import Option from "./Option.ts"; export const removeBrackets = (v: string) => v.replace(/[<[].+/, '').trim(); export const findAllBrackets = (v: string) => { const ANGLED_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL = /<([^>]+)>/g; const SQUARE_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL = /\[([^\]]+)\]/g; const res = []; const parse = (match: string[]) => { let variadic = false; let value = match[1]; if (value.startsWith('...')) { value = value.slice(3); variadic = true; } return { required: match[0].startsWith('<'), value, variadic }; }; let angledMatch; while (angledMatch = ANGLED_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL.exec(v)) { res.push(parse(angledMatch)); } let squareMatch; while (squareMatch = SQUARE_BRACKET_RE_GLOBAL.exec(v)) { res.push(parse(squareMatch)); } return res; }; interface MriOptions { alias: { [k: string]: string[]; }; boolean: string[]; } export const getMriOptions = (options: Option[]) => { const result: MriOptions = { alias: {}, boolean: [] }; for (const [index, option] of options.entries()) { // We do not set default values in mri options // Since its type (typeof) will be used to cast parsed arguments. // Which mean `--foo foo` will be parsed as `{foo: true}` if we have `{default:{foo: true}}` // Set alias if (option.names.length > 1) { result.alias[option.names[0]] = option.names.slice(1); } // Set boolean if (option.isBoolean) { if (option.negated) { // For negated option // We only set it to `boolean` type when there's no string-type option with the same name const hasStringTypeOption = options.some((o, i) => { return i !== index && o.names.some(name => option.names.includes(name)) && typeof o.required === 'boolean'; }); if (!hasStringTypeOption) { result.boolean.push(option.names[0]); } } else { result.boolean.push(option.names[0]); } } } return result; }; export const findLongest = (arr: string[]) => { return arr.sort((a, b) => { return a.length > b.length ? -1 : 1; })[0]; }; export const padRight = (str: string, length: number) => { return str.length >= length ? str : `${str}${' '.repeat(length - str.length)}`; }; export const camelcase = (input: string) => { return input.replace(/([a-z])-([a-z])/g, (_, p1, p2) => { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); }); }; export const setDotProp = (obj: { [k: string]: any; }, keys: string[], val: any) => { let i = 0; let length = keys.length; let t = obj; let x; for (; i < length; ++i) { x = t[keys[i]]; t = t[keys[i]] = i === length - 1 ? val : x != null ? x : !!~keys[i + 1].indexOf('.') || !(+keys[i + 1] > -1) ? {} : []; } }; export const setByType = (obj: { [k: string]: any; }, transforms: { [k: string]: any; }) => { for (const key of Object.keys(transforms)) { const transform = transforms[key]; if (transform.shouldTransform) { obj[key] =[], obj[key]); if (typeof transform.transformFunction === 'function') { obj[key] = obj[key].map(transform.transformFunction); } } } }; export const getFileName = (input: string) => { const m = /([^\\\/]+)$/.exec(input); return m ? m[1] : ''; }; export const camelcaseOptionName = (name: string) => { // Camelcase the option name // Don't camelcase anything after the dot `.` return name.split('.').map((v, i) => { return i === 0 ? camelcase(v) : v; }).join('.'); }; export class CACError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); =; if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } else { this.stack = new Error(message).stack; } } }