# FTP deployer [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/hexo-deployer-ftp-sync.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-deployer-ftp-sync) Deploy your site via FTP. ## Install ``` $ npm install hexo-deployer-ftp-sync --save ``` ``` $ yarn add hexo-deployer-ftp-sync ``` ## Usage Edit settings. ````yaml deploy: type: ftpsync host: user: password: remote: [remote] port: [port] ignore: [ignore] verbose: [verbose] ```` | Option | Description | Default | |---------|-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------| | host | Address of remote host | | | user | Username | Environment variable FTP_USER | | pass | Password | Environment variable FTP_PASSWORD | | remote | Root directory of remote host | / | | port | Port | 21 | | ignore | Ignore the files on either host or remote | false | | verbose | Enable a verbose mode for debug | false | ## Warning This application will delete files and directories on the remote server to match the local machine. Use this application in production at your own risk.