const urlutil = require('url'); const { isIP } = require('../utils/isIP'); const proto = exports; /** * Get Object url by name * @param {String} name - object name * @param {String} [baseUrl] - If provide `baseUrl`, will use `baseUrl` instead the default `endpoint and bucket`. * @return {String} object url include bucket */ proto.generateObjectUrl = function generateObjectUrl(name, baseUrl) { if (isIP(this.options.endpoint.hostname)) { throw new Error('can not get the object URL when endpoint is IP'); } if (!baseUrl) { baseUrl = this.options.endpoint.format(); const copyUrl = urlutil.parse(baseUrl); const { bucket } = this.options; copyUrl.hostname = `${bucket}.${copyUrl.hostname}`; = `${bucket}.${}`; baseUrl = copyUrl.format(); } else if (baseUrl[baseUrl.length - 1] !== '/') { baseUrl += '/'; } return baseUrl + this._escape(this._objectName(name)); };