }; // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching var returnClass = function () { return ' class '; }; var return3 = function () { return 3; }; /* for coverage */ noop(); classFake(); returnClass(); return3(); /* end for coverage */ var proxy; if (typeof Proxy === 'function') { try { proxy = new Proxy(function () {}, {}); // for coverage proxy(); String(proxy); } catch (_) { // Older engines throw a `TypeError` when `Function.prototype.toString` is called on a Proxy object. proxy = null; } } var invokeFunction = function invokeFunctionString(str) { var result; try { /* eslint-disable no-new-func */ var fn = Function(str); /* eslint-enable no-new-func */ result = fn(); } catch (e) {} return result; }; var classConstructor = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class Foo {}'); var hasDetectableClasses = classConstructor && Function.prototype.toString.call(classConstructor) === 'class Foo {}'; var commentedClass = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/*kkk*/\n//blah\n Bar\n//blah\n {}'); var commentedClassOneLine = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/**/A{}'); var classAnonymous = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class{}'); var classAnonymousCommentedOneLine = invokeFunction('"use strict"; return class/*/*/{}'); test('not callables', function (t) { t.notOk(isCallable(), 'implicit undefined is not callable'); forEach(v.nonFunctions.concat([ Object(42), Object('foo'), NaN, [], /a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g'), new Date() ]), function (nonFunction) { if (fnToStringCoerces && nonFunction === v.coercibleFnObject) { t.comment('FF 3.6 has a Function toString that coerces its receiver, so this test is skipped'); return; } if (nonFunction != null) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq if (isFirefox) { // Firefox 3 throws some kind of *object* here instead of a proper error t['throws']( function () { Function.prototype.toString.call(nonFunction); }, inspect(nonFunction) + ' can not be used with Function toString' ); } else { t['throws']( function () { Function.prototype.toString.call(nonFunction); }, TypeError, inspect(nonFunction) + ' can not be used with Function toString' ); } } t.equal(isCallable(nonFunction), false, inspect(nonFunction) + ' is not callable'); }); t.test('non-function with function in its [[Prototype]] chain', function (st) { var Foo = function Bar() {}; Foo.prototype = noop; st.equal(isCallable(Foo), true, 'sanity check: Foo is callable'); st.equal(isCallable(new Foo()), false, 'instance of Foo is not callable'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('@@toStringTag', { skip: !hasToStringTag }, function (t) { var fakeFunction = { toString: function () { return String(return3); }, valueOf: return3 }; fakeFunction[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Function'; t.equal(String(fakeFunction), String(return3)); t.equal(Number(fakeFunction), return3()); t.notOk(isCallable(fakeFunction), 'fake Function with @@toStringTag "Function" is not callable'); t.end(); }); test('Functions', function (t) { t.ok(isCallable(noop), 'function is callable'); t.ok(isCallable(classFake), 'function with name containing "class" is callable'); t.ok(isCallable(returnClass), 'function with string " class " is callable'); t.ok(isCallable(isCallable), 'isCallable is callable'); t.end(); }); test('Typed Arrays', { skip: typedArrayNames.length === 0 }, function (st) { forEach(typedArrayNames, function (typedArray) { st.ok(isCallable(global[typedArray]), typedArray + ' is callable'); }); st.end(); }); test('Generators', { skip: generators.length === 0 }, function (t) { forEach(generators, function (genFn) { t.ok(isCallable(genFn), 'generator function ' + genFn + ' is callable'); }); t.end(); }); test('Arrow functions', { skip: arrows.length === 0 }, function (t) { forEach(arrows, function (arrowFn) { t.ok(isCallable(arrowFn), 'arrow function ' + arrowFn + ' is callable'); }); t.ok(isCallable(weirdlyCommentedArrowFn), 'weirdly commented arrow functions are callable'); t.end(); }); test('"Class" constructors', { skip: !classConstructor || !commentedClass || !commentedClassOneLine || !classAnonymous, todo: !hasDetectableClasses }, function (t) { if (!hasDetectableClasses) { t.comment('WARNING: This engine does not support detectable classes'); } t.notOk(isCallable(classConstructor), 'class constructors are not callable'); t.notOk(isCallable(commentedClass), 'class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable'); t.notOk(isCallable(commentedClassOneLine), 'one-line class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable'); t.notOk(isCallable(classAnonymous), 'anonymous class constructors are not callable'); t.notOk(isCallable(classAnonymousCommentedOneLine), 'anonymous one-line class constructors with comments in the signature are not callable'); t.end(); }); test('`async function`s', { skip: asyncs.length === 0 }, function (t) { forEach(asyncs, function (asyncFn) { t.ok(isCallable(asyncFn), '`async function` ' + asyncFn + ' is callable'); }); t.end(); }); test('proxies of functions', { skip: !proxy }, function (t) { t.equal(isCallable(proxy), true, 'proxies of functions are callable'); t.end(); }); test('throwing functions', function (t) { t.plan(1); var thrower = function (a) { return a.b; }; t.ok(isCallable(thrower), 'a function that throws is callable'); }); test('DOM', function (t) { /* eslint-env browser */ t.test('document.all', { skip: typeof document !== 'object' }, function (st) { st.notOk(isCallable(document), 'document is not callable'); var all = document.all; var isFF3 = !isIE68 && Object.prototype.toString(all) === Object.prototype.toString.call(document.all); // this test is true in IE 6-8 also var expected = false; if (!isFF3) { try { expected = document.all('') == null; // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq } catch (e) { /**/ } } st.equal(isCallable(document.all), expected, 'document.all is ' + (isFF3 ? 'not ' : '') + 'callable'); st.end(); }); forEach([ 'HTMLElement', 'HTMLAnchorElement' ], function (name) { var constructor = global[name]; t.test(name, { skip: !constructor }, function (st) { st.match(typeof constructor, /^(?:function|object)$/, name + ' is a function or object'); var callable = isCallable(constructor); st.equal(typeof callable, 'boolean'); if (callable) { st.doesNotThrow( function () { Function.prototype.toString.call(constructor); }, 'anything this library claims is callable should be accepted by Function toString' ); } else { st['throws']( function () { Function.prototype.toString.call(constructor); }, TypeError, 'anything this library claims is not callable should not be accepted by Function toString' ); } st.end(); }); }); t.end(); });