"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.or = exports.and = exports.not = exports.CodeGen = exports.operators = exports.varKinds = exports.ValueScopeName = exports.ValueScope = exports.Scope = exports.Name = exports.stringify = exports.getProperty = exports.nil = exports.strConcat = exports.str = exports._ = void 0; const code_1 = require("./code"); const scope_1 = require("./scope"); var code_2 = require("./code"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "_", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2._; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "str", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.str; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "strConcat", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.strConcat; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "nil", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.nil; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "getProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.getProperty; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.stringify; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Name", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return code_2.Name; } }); var scope_2 = require("./scope"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Scope", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return scope_2.Scope; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ValueScope", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return scope_2.ValueScope; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ValueScopeName", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return scope_2.ValueScopeName; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "varKinds", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return scope_2.varKinds; } }); exports.operators = { GT: new code_1._Code(">"), GTE: new code_1._Code(">="), LT: new code_1._Code("<"), LTE: new code_1._Code("<="), EQ: new code_1._Code("==="), NEQ: new code_1._Code("!=="), NOT: new code_1._Code("!"), OR: new code_1._Code("||"), AND: new code_1._Code("&&"), ADD: new code_1._Code("+"), }; class Node { optimizeNodes() { return this; } optimizeNames(_names, _constants) { return this; } } class Def extends Node { constructor(varKind, name, rhs) { super(); this.varKind = varKind; this.name = name; this.rhs = rhs; } render({ es5, _n }) { const varKind = es5 ? scope_1.varKinds.var : this.varKind; const rhs = this.rhs === undefined ? "" : ` = ${this.rhs}`; return `${varKind} ${this.name}${rhs};` + _n; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { if (!names[this.name.str]) return; if (this.rhs) this.rhs = optimizeExpr(this.rhs, names, constants); return this; } get names() { return this.rhs instanceof code_1._CodeOrName ? this.rhs.names : {}; } } class Assign extends Node { constructor(lhs, rhs, sideEffects) { super(); this.lhs = lhs; this.rhs = rhs; this.sideEffects = sideEffects; } render({ _n }) { return `${this.lhs} = ${this.rhs};` + _n; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { if (this.lhs instanceof code_1.Name && !names[this.lhs.str] && !this.sideEffects) return; this.rhs = optimizeExpr(this.rhs, names, constants); return this; } get names() { const names = this.lhs instanceof code_1.Name ? {} : { ...this.lhs.names }; return addExprNames(names, this.rhs); } } class AssignOp extends Assign { constructor(lhs, op, rhs, sideEffects) { super(lhs, rhs, sideEffects); this.op = op; } render({ _n }) { return `${this.lhs} ${this.op}= ${this.rhs};` + _n; } } class Label extends Node { constructor(label) { super(); this.label = label; this.names = {}; } render({ _n }) { return `${this.label}:` + _n; } } class Break extends Node { constructor(label) { super(); this.label = label; this.names = {}; } render({ _n }) { const label = this.label ? ` ${this.label}` : ""; return `break${label};` + _n; } } class Throw extends Node { constructor(error) { super(); this.error = error; } render({ _n }) { return `throw ${this.error};` + _n; } get names() { return this.error.names; } } class AnyCode extends Node { constructor(code) { super(); this.code = code; } render({ _n }) { return `${this.code};` + _n; } optimizeNodes() { return `${this.code}` ? this : undefined; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { this.code = optimizeExpr(this.code, names, constants); return this; } get names() { return this.code instanceof code_1._CodeOrName ? this.code.names : {}; } } class ParentNode extends Node { constructor(nodes = []) { super(); this.nodes = nodes; } render(opts) { return this.nodes.reduce((code, n) => code + n.render(opts), ""); } optimizeNodes() { const { nodes } = this; let i = nodes.length; while (i--) { const n = nodes[i].optimizeNodes(); if (Array.isArray(n)) nodes.splice(i, 1, ...n); else if (n) nodes[i] = n; else nodes.splice(i, 1); } return nodes.length > 0 ? this : undefined; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { const { nodes } = this; let i = nodes.length; while (i--) { // iterating backwards improves 1-pass optimization const n = nodes[i]; if (n.optimizeNames(names, constants)) continue; subtractNames(names, n.names); nodes.splice(i, 1); } return nodes.length > 0 ? this : undefined; } get names() { return this.nodes.reduce((names, n) => addNames(names, n.names), {}); } } class BlockNode extends ParentNode { render(opts) { return "{" + opts._n + super.render(opts) + "}" + opts._n; } } class Root extends ParentNode { } class Else extends BlockNode { } Else.kind = "else"; class If extends BlockNode { constructor(condition, nodes) { super(nodes); this.condition = condition; } render(opts) { let code = `if(${this.condition})` + super.render(opts); if (this.else) code += "else " + this.else.render(opts); return code; } optimizeNodes() { super.optimizeNodes(); const cond = this.condition; if (cond === true) return this.nodes; // else is ignored here let e = this.else; if (e) { const ns = e.optimizeNodes(); e = this.else = Array.isArray(ns) ? new Else(ns) : ns; } if (e) { if (cond === false) return e instanceof If ? e : e.nodes; if (this.nodes.length) return this; return new If(not(cond), e instanceof If ? [e] : e.nodes); } if (cond === false || !this.nodes.length) return undefined; return this; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { var _a; this.else = (_a = this.else) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.optimizeNames(names, constants); if (!(super.optimizeNames(names, constants) || this.else)) return; this.condition = optimizeExpr(this.condition, names, constants); return this; } get names() { const names = super.names; addExprNames(names, this.condition); if (this.else) addNames(names, this.else.names); return names; } } If.kind = "if"; class For extends BlockNode { } For.kind = "for"; class ForLoop extends For { constructor(iteration) { super(); this.iteration = iteration; } render(opts) { return `for(${this.iteration})` + super.render(opts); } optimizeNames(names, constants) { if (!super.optimizeNames(names, constants)) return; this.iteration = optimizeExpr(this.iteration, names, constants); return this; } get names() { return addNames(super.names, this.iteration.names); } } class ForRange extends For { constructor(varKind, name, from, to) { super(); this.varKind = varKind; this.name = name; this.from = from; this.to = to; } render(opts) { const varKind = opts.es5 ? scope_1.varKinds.var : this.varKind; const { name, from, to } = this; return `for(${varKind} ${name}=${from}; ${name}<${to}; ${name}++)` + super.render(opts); } get names() { const names = addExprNames(super.names, this.from); return addExprNames(names, this.to); } } class ForIter extends For { constructor(loop, varKind, name, iterable) { super(); this.loop = loop; this.varKind = varKind; this.name = name; this.iterable = iterable; } render(opts) { return `for(${this.varKind} ${this.name} ${this.loop} ${this.iterable})` + super.render(opts); } optimizeNames(names, constants) { if (!super.optimizeNames(names, constants)) return; this.iterable = optimizeExpr(this.iterable, names, constants); return this; } get names() { return addNames(super.names, this.iterable.names); } } class Func extends BlockNode { constructor(name, args, async) { super(); this.name = name; this.args = args; this.async = async; } render(opts) { const _async = this.async ? "async " : ""; return `${_async}function ${this.name}(${this.args})` + super.render(opts); } } Func.kind = "func"; class Return extends ParentNode { render(opts) { return "return " + super.render(opts); } } Return.kind = "return"; class Try extends BlockNode { render(opts) { let code = "try" + super.render(opts); if (this.catch) code += this.catch.render(opts); if (this.finally) code += this.finally.render(opts); return code; } optimizeNodes() { var _a, _b; super.optimizeNodes(); (_a = this.catch) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.optimizeNodes(); (_b = this.finally) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.optimizeNodes(); return this; } optimizeNames(names, constants) { var _a, _b; super.optimizeNames(names, constants); (_a = this.catch) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.optimizeNames(names, constants); (_b = this.finally) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.optimizeNames(names, constants); return this; } get names() { const names = super.names; if (this.catch) addNames(names, this.catch.names); if (this.finally) addNames(names, this.finally.names); return names; } } class Catch extends BlockNode { constructor(error) { super(); this.error = error; } render(opts) { return `catch(${this.error})` + super.render(opts); } } Catch.kind = "catch"; class Finally extends BlockNode { render(opts) { return "finally" + super.render(opts); } } Finally.kind = "finally"; class CodeGen { constructor(extScope, opts = {}) { this._values = {}; this._blockStarts = []; this._constants = {}; this.opts = { ...opts, _n: opts.lines ? "\n" : "" }; this._extScope = extScope; this._scope = new scope_1.Scope({ parent: extScope }); this._nodes = [new Root()]; } toString() { return this._root.render(this.opts); } // returns unique name in the internal scope name(prefix) { return this._scope.name(prefix); } // reserves unique name in the external scope scopeName(prefix) { return this._extScope.name(prefix); } // reserves unique name in the external scope and assigns value to it scopeValue(prefixOrName, value) { const name = this._extScope.value(prefixOrName, value); const vs = this._values[name.prefix] || (this._values[name.prefix] = new Set()); vs.add(name); return name; } getScopeValue(prefix, keyOrRef) { return this._extScope.getValue(prefix, keyOrRef); } // return code that assigns values in the external scope to the names that are used internally // (same names that were returned by gen.scopeName or gen.scopeValue) scopeRefs(scopeName) { return this._extScope.scopeRefs(scopeName, this._values); } scopeCode() { return this._extScope.scopeCode(this._values); } _def(varKind, nameOrPrefix, rhs, constant) { const name = this._scope.toName(nameOrPrefix); if (rhs !== undefined && constant) this._constants[name.str] = rhs; this._leafNode(new Def(varKind, name, rhs)); return name; } // `const` declaration (`var` in es5 mode) const(nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant) { return this._def(scope_1.varKinds.const, nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant); } // `let` declaration with optional assignment (`var` in es5 mode) let(nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant) { return this._def(scope_1.varKinds.let, nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant); } // `var` declaration with optional assignment var(nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant) { return this._def(scope_1.varKinds.var, nameOrPrefix, rhs, _constant); } // assignment code assign(lhs, rhs, sideEffects) { return this._leafNode(new Assign(lhs, rhs, sideEffects)); } // `+=` code add(lhs, rhs) { return this._leafNode(new AssignOp(lhs, exports.operators.ADD, rhs)); } // appends passed SafeExpr to code or executes Block code(c) { if (typeof c == "function") c(); else if (c !== code_1.nil) this._leafNode(new AnyCode(c)); return this; } // returns code for object literal for the passed argument list of key-value pairs object(...keyValues) { const code = ["{"]; for (const [key, value] of keyValues) { if (code.length > 1) code.push(","); code.push(key); if (key !== value || this.opts.es5) { code.push(":"); code_1.addCodeArg(code, value); } } code.push("}"); return new code_1._Code(code); } // `if` clause (or statement if `thenBody` and, optionally, `elseBody` are passed) if(condition, thenBody, elseBody) { this._blockNode(new If(condition)); if (thenBody && elseBody) { this.code(thenBody).else().code(elseBody).endIf(); } else if (thenBody) { this.code(thenBody).endIf(); } else if (elseBody) { throw new Error('CodeGen: "else" body without "then" body'); } return this; } // `else if` clause - invalid without `if` or after `else` clauses elseIf(condition) { return this._elseNode(new If(condition)); } // `else` clause - only valid after `if` or `else if` clauses else() { return this._elseNode(new Else()); } // end `if` statement (needed if gen.if was used only with condition) endIf() { return this._endBlockNode(If, Else); } _for(node, forBody) { this._blockNode(node); if (forBody) this.code(forBody).endFor(); return this; } // a generic `for` clause (or statement if `forBody` is passed) for(iteration, forBody) { return this._for(new ForLoop(iteration), forBody); } // `for` statement for a range of values forRange(nameOrPrefix, from, to, forBody, varKind = this.opts.es5 ? scope_1.varKinds.var : scope_1.varKinds.let) { const name = this._scope.toName(nameOrPrefix); return this._for(new ForRange(varKind, name, from, to), () => forBody(name)); } // `for-of` statement (in es5 mode replace with a normal for loop) forOf(nameOrPrefix, iterable, forBody, varKind = scope_1.varKinds.const) { const name = this._scope.toName(nameOrPrefix); if (this.opts.es5) { const arr = iterable instanceof code_1.Name ? iterable : this.var("_arr", iterable); return this.forRange("_i", 0, code_1._ `${arr}.length`, (i) => { this.var(name, code_1._ `${arr}[${i}]`); forBody(name); }); } return this._for(new ForIter("of", varKind, name, iterable), () => forBody(name)); } // `for-in` statement. // With option `ownProperties` replaced with a `for-of` loop for object keys forIn(nameOrPrefix, obj, forBody, varKind = this.opts.es5 ? scope_1.varKinds.var : scope_1.varKinds.const) { if (this.opts.ownProperties) { return this.forOf(nameOrPrefix, code_1._ `Object.keys(${obj})`, forBody); } const name = this._scope.toName(nameOrPrefix); return this._for(new ForIter("in", varKind, name, obj), () => forBody(name)); } // end `for` loop endFor() { return this._endBlockNode(For); } // `label` statement label(label) { return this._leafNode(new Label(label)); } // `break` statement break(label) { return this._leafNode(new Break(label)); } // `return` statement return(value) { const node = new Return(); this._blockNode(node); this.code(value); if (node.nodes.length !== 1) throw new Error('CodeGen: "return" should have one node'); return this._endBlockNode(Return); } // `try` statement try(tryBody, catchCode, finallyCode) { if (!catchCode && !finallyCode) throw new Error('CodeGen: "try" without "catch" and "finally"'); const node = new Try(); this._blockNode(node); this.code(tryBody); if (catchCode) { const error = this.name("e"); this._currNode = node.catch = new Catch(error); catchCode(error); } if (finallyCode) { this._currNode = node.finally = new Finally(); this.code(finallyCode); } return this._endBlockNode(Catch, Finally); } // `throw` statement throw(error) { return this._leafNode(new Throw(error)); } // start self-balancing block block(body, nodeCount) { this._blockStarts.push(this._nodes.length); if (body) this.code(body).endBlock(nodeCount); return this; } // end the current self-balancing block endBlock(nodeCount) { const len = this._blockStarts.pop(); if (len === undefined) throw new Error("CodeGen: not in self-balancing block"); const toClose = this._nodes.length - len; if (toClose < 0 || (nodeCount !== undefined && toClose !== nodeCount)) { throw new Error(`CodeGen: wrong number of nodes: ${toClose} vs ${nodeCount} expected`); } this._nodes.length = len; return this; } // `function` heading (or definition if funcBody is passed) func(name, args = code_1.nil, async, funcBody) { this._blockNode(new Func(name, args, async)); if (funcBody) this.code(funcBody).endFunc(); return this; } // end function definition endFunc() { return this._endBlockNode(Func); } optimize(n = 1) { while (n-- > 0) { this._root.optimizeNodes(); this._root.optimizeNames(this._root.names, this._constants); } } _leafNode(node) { this._currNode.nodes.push(node); return this; } _blockNode(node) { this._currNode.nodes.push(node); this._nodes.push(node); } _endBlockNode(N1, N2) { const n = this._currNode; if (n instanceof N1 || (N2 && n instanceof N2)) { this._nodes.pop(); return this; } throw new Error(`CodeGen: not in block "${N2 ? `${N1.kind}/${N2.kind}` : N1.kind}"`); } _elseNode(node) { const n = this._currNode; if (!(n instanceof If)) { throw new Error('CodeGen: "else" without "if"'); } this._currNode = n.else = node; return this; } get _root() { return this._nodes[0]; } get _currNode() { const ns = this._nodes; return ns[ns.length - 1]; } set _currNode(node) { const ns = this._nodes; ns[ns.length - 1] = node; } } exports.CodeGen = CodeGen; function addNames(names, from) { for (const n in from) names[n] = (names[n] || 0) + (from[n] || 0); return names; } function addExprNames(names, from) { return from instanceof code_1._CodeOrName ? addNames(names, from.names) : names; } function optimizeExpr(expr, names, constants) { if (expr instanceof code_1.Name) return replaceName(expr); if (!canOptimize(expr)) return expr; return new code_1._Code(expr._items.reduce((items, c) => { if (c instanceof code_1.Name) c = replaceName(c); if (c instanceof code_1._Code) items.push(...c._items); else items.push(c); return items; }, [])); function replaceName(n) { const c = constants[n.str]; if (c === undefined || names[n.str] !== 1) return n; delete names[n.str]; return c; } function canOptimize(e) { return (e instanceof code_1._Code && e._items.some((c) => c instanceof code_1.Name && names[c.str] === 1 && constants[c.str] !== undefined)); } } function subtractNames(names, from) { for (const n in from) names[n] = (names[n] || 0) - (from[n] || 0); } function not(x) { return typeof x == "boolean" || typeof x == "number" || x === null ? !x : code_1._ `!${par(x)}`; } exports.not = not; const andCode = mappend(exports.operators.AND); // boolean AND (&&) expression with the passed arguments function and(...args) { return args.reduce(andCode); } exports.and = and; const orCode = mappend(exports.operators.OR); // boolean OR (||) expression with the passed arguments function or(...args) { return args.reduce(orCode); } exports.or = or; function mappend(op) { return (x, y) => (x === code_1.nil ? y : y === code_1.nil ? x : code_1._ `${par(x)} ${op} ${par(y)}`); } function par(x) { return x instanceof code_1.Name ? x : code_1._ `(${x})`; } //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map