"use strict"; /* eslint-env browser, es6, node */ import { defaults, map_from_object, map_to_object, HOP, } from "./utils/index.js"; import { AST_Toplevel, AST_Node, walk, AST_Scope } from "./ast.js"; import { parse } from "./parse.js"; import { OutputStream } from "./output.js"; import { Compressor } from "./compress/index.js"; import { base54 } from "./scope.js"; import { SourceMap } from "./sourcemap.js"; import { mangle_properties, mangle_private_properties, reserve_quoted_keys, } from "./propmangle.js"; // to/from base64 functions // Prefer built-in Buffer, if available, then use hack // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Base64#The_Unicode_Problem var to_ascii = typeof Buffer !== "undefined" ? (b64) => Buffer.from(b64, "base64").toString() : (b64) => decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(b64))); var to_base64 = typeof Buffer !== "undefined" ? (str) => Buffer.from(str).toString("base64") : (str) => btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))); function read_source_map(code) { var match = /(?:^|[^.])\/\/# sourceMappingURL=data:application\/json(;[\w=-]*)?;base64,([+/0-9A-Za-z]*=*)\s*$/.exec(code); if (!match) { console.warn("inline source map not found"); return null; } return to_ascii(match[2]); } function set_shorthand(name, options, keys) { if (options[name]) { keys.forEach(function(key) { if (options[key]) { if (typeof options[key] != "object") options[key] = {}; if (!(name in options[key])) options[key][name] = options[name]; } }); } } function init_cache(cache) { if (!cache) return; if (!("props" in cache)) { cache.props = new Map(); } else if (!(cache.props instanceof Map)) { cache.props = map_from_object(cache.props); } } function cache_to_json(cache) { return { props: map_to_object(cache.props) }; } function log_input(files, options, fs, debug_folder) { if (!(fs && fs.writeFileSync && fs.mkdirSync)) { return; } try { fs.mkdirSync(debug_folder); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== "EEXIST") throw e; } const log_path = `${debug_folder}/terser-debug-${(Math.random() * 9999999) | 0}.log`; options = options || {}; const options_str = JSON.stringify(options, (_key, thing) => { if (typeof thing === "function") return "[Function " + thing.toString() + "]"; if (thing instanceof RegExp) return "[RegExp " + thing.toString() + "]"; return thing; }, 4); const files_str = (file) => { if (typeof file === "object" && options.parse && options.parse.spidermonkey) { return JSON.stringify(file, null, 2); } else if (typeof file === "object") { return Object.keys(file) .map((key) => key + ": " + files_str(file[key])) .join("\n\n"); } else if (typeof file === "string") { return "```\n" + file + "\n```"; } else { return file; // What do? } }; fs.writeFileSync(log_path, "Options: \n" + options_str + "\n\nInput files:\n\n" + files_str(files) + "\n"); } async function minify(files, options, _fs_module) { if ( _fs_module && typeof process === "object" && process.env && typeof process.env.TERSER_DEBUG_DIR === "string" ) { log_input(files, options, _fs_module, process.env.TERSER_DEBUG_DIR); } options = defaults(options, { compress: {}, ecma: undefined, enclose: false, ie8: false, keep_classnames: undefined, keep_fnames: false, mangle: {}, module: false, nameCache: null, output: null, format: null, parse: {}, rename: undefined, safari10: false, sourceMap: false, spidermonkey: false, timings: false, toplevel: false, warnings: false, wrap: false, }, true); var timings = options.timings && { start: Date.now() }; if (options.keep_classnames === undefined) { options.keep_classnames = options.keep_fnames; } if (options.rename === undefined) { options.rename = options.compress && options.mangle; } if (options.output && options.format) { throw new Error("Please only specify either output or format option, preferrably format."); } options.format = options.format || options.output || {}; set_shorthand("ecma", options, [ "parse", "compress", "format" ]); set_shorthand("ie8", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "format" ]); set_shorthand("keep_classnames", options, [ "compress", "mangle" ]); set_shorthand("keep_fnames", options, [ "compress", "mangle" ]); set_shorthand("module", options, [ "parse", "compress", "mangle" ]); set_shorthand("safari10", options, [ "mangle", "format" ]); set_shorthand("toplevel", options, [ "compress", "mangle" ]); set_shorthand("warnings", options, [ "compress" ]); // legacy var quoted_props; if (options.mangle) { options.mangle = defaults(options.mangle, { cache: options.nameCache && (options.nameCache.vars || {}), eval: false, ie8: false, keep_classnames: false, keep_fnames: false, module: false, nth_identifier: base54, properties: false, reserved: [], safari10: false, toplevel: false, }, true); if (options.mangle.properties) { if (typeof options.mangle.properties != "object") { options.mangle.properties = {}; } if (options.mangle.properties.keep_quoted) { quoted_props = options.mangle.properties.reserved; if (!Array.isArray(quoted_props)) quoted_props = []; options.mangle.properties.reserved = quoted_props; } if (options.nameCache && !("cache" in options.mangle.properties)) { options.mangle.properties.cache = options.nameCache.props || {}; } } init_cache(options.mangle.cache); init_cache(options.mangle.properties.cache); } if (options.sourceMap) { options.sourceMap = defaults(options.sourceMap, { asObject: false, content: null, filename: null, includeSources: false, root: null, url: null, }, true); } // -- Parse phase -- if (timings) timings.parse = Date.now(); var toplevel; if (files instanceof AST_Toplevel) { toplevel = files; } else { if (typeof files == "string" || (options.parse.spidermonkey && !Array.isArray(files))) { files = [ files ]; } options.parse = options.parse || {}; options.parse.toplevel = null; if (options.parse.spidermonkey) { options.parse.toplevel = AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(Object.keys(files).reduce(function(toplevel, name) { if (!toplevel) return files[name]; toplevel.body = toplevel.body.concat(files[name].body); return toplevel; }, null)); } else { delete options.parse.spidermonkey; for (var name in files) if (HOP(files, name)) { options.parse.filename = name; options.parse.toplevel = parse(files[name], options.parse); if (options.sourceMap && options.sourceMap.content == "inline") { if (Object.keys(files).length > 1) throw new Error("inline source map only works with singular input"); options.sourceMap.content = read_source_map(files[name]); } } } toplevel = options.parse.toplevel; } if (quoted_props && options.mangle.properties.keep_quoted !== "strict") { reserve_quoted_keys(toplevel, quoted_props); } if (options.wrap) { toplevel = toplevel.wrap_commonjs(options.wrap); } if (options.enclose) { toplevel = toplevel.wrap_enclose(options.enclose); } if (timings) timings.rename = Date.now(); // disable rename on harmony due to expand_names bug in for-of loops // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/2794 if (0 && options.rename) { toplevel.figure_out_scope(options.mangle); toplevel.expand_names(options.mangle); } // -- Compress phase -- if (timings) timings.compress = Date.now(); if (options.compress) { toplevel = new Compressor(options.compress, { mangle_options: options.mangle }).compress(toplevel); } // -- Mangle phase -- if (timings) timings.scope = Date.now(); if (options.mangle) toplevel.figure_out_scope(options.mangle); if (timings) timings.mangle = Date.now(); if (options.mangle) { toplevel.compute_char_frequency(options.mangle); toplevel.mangle_names(options.mangle); toplevel = mangle_private_properties(toplevel, options.mangle); } if (timings) timings.properties = Date.now(); if (options.mangle && options.mangle.properties) { toplevel = mangle_properties(toplevel, options.mangle.properties); } // Format phase if (timings) timings.format = Date.now(); var result = {}; if (options.format.ast) { result.ast = toplevel; } if (options.format.spidermonkey) { result.ast = toplevel.to_mozilla_ast(); } let format_options; if (!HOP(options.format, "code") || options.format.code) { // Make a shallow copy so that we can modify without mutating the user's input. format_options = {...options.format}; if (!format_options.ast) { // Destroy stuff to save RAM. (unless the deprecated `ast` option is on) format_options._destroy_ast = true; walk(toplevel, node => { if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { node.variables = undefined; node.enclosed = undefined; node.parent_scope = undefined; } if (node.block_scope) { node.block_scope.variables = undefined; node.block_scope.enclosed = undefined; node.parent_scope = undefined; } }); } if (options.sourceMap) { if (options.sourceMap.includeSources && files instanceof AST_Toplevel) { throw new Error("original source content unavailable"); } format_options.source_map = await SourceMap({ file: options.sourceMap.filename, orig: options.sourceMap.content, root: options.sourceMap.root, files: options.sourceMap.includeSources ? files : null, }); } delete format_options.ast; delete format_options.code; delete format_options.spidermonkey; var stream = OutputStream(format_options); toplevel.print(stream); result.code = stream.get(); if (options.sourceMap) { Object.defineProperty(result, "map", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { const map = format_options.source_map.getEncoded(); return (result.map = options.sourceMap.asObject ? map : JSON.stringify(map)); }, set(value) { Object.defineProperty(result, "map", { value, writable: true, }); } }); result.decoded_map = format_options.source_map.getDecoded(); if (options.sourceMap.url == "inline") { var sourceMap = typeof result.map === "object" ? JSON.stringify(result.map) : result.map; result.code += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + to_base64(sourceMap); } else if (options.sourceMap.url) { result.code += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + options.sourceMap.url; } } } if (options.nameCache && options.mangle) { if (options.mangle.cache) options.nameCache.vars = cache_to_json(options.mangle.cache); if (options.mangle.properties && options.mangle.properties.cache) { options.nameCache.props = cache_to_json(options.mangle.properties.cache); } } if (format_options && format_options.source_map) { format_options.source_map.destroy(); } if (timings) { timings.end = Date.now(); result.timings = { parse: 1e-3 * (timings.rename - timings.parse), rename: 1e-3 * (timings.compress - timings.rename), compress: 1e-3 * (timings.scope - timings.compress), scope: 1e-3 * (timings.mangle - timings.scope), mangle: 1e-3 * (timings.properties - timings.mangle), properties: 1e-3 * (timings.format - timings.properties), format: 1e-3 * (timings.end - timings.format), total: 1e-3 * (timings.end - timings.start) }; } return result; } export { minify, to_ascii, };