/* Language: PHP Template Requires: xml.js, php.js Author: Josh Goebel Website: https://www.php.net Category: common */ function phpTemplate(hljs) { return { name: "PHP template", subLanguage: 'xml', contains: [ { begin: /<\?(php|=)?/, end: /\?>/, subLanguage: 'php', contains: [ // We don't want the php closing tag ?> to close the PHP block when // inside any of the following blocks: { begin: '/\\*', end: '\\*/', skip: true }, { begin: 'b"', end: '"', skip: true }, { begin: 'b\'', end: '\'', skip: true }, hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null, className: null, contains: null, skip: true }), hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null, className: null, contains: null, skip: true }) ] } ] }; } export { phpTemplate as default };