var utils = require('./utils') var lexer = require('./lexer') var _t = lexer.types var _reserved = [ 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'in', 'instanceof', 'new', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with' ] /** * Filters are simply functions that perform transformations on their first input argument. * Filters are run at render time, so they may not directly modify the compiled template structure in any way. * All of Swig's built-in filters are written in this same way. For more examples, reference the `filters.js` file in Swig's source. * * To disable auto-escaping on a custom filter, simply add a property to the filter method `safe = true;` and the output from this will not be escaped, no matter what the global settings are for Swig. * * @typedef {function} Filter * * @example * // This filter will return 'bazbop' if the idx on the input is not 'foobar' * swig.setFilter('foobar', function (input, idx) { * return input[idx] === 'foobar' ? input[idx] : 'bazbop'; * }); * // myvar = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bop']; * // => {{ myvar|foobar(3) }} * // Since myvar[3] !== 'foobar', we render: * // => bazbop * * @example * // This filter will disable auto-escaping on its output: * function bazbop (input) { return input; } * = true; * swig.setFilter('bazbop', bazbop); * // => {{ "

"|bazbop }} * // =>

* * @param {*} input Input argument, automatically sent from Swig's built-in parser. * @param {...*} [args] All other arguments are defined by the Filter author. * @return {*} */ /*! * Makes a string safe for a regular expression. * @param {string} str * @return {string} * @private */ function escapeRegExp (str) { return str.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') } /** * Parse strings of variables and tags into tokens for future compilation. * @class * @param {array} tokens Pre-split tokens read by the Lexer. * @param {object} filters Keyed object of filters that may be applied to variables. * @param {boolean} autoescape Whether or not this should be autoescaped. * @param {number} line Beginning line number for the first token. * @param {string} [filename] Name of the file being parsed. * @private */ function TokenParser (tokens, filters, autoescape, line, filename) { this.out = [] this.state = [] this.filterApplyIdx = [] this._parsers = {} this.line = line this.filename = filename this.filters = filters this.escape = autoescape this.parse = function () { var self = this if (self._parsers.start) { } utils.each(tokens, function (token, i) { var prevToken = tokens[i - 1] self.isLast = i === tokens.length - 1 if (prevToken) { while (prevToken.type === _t.WHITESPACE) { i -= 1 prevToken = tokens[i - 1] } } self.prevToken = prevToken self.parseToken(token) }) if (self._parsers.end) { } if (self.escape) { self.filterApplyIdx = [0] if (typeof self.escape === 'string') { self.parseToken({ type: _t.FILTER, match: 'e' }) self.parseToken({ type: _t.COMMA, match: ',' }) self.parseToken({ type: _t.STRING, match: String(autoescape) }) self.parseToken({ type: _t.PARENCLOSE, match: ')' }) } else { self.parseToken({ type: _t.FILTEREMPTY, match: 'e' }) } } return self.out } } TokenParser.prototype = { /** * Set a custom method to be called when a token type is found. * * @example * parser.on(types.STRING, function (token) { * this.out.push(token.match); * }); * @example * parser.on('start', function () { * this.out.push('something at the beginning of your args') * }); * parser.on('end', function () { * this.out.push('something at the end of your args'); * }); * * @param {number} type Token type ID. Found in the Lexer. * @param {Function} fn Callback function. Return true to continue executing the default parsing function. * @return {undefined} */ on: function (type, fn) { this._parsers[type] = fn }, /** * Parse a single token. * @param {{match: string, type: number, line: number}} token Lexer token object. * @return {undefined} * @private */ parseToken: function (token) { var self = this var fn = self._parsers[token.type] || self._parsers['*'] var match = token.match var prevToken = self.prevToken var prevTokenType = prevToken ? prevToken.type : null var lastState = self.state.length ? self.state[self.state.length - 1] : null var temp if (fn && typeof fn === 'function') { if (!, token)) { return } } if ( lastState && prevToken && lastState === _t.FILTER && prevTokenType === _t.FILTER && token.type !== _t.PARENCLOSE && token.type !== _t.COMMA && token.type !== _t.OPERATOR && token.type !== _t.FILTER && token.type !== _t.FILTEREMPTY ) { self.out.push(', ') } if (lastState && lastState === _t.METHODOPEN) { self.state.pop() if (token.type !== _t.PARENCLOSE) { self.out.push(', ') } } switch (token.type) { case _t.WHITESPACE: break case _t.STRING: self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length) self.out.push(match.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')) break case _t.NUMBER: case _t.BOOL: self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length) self.out.push(match) break case _t.FILTER: if ( !self.filters.hasOwnProperty(match) || typeof self.filters[match] !== 'function' ) { utils.throwError( 'Invalid filter "' + match + '"', self.line, self.filename ) } self.escape = self.filters[match].safe ? false : self.escape self.out.splice( self.filterApplyIdx[self.filterApplyIdx.length - 1], 0, '_filters["' + match + '"](' ) self.state.push(token.type) break case _t.FILTEREMPTY: if ( !self.filters.hasOwnProperty(match) || typeof self.filters[match] !== 'function' ) { utils.throwError( 'Invalid filter "' + match + '"', self.line, self.filename ) } self.escape = self.filters[match].safe ? false : self.escape self.out.splice( self.filterApplyIdx[self.filterApplyIdx.length - 1], 0, '_filters["' + match + '"](' ) self.out.push(')') break case _t.FUNCTION: case _t.FUNCTIONEMPTY: self.out.push( '((typeof _ctx.' + match + ' !== "undefined") ? _ctx.' + match + ' : ((typeof ' + match + ' !== "undefined") ? ' + match + ' : _fn))(' ) self.escape = false if (token.type === _t.FUNCTIONEMPTY) { self.out[self.out.length - 1] = self.out[self.out.length - 1] + ')' } else { self.state.push(token.type) } self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length - 1) break case _t.PARENOPEN: self.state.push(token.type) if (self.filterApplyIdx.length) { self.out.splice( self.filterApplyIdx[self.filterApplyIdx.length - 1], 0, '(' ) if (prevToken && prevTokenType === _t.VAR) { temp = prevToken.match.split('.').slice(0, -1) self.out.push(' || _fn).call(' + self.checkMatch(temp)) self.state.push(_t.METHODOPEN) self.escape = false } else { self.out.push(' || _fn)(') } self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length - 3) } else { self.out.push('(') self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length - 1) } break case _t.PARENCLOSE: temp = self.state.pop() if ( temp !== _t.PARENOPEN && temp !== _t.FUNCTION && temp !== _t.FILTER ) { utils.throwError('Mismatched nesting state', self.line, self.filename) } self.out.push(')') // Once off the previous entry self.filterApplyIdx.pop() if (temp !== _t.FILTER) { // Once for the open paren self.filterApplyIdx.pop() } break case _t.COMMA: if ( lastState !== _t.FUNCTION && lastState !== _t.FILTER && lastState !== _t.ARRAYOPEN && lastState !== _t.CURLYOPEN && lastState !== _t.PARENOPEN && lastState !== _t.COLON ) { utils.throwError('Unexpected comma', self.line, self.filename) } if (lastState === _t.COLON) { self.state.pop() } self.out.push(', ') self.filterApplyIdx.pop() break case _t.LOGIC: case _t.COMPARATOR: if ( !prevToken || prevTokenType === _t.COMMA || prevTokenType === token.type || prevTokenType === _t.BRACKETOPEN || prevTokenType === _t.CURLYOPEN || prevTokenType === _t.PARENOPEN || prevTokenType === _t.FUNCTION ) { utils.throwError('Unexpected logic', self.line, self.filename) } self.out.push(token.match) break case _t.NOT: self.out.push(token.match) break case _t.VAR: self.parseVar(token, match, lastState) break case _t.BRACKETOPEN: if ( !prevToken || (prevTokenType !== _t.VAR && prevTokenType !== _t.BRACKETCLOSE && prevTokenType !== _t.PARENCLOSE) ) { self.state.push(_t.ARRAYOPEN) self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length) } else { self.state.push(token.type) } self.out.push('[') break case _t.BRACKETCLOSE: temp = self.state.pop() if (temp !== _t.BRACKETOPEN && temp !== _t.ARRAYOPEN) { utils.throwError( 'Unexpected closing square bracket', self.line, self.filename ) } self.out.push(']') self.filterApplyIdx.pop() break case _t.CURLYOPEN: self.state.push(token.type) self.out.push('{') self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length - 1) break case _t.COLON: if (lastState !== _t.CURLYOPEN) { utils.throwError('Unexpected colon', self.line, self.filename) } self.state.push(token.type) self.out.push(':') self.filterApplyIdx.pop() break case _t.CURLYCLOSE: if (lastState === _t.COLON) { self.state.pop() } if (self.state.pop() !== _t.CURLYOPEN) { utils.throwError( 'Unexpected closing curly brace', self.line, self.filename ) } self.out.push('}') self.filterApplyIdx.pop() break case _t.DOTKEY: if ( !prevToken || (prevTokenType !== _t.VAR && prevTokenType !== _t.BRACKETCLOSE && prevTokenType !== _t.DOTKEY && prevTokenType !== _t.PARENCLOSE && prevTokenType !== _t.FUNCTIONEMPTY && prevTokenType !== _t.FILTEREMPTY && prevTokenType !== _t.CURLYCLOSE) ) { utils.throwError( 'Unexpected key "' + match + '"', self.line, self.filename ) } self.out.push('.' + match) break case _t.OPERATOR: self.out.push(' ' + match + ' ') self.filterApplyIdx.pop() break } }, /** * Parse variable token * @param {{match: string, type: number, line: number}} token Lexer token object. * @param {string} match Shortcut for token.match * @param {number} lastState Lexer token type state. * @return {undefined} * @private */ parseVar: function (token, match, lastState) { var self = this match = match.split('.') if (_reserved.indexOf(match[0]) !== -1) { utils.throwError( 'Reserved keyword "' + match[0] + '" attempted to be used as a variable', self.line, self.filename ) } self.filterApplyIdx.push(self.out.length) if (lastState === _t.CURLYOPEN) { if (match.length > 1) { utils.throwError('Unexpected dot', self.line, self.filename) } self.out.push(match[0]) return } self.out.push(self.checkMatch(match)) }, /** * Return contextual dot-check string for a match * @param {string} match Shortcut for token.match * @private */ checkMatch: function (match) { var temp = match[0] var result function checkDot (ctx) { var c = ctx + temp var m = match var build = '' build = '(typeof ' + c + ' !== "undefined" && ' + c + ' !== null' utils.each(m, function (v, i) { if (i === 0) { return } build += ' && ' + c + '.' + v + ' !== undefined && ' + c + '.' + v + ' !== null' c += '.' + v }) build += ')' return build } function buildDot (ctx) { return '(' + checkDot(ctx) + ' ? ' + ctx + match.join('.') + ' : "")' } result = '(' + checkDot('_ctx.') + ' ? ' + buildDot('_ctx.') + ' : ' + buildDot('') + ')' return '(' + result + ' !== null ? ' + result + ' : ' + '"" )' } } /** * Parse a source string into tokens that are ready for compilation. * * @example * exports.parse('{{ tacos }}', {}, tags, filters); * // => [{ compile: [Function], ... }] * * @params {object} swig The current Swig instance * @param {string} source Swig template source. * @param {object} opts Swig options object. * @param {object} tags Keyed object of tags that can be parsed and compiled. * @param {object} filters Keyed object of filters that may be applied to variables. * @return {array} List of tokens ready for compilation. */ exports.parse = function (swig, source, opts, tags, filters) { source = source.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') var escape = opts.autoescape var tagOpen = opts.tagControls[0] var tagClose = opts.tagControls[1] var varOpen = opts.varControls[0] var varClose = opts.varControls[1] var escapedTagOpen = escapeRegExp(tagOpen) var escapedTagClose = escapeRegExp(tagClose) var escapedVarOpen = escapeRegExp(varOpen) var escapedVarClose = escapeRegExp(varClose) var tagStrip = new RegExp( '^' + escapedTagOpen + '-?\\s*-?|-?\\s*-?' + escapedTagClose + '$', 'g' ) var tagStripBefore = new RegExp('^' + escapedTagOpen + '-') var tagStripAfter = new RegExp('-' + escapedTagClose + '$') var varStrip = new RegExp( '^' + escapedVarOpen + '-?\\s*-?|-?\\s*-?' + escapedVarClose + '$', 'g' ) var varStripBefore = new RegExp('^' + escapedVarOpen + '-') var varStripAfter = new RegExp('-' + escapedVarClose + '$') var cmtOpen = opts.cmtControls[0] var cmtClose = opts.cmtControls[1] var anyChar = '[\\s\\S]*?' // Split the template source based on variable, tag, and comment blocks // /(\{%[\s\S]*?%\}|\{\{[\s\S]*?\}\}|\{#[\s\S]*?#\})/ var splitter = new RegExp( '(' + escapedTagOpen + anyChar + escapedTagClose + '|' + escapedVarOpen + anyChar + escapedVarClose + '|' + escapeRegExp(cmtOpen) + anyChar + escapeRegExp(cmtClose) + ')' ) var line = 1 var stack = [] var parent = null var tokens = [] var blocks = {} var inRaw = false var stripNext /** * Parse a variable. * @param {string} str String contents of the variable, between {{ and }} * @param {number} line The line number that this variable starts on. * @return {VarToken} Parsed variable token object. * @private */ function parseVariable (str, line) { var lexedTokens = var parser var out parser = new TokenParser(lexedTokens, filters, escape, line, opts.filename) out = parser.parse().join('') if (parser.state.length) { utils.throwError('Unable to parse "' + str + '"', line, opts.filename) } /** * A parsed variable token. * @typedef {object} VarToken * @property {function} compile Method for compiling this token. */ return { compile: function () { return '_output += ' + out + ';\n' } } } exports.parseVariable = parseVariable /** * Parse a tag. * @param {string} str String contents of the tag, between {% and %} * @param {number} line The line number that this tag starts on. * @return {TagToken} Parsed token object. * @private */ function parseTag (str, line) { var lexedTokens, parser, chunks, tagName, tag, args, last if (utils.startsWith(str, 'end')) { last = stack[stack.length - 1] if ( last && === str.split(/\s+/)[0].replace(/^end/, '') && last.ends ) { switch ( { case 'autoescape': escape = opts.autoescape break case 'raw': inRaw = false break } stack.pop() return } if (!inRaw) { utils.throwError( 'Unexpected end of tag "' + str.replace(/^end/, '') + '"', line, opts.filename ) } } if (inRaw) { return } chunks = str.split(/\s+(.+)?/) tagName = chunks.shift() if (!tags.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) { utils.throwError('Unexpected tag "' + str + '"', line, opts.filename) } lexedTokens =' '))) parser = new TokenParser(lexedTokens, filters, false, line, opts.filename) tag = tags[tagName] /** * Define custom parsing methods for your tag. * @callback parse * * @example * exports.parse = function (str, line, parser, types, options, swig) { * parser.on('start', function () { * // ... * }); * parser.on(types.STRING, function (token) { * // ... * }); * }; * * @param {string} str The full token string of the tag. * @param {number} line The line number that this tag appears on. * @param {TokenParser} parser A TokenParser instance. * @param {TYPES} types Lexer token type enum. * @param {TagToken[]} stack The current stack of open tags. * @param {SwigOpts} options Swig Options Object. * @param {object} swig The Swig instance (gives acces to loaders, parsers, etc) */ if (!tag.parse(chunks[1], line, parser, _t, stack, opts, swig)) { utils.throwError('Unexpected tag "' + tagName + '"', line, opts.filename) } parser.parse() args = parser.out switch (tagName) { case 'autoescape': escape = args[0] !== 'false' ? args[0] : false break case 'raw': inRaw = true break } /** * A parsed tag token. * @typedef {Object} TagToken * @property {compile} [compile] Method for compiling this token. * @property {array} [args] Array of arguments for the tag. * @property {Token[]} [content=[]] An array of tokens that are children of this Token. * @property {boolean} [ends] Whether or not this tag requires an end tag. * @property {string} name The name of this tag. */ return { block: !!tags[tagName].block, compile: tag.compile, args: args, content: [], ends: tag.ends, name: tagName } } /** * Strip the whitespace from the previous token, if it is a string. * @param {object} token Parsed token. * @return {object} If the token was a string, trailing whitespace will be stripped. */ function stripPrevToken (token) { if (typeof token === 'string') { token = token.replace(/\s*$/, '') } return token } /*! * Loop over the source, split via the tag/var/comment regular expression splitter. * Send each chunk to the appropriate parser. */ utils.each(source.split(splitter), function (chunk) { var token, lines, stripPrev, prevToken, prevChildToken if (!chunk) { return } // Is a variable? if ( !inRaw && utils.startsWith(chunk, varOpen) && utils.endsWith(chunk, varClose) ) { stripPrev = varStripBefore.test(chunk) stripNext = varStripAfter.test(chunk) token = parseVariable(chunk.replace(varStrip, ''), line) // Is a tag? } else if ( utils.startsWith(chunk, tagOpen) && utils.endsWith(chunk, tagClose) ) { stripPrev = tagStripBefore.test(chunk) stripNext = tagStripAfter.test(chunk) token = parseTag(chunk.replace(tagStrip, ''), line) if (token) { if ( === 'extends') { parent = token.args .join('') .replace(/^'|'$/g, '') .replace(/^"|"$/g, '') } else if (token.block && !stack.length) { blocks[token.args.join('')] = token } } if (inRaw && !token) { token = chunk } // Is a content string? } else if ( inRaw || (!utils.startsWith(chunk, cmtOpen) && !utils.endsWith(chunk, cmtClose)) ) { token = stripNext ? chunk.replace(/^\s*/, '') : chunk stripNext = false } else if ( utils.startsWith(chunk, cmtOpen) && utils.endsWith(chunk, cmtClose) ) { return } // Did this tag ask to strip previous whitespace? {%- ... %} or {{- ... }} if (stripPrev && tokens.length) { prevToken = tokens.pop() if (typeof prevToken === 'string') { prevToken = stripPrevToken(prevToken) } else if (prevToken.content && prevToken.content.length) { prevChildToken = stripPrevToken(prevToken.content.pop()) prevToken.content.push(prevChildToken) } tokens.push(prevToken) } // This was a comment, so let's just keep going. if (!token) { return } // If there's an open item in the stack, add this to its content. if (stack.length) { stack[stack.length - 1].content.push(token) } else { tokens.push(token) } // If the token is a tag that requires an end tag, open it on the stack. if ( && token.ends) { stack.push(token) } lines = chunk.match(/\n/g) line += lines ? lines.length : 0 }) return { name: opts.filename, parent: parent, tokens: tokens, blocks: blocks } } /** * Compile an array of tokens. * @param {Token[]} template An array of template tokens. * @param {Templates[]} parents Array of parent templates. * @param {SwigOpts} [options] Swig options object. * @param {string} [blockName] Name of the current block context. * @return {string} Partial for a compiled JavaScript method that will output a rendered template. */ exports.compile = function (template, parents, options, blockName) { var out = '' var tokens = utils.isArray(template) ? template : template.tokens utils.each(tokens, function (token) { var o if (typeof token === 'string') { out += '_output += "' + token .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/\n|\r/g, '\\n') .replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '";\n' return } /** * Compile callback for VarToken and TagToken objects. * @callback compile * * @example * exports.compile = function (compiler, args, content, parents, options, blockName) { * if (args[0] === 'foo') { * return compiler(content, parents, options, blockName) + '\n'; * } * return '_output += "fallback";\n'; * }; * * @param {parserCompiler} compiler * @param {array} [args] Array of parsed arguments on the for the token. * @param {array} [content] Array of content within the token. * @param {array} [parents] Array of parent templates for the current template context. * @param {SwigOpts} [options] Swig Options Object * @param {string} [blockName] Name of the direct block parent, if any. */ o = token.compile( exports.compile, token.args ? token.args.slice(0) : [], token.content ? token.content.slice(0) : [], parents, options, blockName ) out += o || '' }) return out }