## hexo-post-link 🔗 Refer to your internal posts with a native markdown syntax. No need to include ugly tags like [post_link](https://hexo.io/docs/tag-plugins.html#Include-Posts) anymore. ### Before ```markdown {% post_link your-post-slug 'Your link to post text' %} ``` ### With plugin installed ```markdown [Your link to post text](your-post-slug) ``` Both will be rendered as ```html Your link to post text ``` ### Installation ```bash $ npm i hexo-post-link # or $ npm install hexo-post-link --save ``` ### Acknowledgement * [hexo-filter-link-post plugin](https://github.com/tcatche/hexo-filter-link-post) which was used as a boilerplate code * [Nice article on Hexo plugins](https://dustinpfister.github.io/2018/01/03/hexo-plugins/)