const ms = require('humanize-ms'); const urlutil = require('url'); const { checkBucketName: _checkBucketName } = require('../utils/checkBucketName'); const { setRegion } = require('../utils/setRegion'); const { checkConfigValid } = require('../utils/checkConfigValid'); function setEndpoint(endpoint, secure) { checkConfigValid(endpoint, 'endpoint'); let url = urlutil.parse(endpoint); if (!url.protocol) { url = urlutil.parse(`http${secure ? 's' : ''}://${endpoint}`); } if (url.protocol !== 'http:' && url.protocol !== 'https:') { throw new Error('Endpoint protocol must be http or https.'); } return url; } module.exports = function (options) { if (!options || !options.accessKeyId || !options.accessKeySecret) { throw new Error('require accessKeyId, accessKeySecret'); } if (options.stsToken && !options.refreshSTSToken && !options.refreshSTSTokenInterval) { console.warn( "It's recommended to set 'refreshSTSToken' and 'refreshSTSTokenInterval' to refresh" + ' stsToken、accessKeyId、accessKeySecret automatically when sts token has expired' ); } if (options.bucket) { _checkBucketName(options.bucket); } const opts = Object.assign( { region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou', internal: false, secure: false, timeout: 60000, bucket: null, endpoint: null, cname: false, isRequestPay: false, sldEnable: false, headerEncoding: 'utf-8', refreshSTSToken: null, refreshSTSTokenInterval: 60000 * 5, retryMax: 0 }, options ); opts.accessKeyId = opts.accessKeyId.trim(); opts.accessKeySecret = opts.accessKeySecret.trim(); if (opts.timeout) { opts.timeout = ms(opts.timeout); } if (opts.endpoint) { opts.endpoint = setEndpoint(opts.endpoint,; } else if (opts.region) { opts.endpoint = setRegion(opts.region, opts.internal,; } else { throw new Error('require options.endpoint or options.region'); } opts.inited = true; return opts; };