(function () { if (typeof Prism === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } function mapClassName(name) { var customClass = Prism.plugins.customClass; if (customClass) { return customClass.apply(name, 'none'); } else { return name; } } var PARTNER = { '(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}', }; // The names for brace types. // These names have two purposes: 1) they can be used for styling and 2) they are used to pair braces. Only braces // of the same type are paired. var NAMES = { '(': 'brace-round', '[': 'brace-square', '{': 'brace-curly', }; // A map for brace aliases. // This is useful for when some braces have a prefix/suffix as part of the punctuation token. var BRACE_ALIAS_MAP = { '${': '{', // JS template punctuation (e.g. `foo ${bar + 1}`) }; var LEVEL_WARP = 12; var pairIdCounter = 0; var BRACE_ID_PATTERN = /^(pair-\d+-)(close|open)$/; /** * Returns the brace partner given one brace of a brace pair. * * @param {HTMLElement} brace * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function getPartnerBrace(brace) { var match = BRACE_ID_PATTERN.exec(brace.id); return document.querySelector('#' + match[1] + (match[2] == 'open' ? 'close' : 'open')); } /** * @this {HTMLElement} */ function hoverBrace() { if (!Prism.util.isActive(this, 'brace-hover', true)) { return; } [this, getPartnerBrace(this)].forEach(function (e) { e.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-hover')); }); } /** * @this {HTMLElement} */ function leaveBrace() { [this, getPartnerBrace(this)].forEach(function (e) { e.classList.remove(mapClassName('brace-hover')); }); } /** * @this {HTMLElement} */ function clickBrace() { if (!Prism.util.isActive(this, 'brace-select', true)) { return; } [this, getPartnerBrace(this)].forEach(function (e) { e.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-selected')); }); } Prism.hooks.add('complete', function (env) { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ var code = env.element; var pre = code.parentElement; if (!pre || pre.tagName != 'PRE') { return; } // find the braces to match /** @type {string[]} */ var toMatch = []; if (Prism.util.isActive(code, 'match-braces')) { toMatch.push('(', '[', '{'); } if (toMatch.length == 0) { // nothing to match return; } if (!pre.__listenerAdded) { // code blocks might be highlighted more than once pre.addEventListener('mousedown', function removeBraceSelected() { // the code element might have been replaced var code = pre.querySelector('code'); var className = mapClassName('brace-selected'); Array.prototype.slice.call(code.querySelectorAll('.' + className)).forEach(function (e) { e.classList.remove(className); }); }); Object.defineProperty(pre, '__listenerAdded', { value: true }); } /** @type {HTMLSpanElement[]} */ var punctuation = Array.prototype.slice.call( code.querySelectorAll('span.' + mapClassName('token') + '.' + mapClassName('punctuation')) ); /** @type {{ index: number, open: boolean, element: HTMLElement }[]} */ var allBraces = []; toMatch.forEach(function (open) { var close = PARTNER[open]; var name = mapClassName(NAMES[open]); /** @type {[number, number][]} */ var pairs = []; /** @type {number[]} */ var openStack = []; for (var i = 0; i < punctuation.length; i++) { var element = punctuation[i]; if (element.childElementCount == 0) { var text = element.textContent; text = BRACE_ALIAS_MAP[text] || text; if (text === open) { allBraces.push({ index: i, open: true, element: element }); element.classList.add(name); element.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-open')); openStack.push(i); } else if (text === close) { allBraces.push({ index: i, open: false, element: element }); element.classList.add(name); element.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-close')); if (openStack.length) { pairs.push([i, openStack.pop()]); } } } } pairs.forEach(function (pair) { var pairId = 'pair-' + (pairIdCounter++) + '-'; var opening = punctuation[pair[0]]; var closing = punctuation[pair[1]]; opening.id = pairId + 'open'; closing.id = pairId + 'close'; [opening, closing].forEach(function (e) { e.addEventListener('mouseenter', hoverBrace); e.addEventListener('mouseleave', leaveBrace); e.addEventListener('click', clickBrace); }); }); }); var level = 0; allBraces.sort(function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; }); allBraces.forEach(function (brace) { if (brace.open) { brace.element.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-level-' + (level % LEVEL_WARP + 1))); level++; } else { level = Math.max(0, level - 1); brace.element.classList.add(mapClassName('brace-level-' + (level % LEVEL_WARP + 1))); } }); }); }());