import path, { dirname, resolve, extname, normalize, sep } from 'path'; import builtinList from 'builtin-modules'; import deepMerge from 'deepmerge'; import isModule from 'is-module'; import fs, { realpathSync } from 'fs'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import resolve$1 from 'resolve'; import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; const access = promisify(fs.access); const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); const realpath = promisify(fs.realpath); const stat = promisify(fs.stat); async function exists(filePath) { try { await access(filePath); return true; } catch { return false; } } const onError = (error) => { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { return false; } throw error; }; const makeCache = (fn) => { const cache = new Map(); const wrapped = async (param, done) => { if (cache.has(param) === false) { cache.set( param, fn(param).catch((err) => { cache.delete(param); throw err; }) ); } try { const result = cache.get(param); const value = await result; return done(null, value); } catch (error) { return done(error); } }; wrapped.clear = () => cache.clear(); return wrapped; }; const isDirCached = makeCache(async (file) => { try { const stats = await stat(file); return stats.isDirectory(); } catch (error) { return onError(error); } }); const isFileCached = makeCache(async (file) => { try { const stats = await stat(file); return stats.isFile(); } catch (error) { return onError(error); } }); const readCachedFile = makeCache(readFile); // returns the imported package name for bare module imports function getPackageName(id) { if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('/')) { return null; } const split = id.split('/'); // @my-scope/my-package/foo.js -> @my-scope/my-package // @my-scope/my-package -> @my-scope/my-package if (split[0][0] === '@') { return `${split[0]}/${split[1]}`; } // my-package/foo.js -> my-package // my-package -> my-package return split[0]; } function getMainFields(options) { let mainFields; if (options.mainFields) { ({ mainFields } = options); } else { mainFields = ['module', 'main']; } if (options.browser && mainFields.indexOf('browser') === -1) { return ['browser'].concat(mainFields); } if (!mainFields.length) { throw new Error('Please ensure at least one `mainFields` value is specified'); } return mainFields; } function getPackageInfo(options) { const { cache, extensions, pkg, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot } = options; let { pkgPath } = options; if (cache.has(pkgPath)) { return cache.get(pkgPath); } // browserify/resolve doesn't realpath paths returned in its packageFilter callback if (!preserveSymlinks) { pkgPath = realpathSync(pkgPath); } const pkgRoot = dirname(pkgPath); const packageInfo = { // copy as we are about to munge the `main` field of `pkg`. packageJson: { ...pkg }, // path to package.json file packageJsonPath: pkgPath, // directory containing the package.json root: pkgRoot, // which main field was used during resolution of this module (main, module, or browser) resolvedMainField: 'main', // whether the browser map was used to resolve the entry point to this module browserMappedMain: false, // the entry point of the module with respect to the selected main field and any // relevant browser mappings. resolvedEntryPoint: '' }; let overriddenMain = false; for (let i = 0; i < mainFields.length; i++) { const field = mainFields[i]; if (typeof pkg[field] === 'string') { pkg.main = pkg[field]; packageInfo.resolvedMainField = field; overriddenMain = true; break; } } const internalPackageInfo = { cachedPkg: pkg, hasModuleSideEffects: () => null, hasPackageEntry: overriddenMain !== false || mainFields.indexOf('main') !== -1, packageBrowserField: useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && Object.keys(pkg.browser).reduce((browser, key) => { let resolved = pkg.browser[key]; if (resolved && resolved[0] === '.') { resolved = resolve(pkgRoot, resolved); } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ browser[key] = resolved; if (key[0] === '.') { const absoluteKey = resolve(pkgRoot, key); browser[absoluteKey] = resolved; if (!extname(key)) { extensions.reduce((subBrowser, ext) => { subBrowser[absoluteKey + ext] = subBrowser[key]; return subBrowser; }, browser); } } return browser; }, {}), packageInfo }; const browserMap = internalPackageInfo.packageBrowserField; if ( useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins browserMap.hasOwnProperty(pkg.main) ) { packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = browserMap[pkg.main]; packageInfo.browserMappedMain = true; } else { // index.node is technically a valid default entrypoint as well... packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = resolve(pkgRoot, pkg.main || 'index.js'); packageInfo.browserMappedMain = false; } if (!ignoreSideEffectsForRoot || rootDir !== pkgRoot) { const packageSideEffects = pkg.sideEffects; if (typeof packageSideEffects === 'boolean') { internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = () => packageSideEffects; } else if (Array.isArray(packageSideEffects)) { internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = createFilter(packageSideEffects, null, { resolve: pkgRoot }); } } cache.set(pkgPath, internalPackageInfo); return internalPackageInfo; } function normalizeInput(input) { if (Array.isArray(input)) { return input; } else if (typeof input === 'object') { return Object.values(input); } // otherwise it's a string return [input]; } /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ const fileExists = promisify(fs.exists); function isModuleDir(current, moduleDirs) { return moduleDirs.some((dir) => current.endsWith(dir)); } async function findPackageJson(base, moduleDirs) { const { root } = path.parse(base); let current = base; while (current !== root && !isModuleDir(current, moduleDirs)) { const pkgJsonPath = path.join(current, 'package.json'); if (await fileExists(pkgJsonPath)) { const pkgJsonString = fs.readFileSync(pkgJsonPath, 'utf-8'); return { pkgJson: JSON.parse(pkgJsonString), pkgPath: current, pkgJsonPath }; } current = path.resolve(current, '..'); } return null; } function isUrl(str) { try { return !!new URL(str); } catch (_) { return false; } } function isConditions(exports) { return typeof exports === 'object' && Object.keys(exports).every((k) => !k.startsWith('.')); } function isMappings(exports) { return typeof exports === 'object' && !isConditions(exports); } function isMixedExports(exports) { const keys = Object.keys(exports); return keys.some((k) => k.startsWith('.')) && keys.some((k) => !k.startsWith('.')); } function createBaseErrorMsg(importSpecifier, importer) { return `Could not resolve import "${importSpecifier}" in ${importer}`; } function createErrorMsg(context, reason, internal) { const { importSpecifier, importer, pkgJsonPath } = context; const base = createBaseErrorMsg(importSpecifier, importer); const field = internal ? 'imports' : 'exports'; return `${base} using ${field} defined in ${pkgJsonPath}.${reason ? ` ${reason}` : ''}`; } class ResolveError extends Error {} class InvalidConfigurationError extends ResolveError { constructor(context, reason) { super(createErrorMsg(context, `Invalid "exports" field. ${reason}`)); } } class InvalidModuleSpecifierError extends ResolveError { constructor(context, internal) { super(createErrorMsg(context, internal)); } } class InvalidPackageTargetError extends ResolveError { constructor(context, reason) { super(createErrorMsg(context, reason)); } } /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop, no-undefined */ function includesInvalidSegments(pathSegments, moduleDirs) { return pathSegments .split('/') .slice(1) .some((t) => ['.', '..', ...moduleDirs].includes(t)); } async function resolvePackageTarget(context, { target, subpath, pattern, internal }) { if (typeof target === 'string') { if (!pattern && subpath.length > 0 && !target.endsWith('/')) { throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context); } if (!target.startsWith('./')) { if (internal && !['/', '../'].some((p) => target.startsWith(p)) && !isUrl(target)) { // this is a bare package import, remap it and resolve it using regular node resolve if (pattern) { const result = await context.resolveId( target.replace(/\*/g, subpath), context.pkgURL.href ); return result ? pathToFileURL(result.location) : null; } const result = await context.resolveId(`${target}${subpath}`, context.pkgURL.href); return result ? pathToFileURL(result.location) : null; } throw new InvalidPackageTargetError(context, `Invalid mapping: "${target}".`); } if (includesInvalidSegments(target, context.moduleDirs)) { throw new InvalidPackageTargetError(context, `Invalid mapping: "${target}".`); } const resolvedTarget = new URL(target, context.pkgURL); if (!resolvedTarget.href.startsWith(context.pkgURL.href)) { throw new InvalidPackageTargetError( context, `Resolved to ${resolvedTarget.href} which is outside package ${context.pkgURL.href}` ); } if (includesInvalidSegments(subpath, context.moduleDirs)) { throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context); } if (pattern) { return resolvedTarget.href.replace(/\*/g, subpath); } return new URL(subpath, resolvedTarget).href; } if (Array.isArray(target)) { let lastError; for (const item of target) { try { const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target: item, subpath, pattern, internal }); // return if defined or null, but not undefined if (resolved !== undefined) { return resolved; } } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof InvalidPackageTargetError)) { throw error; } else { lastError = error; } } } if (lastError) { throw lastError; } return null; } if (target && typeof target === 'object') { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(target)) { if (key === 'default' || context.conditions.includes(key)) { const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target: value, subpath, pattern, internal }); // return if defined or null, but not undefined if (resolved !== undefined) { return resolved; } } } return undefined; } if (target === null) { return null; } throw new InvalidPackageTargetError(context, `Invalid exports field.`); } /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ async function resolvePackageImportsExports(context, { matchKey, matchObj, internal }) { if (!matchKey.endsWith('*') && matchKey in matchObj) { const target = matchObj[matchKey]; const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target, subpath: '', internal }); return resolved; } const expansionKeys = Object.keys(matchObj) .filter((k) => k.endsWith('/') || k.endsWith('*')) .sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length); for (const expansionKey of expansionKeys) { const prefix = expansionKey.substring(0, expansionKey.length - 1); if (expansionKey.endsWith('*') && matchKey.startsWith(prefix)) { const target = matchObj[expansionKey]; const subpath = matchKey.substring(expansionKey.length - 1); const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target, subpath, pattern: true, internal }); return resolved; } if (matchKey.startsWith(expansionKey)) { const target = matchObj[expansionKey]; const subpath = matchKey.substring(expansionKey.length); const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target, subpath, internal }); return resolved; } } throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context, internal); } async function resolvePackageExports(context, subpath, exports) { if (isMixedExports(exports)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationError( context, 'All keys must either start with ./, or without one.' ); } if (subpath === '.') { let mainExport; // If exports is a String or Array, or an Object containing no keys starting with ".", then if (typeof exports === 'string' || Array.isArray(exports) || isConditions(exports)) { mainExport = exports; } else if (isMappings(exports)) { mainExport = exports['.']; } if (mainExport) { const resolved = await resolvePackageTarget(context, { target: mainExport, subpath: '' }); if (resolved) { return resolved; } } } else if (isMappings(exports)) { const resolvedMatch = await resolvePackageImportsExports(context, { matchKey: subpath, matchObj: exports }); if (resolvedMatch) { return resolvedMatch; } } throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context); } async function resolvePackageImports({ importSpecifier, importer, moduleDirs, conditions, resolveId }) { const result = await findPackageJson(importer, moduleDirs); if (!result) { throw new Error(createBaseErrorMsg('. Could not find a parent package.json.')); } const { pkgPath, pkgJsonPath, pkgJson } = result; const pkgURL = pathToFileURL(`${pkgPath}/`); const context = { importer, importSpecifier, moduleDirs, pkgURL, pkgJsonPath, conditions, resolveId }; const { imports } = pkgJson; if (!imports) { throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context, true); } if (importSpecifier === '#' || importSpecifier.startsWith('#/')) { throw new InvalidModuleSpecifierError(context, 'Invalid import specifier.'); } return resolvePackageImportsExports(context, { matchKey: importSpecifier, matchObj: imports, internal: true }); } const resolveImportPath = promisify(resolve$1); const readFile$1 = promisify(fs.readFile); async function getPackageJson(importer, pkgName, resolveOptions, moduleDirectories) { if (importer) { const selfPackageJsonResult = await findPackageJson(importer, moduleDirectories); if (selfPackageJsonResult && === pkgName) { // the referenced package name is the current package return selfPackageJsonResult; } } try { const pkgJsonPath = await resolveImportPath(`${pkgName}/package.json`, resolveOptions); const pkgJson = JSON.parse(await readFile$1(pkgJsonPath, 'utf-8')); return { pkgJsonPath, pkgJson }; } catch (_) { return null; } } async function resolveId({ importer, importSpecifier, exportConditions, warn, packageInfoCache, extensions, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, baseDir, moduleDirectories, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot }) { let hasModuleSideEffects = () => null; let hasPackageEntry = true; let packageBrowserField = false; let packageInfo; const filter = (pkg, pkgPath) => { const info = getPackageInfo({ cache: packageInfoCache, extensions, pkg, pkgPath, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot }); ({ packageInfo, hasModuleSideEffects, hasPackageEntry, packageBrowserField } = info); return info.cachedPkg; }; const resolveOptions = { basedir: baseDir, readFile: readCachedFile, isFile: isFileCached, isDirectory: isDirCached, extensions, includeCoreModules: false, moduleDirectory: moduleDirectories, preserveSymlinks, packageFilter: filter }; let location; const pkgName = getPackageName(importSpecifier); if (importSpecifier.startsWith('#')) { // this is a package internal import, resolve using package imports field const resolveResult = await resolvePackageImports({ importSpecifier, importer, moduleDirs: moduleDirectories, conditions: exportConditions, resolveId(id, parent) { return resolveId({ importSpecifier: id, importer: parent, exportConditions, warn, packageInfoCache, extensions, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, baseDir, moduleDirectories }); } }); location = fileURLToPath(resolveResult); } else if (pkgName) { // it's a bare import, find the package.json and resolve using package exports if available const result = await getPackageJson(importer, pkgName, resolveOptions, moduleDirectories); if (result && result.pkgJson.exports) { const { pkgJson, pkgJsonPath } = result; try { const subpath = pkgName === importSpecifier ? '.' : `.${importSpecifier.substring(pkgName.length)}`; const pkgDr = pkgJsonPath.replace('package.json', ''); const pkgURL = pathToFileURL(pkgDr); const context = { importer, importSpecifier, moduleDirs: moduleDirectories, pkgURL, pkgJsonPath, conditions: exportConditions }; const resolvedPackageExport = await resolvePackageExports( context, subpath, pkgJson.exports ); location = fileURLToPath(resolvedPackageExport); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ResolveError) { return error; } throw error; } } } if (!location) { // package has no imports or exports, use classic node resolve try { location = await resolveImportPath(importSpecifier, resolveOptions); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { throw error; } return null; } } if (!preserveSymlinks) { if (await exists(location)) { location = await realpath(location); } } return { location, hasModuleSideEffects, hasPackageEntry, packageBrowserField, packageInfo }; } // Resolve module specifiers in order. Promise resolves to the first module that resolves // successfully, or the error that resulted from the last attempted module resolution. async function resolveImportSpecifiers({ importer, importSpecifierList, exportConditions, warn, packageInfoCache, extensions, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, baseDir, moduleDirectories, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot }) { let lastResolveError; for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifierList.length; i++) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const result = await resolveId({ importer, importSpecifier: importSpecifierList[i], exportConditions, warn, packageInfoCache, extensions, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, baseDir, moduleDirectories, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot }); if (result instanceof ResolveError) { lastResolveError = result; } else if (result) { return result; } } if (lastResolveError) { // only log the last failed resolve error warn(lastResolveError); } return null; } function handleDeprecatedOptions(opts) { const warnings = []; if (opts.customResolveOptions) { const { customResolveOptions } = opts; if (customResolveOptions.moduleDirectory) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign opts.moduleDirectories = Array.isArray(customResolveOptions.moduleDirectory) ? customResolveOptions.moduleDirectory : [customResolveOptions.moduleDirectory]; warnings.push( 'node-resolve: The `customResolveOptions.moduleDirectory` option has been deprecated. Use `moduleDirectories`, which must be an array.' ); } if (customResolveOptions.preserveSymlinks) { throw new Error( 'node-resolve: `customResolveOptions.preserveSymlinks` is no longer an option. We now always use the rollup `preserveSymlinks` option.' ); } [ 'basedir', 'package', 'extensions', 'includeCoreModules', 'readFile', 'isFile', 'isDirectory', 'realpath', 'packageFilter', 'pathFilter', 'paths', 'packageIterator' ].forEach((resolveOption) => { if (customResolveOptions[resolveOption]) { throw new Error( `node-resolve: \`customResolveOptions.${resolveOption}\` is no longer an option. If you need this, please open an issue.` ); } }); } return { warnings }; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-shadow, no-undefined */ const builtins = new Set(builtinList); const ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY = '\0node-resolve:empty.js'; const deepFreeze = (object) => { Object.freeze(object); for (const value of Object.values(object)) { if (typeof value === 'object' && !Object.isFrozen(value)) { deepFreeze(value); } } return object; }; const baseConditions = ['default', 'module']; const baseConditionsEsm = [...baseConditions, 'import']; const baseConditionsCjs = [...baseConditions, 'require']; const defaults = { dedupe: [], // It's important that .mjs is listed before .js so that Rollup will interpret npm modules // which deploy both ESM .mjs and CommonJS .js files as ESM. extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'], resolveOnly: [], moduleDirectories: ['node_modules'], ignoreSideEffectsForRoot: false }; const DEFAULTS = deepFreeze(deepMerge({}, defaults)); function nodeResolve(opts = {}) { const { warnings } = handleDeprecatedOptions(opts); const options = { ...defaults, ...opts }; const { extensions, jail, moduleDirectories, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot } = options; const conditionsEsm = [...baseConditionsEsm, ...(options.exportConditions || [])]; const conditionsCjs = [...baseConditionsCjs, ...(options.exportConditions || [])]; const packageInfoCache = new Map(); const idToPackageInfo = new Map(); const mainFields = getMainFields(options); const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1; const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false; const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true; const rootDir = resolve(options.rootDir || process.cwd()); let { dedupe } = options; let rollupOptions; if (typeof dedupe !== 'function') { dedupe = (importee) => options.dedupe.includes(importee) || options.dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee)); } const resolveOnly = => { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { return pattern; } const normalized = pattern.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); return new RegExp(`^${normalized}$`); }); const browserMapCache = new Map(); let preserveSymlinks; return { name: 'node-resolve', buildStart(options) { rollupOptions = options; for (const warning of warnings) { this.warn(warning); } ({ preserveSymlinks } = options); }, generateBundle() { readCachedFile.clear(); isFileCached.clear(); isDirCached.clear(); }, async resolveId(importee, importer, opts) { if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) { return importee; } // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null; if (/\0/.test(importer)) { importer = undefined; } // strip query params from import const [importPath, params] = importee.split('?'); const importSuffix = `${params ? `?${params}` : ''}`; importee = importPath; const baseDir = !importer || dedupe(importee) ? rootDir : dirname(importer); // const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer); if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) { const resolvedImportee = resolve(baseDir, importee); if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) { return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY; } const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`]; if (browserImportee) { importee = browserImportee; } } const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/); let id = parts.shift(); let isRelativeImport = false; if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) { // scoped packages id += `/${parts.shift()}`; } else if (id[0] === '.') { // an import relative to the parent dir of the importer id = resolve(baseDir, importee); isRelativeImport = true; } if ( !isRelativeImport && resolveOnly.length && !resolveOnly.some((pattern) => pattern.test(id)) ) { if (normalizeInput(rollupOptions.input).includes(importee)) { return null; } return false; } const importSpecifierList = []; if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) { // For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we // need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly // found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a // relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to // resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we // got it. importSpecifierList.push(`./${importee}`); } const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee); if (importeeIsBuiltin) { // The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same // name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something // that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we // first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't // find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back // the built-in's name. importSpecifierList.push(`${importee}/`); } // TypeScript files may import '.js' to refer to either '.ts' or '.tsx' if (importer && importee.endsWith('.js')) { for (const ext of ['.ts', '.tsx']) { if (importer.endsWith(ext) && extensions.includes(ext)) { importSpecifierList.push(importee.replace(/.js$/, ext)); } } } importSpecifierList.push(importee); const warn = (...args) => this.warn(...args); const isRequire = opts && opts.custom && opts.custom['node-resolve'] && opts.custom['node-resolve'].isRequire; const exportConditions = isRequire ? conditionsCjs : conditionsEsm; const resolvedWithoutBuiltins = await resolveImportSpecifiers({ importer, importSpecifierList, exportConditions, warn, packageInfoCache, extensions, mainFields, preserveSymlinks, useBrowserOverrides, baseDir, moduleDirectories, rootDir, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot }); const resolved = importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins ? { packageInfo: undefined, hasModuleSideEffects: () => null, hasPackageEntry: true, packageBrowserField: false } : resolvedWithoutBuiltins; if (!resolved) { return null; } const { packageInfo, hasModuleSideEffects, hasPackageEntry, packageBrowserField } = resolved; let { location } = resolved; if (packageBrowserField) { if (, location)) { if (!packageBrowserField[location]) { browserMapCache.set(location, packageBrowserField); return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY; } location = packageBrowserField[location]; } browserMapCache.set(location, packageBrowserField); } if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks) { const fileExists = await exists(location); if (fileExists) { location = await realpath(location); } } idToPackageInfo.set(location, packageInfo); if (hasPackageEntry) { if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) { if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet && resolvedWithoutBuiltins && resolved !== importee) { this.warn( `preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative at '${resolvedWithoutBuiltins.location}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning` ); } return false; } else if (jail && location.indexOf(normalize(jail.trim(sep))) !== 0) { return null; } } if (options.modulesOnly && (await exists(location))) { const code = await readFile(location, 'utf-8'); if (isModule(code)) { return { id: `${location}${importSuffix}`, moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(location) }; } return null; } const result = { id: `${location}${importSuffix}`, moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(location) }; return result; }, load(importee) { if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) { return 'export default {};'; } return null; }, getPackageInfoForId(id) { return idToPackageInfo.get(id); } }; } export default nodeResolve; export { DEFAULTS, nodeResolve };