const debug = require('debug')('ali-oss:sts'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const copy = require('copy-to'); const AgentKeepalive = require('agentkeepalive'); const is = require('is-type-of'); const ms = require('humanize-ms'); const urllib = require('urllib'); const globalHttpAgent = new AgentKeepalive(); function STS(options) { if (!(this instanceof STS)) { return new STS(options); } if (!options || !options.accessKeyId || !options.accessKeySecret) { throw new Error('require accessKeyId, accessKeySecret'); } this.options = { endpoint: options.endpoint || '', format: 'JSON', apiVersion: '2015-04-01', sigMethod: 'HMAC-SHA1', sigVersion: '1.0', timeout: '60s' }; copy(options).to(this.options); // support custom agent and urllib client if (this.options.urllib) { this.urllib = this.options.urllib; } else { this.urllib = urllib; this.agent = this.options.agent || globalHttpAgent; } } module.exports = STS; const proto = STS.prototype; /** * STS opertaions */ proto.assumeRole = async function assumeRole(role, policy, expiration, session, options) { const opts = this.options; const params = { Action: 'AssumeRole', RoleArn: role, RoleSessionName: session || 'app', DurationSeconds: expiration || 3600, Format: opts.format, Version: opts.apiVersion, AccessKeyId: opts.accessKeyId, SignatureMethod: opts.sigMethod, SignatureVersion: opts.sigVersion, SignatureNonce: Math.random(), Timestamp: new Date().toISOString() }; if (policy) { let policyStr; if (is.string(policy)) { try { policyStr = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(policy)); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Policy string is not a valid JSON: ${err.message}`); } } else { policyStr = JSON.stringify(policy); } params.Policy = policyStr; } const signature = this._getSignature('POST', params, opts.accessKeySecret); params.Signature = signature; const reqUrl = opts.endpoint; const reqParams = { agent: this.agent, timeout: ms((options && options.timeout) || opts.timeout), method: 'POST', content: querystring.stringify(params), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, ctx: options && options.ctx }; const result = await this.urllib.request(reqUrl, reqParams); debug('response %s %s, got %s, headers: %j', reqParams.method, reqUrl, result.status, result.headers); if (Math.floor(result.status / 100) !== 2) { const err = await this._requestError(result); err.params = reqParams; throw err; } = JSON.parse(; return { res: result.res, credentials: }; }; proto._requestError = async function _requestError(result) { const err = new Error(); err.status = result.status; try { const resp = (await JSON.parse( || {}; err.code = resp.Code; err.message = `${resp.Code}: ${resp.Message}`; err.requestId = resp.RequestId; } catch (e) { err.message = `UnknownError: ${String(}`; } return err; }; proto._getSignature = function _getSignature(method, params, key) { const that = this; const canoQuery = Object.keys(params) .sort() .map(k => `${that._escape(k)}=${that._escape(params[k])}`) .join('&'); const stringToSign = `${method.toUpperCase()}&${this._escape('/')}&${this._escape(canoQuery)}`; debug('string to sign: %s', stringToSign); let signature = crypto.createHmac('sha1', `${key}&`); signature = signature.update(stringToSign).digest('base64'); debug('signature: %s', signature); return signature; }; /** * Since `encodeURIComponent` doesn't encode '*', which causes * 'SignatureDoesNotMatch'. We need do it ourselves. */ proto._escape = function _escape(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str) .replace(/!/g, '%21') .replace(/'/g, '%27') .replace(/\(/g, '%28') .replace(/\)/g, '%29') .replace(/\*/g, '%2A'); };