# hexo-abbrlink [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/hexo-abbrlink.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-abbrlink) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dy/hexo-abbrlink.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-abbrlink) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/hexo-abbrlink.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-abbrlink) A [Hexo plugin](https://hexo.io/plugins/) to generate static post link based on post titles. ## How to install Add plugin to Hexo: ``` npm install hexo-abbrlink --save ``` Modify permalink in config.yml file: ``` permalink: posts/:abbrlink/ ``` There are two settings: ``` alg -- Algorithm (currently support crc16 and crc32, which crc16 is default) rep -- Represent (the generated link could be presented in hex or dec value) ``` ``` # abbrlink config abbrlink: alg: crc32 #support crc16(default) and crc32 rep: hex #support dec(default) and hex drafts: false #(true)Process draft,(false)Do not process draft. false(default) # Generate categories from directory-tree # depth: the max_depth of directory-tree you want to generate, should > 0 auto_category: enable: true #true(default) depth: #3(default) auto_title: false #enable auto title, it can auto fill the title by path auto_date: false #enable auto date, it can auto fill the date by time today force: false #enable force mode,in this mode, the plugin will ignore the cache, and calc the abbrlink for every post even it already had abbrlink. ``` ## Sample The generated link will look like the following: ``` crc16 & hex https://post.zz173.com/posts/66c8.html crc16 & dec https://post.zz173.com/posts/65535.html ``` ``` crc32 & hex https://post.zz173.com/posts/8ddf18fb.html crc32 & dec https://post.zz173.com/posts/1690090958.html ``` ## Limitation [fixed] Maximum number of posts is 65535 for crc16. (now, if a abbrlink already exist, it will change another one and try again and again...) ## More info see [this](https://post.zz173.com/detail/hexo-abbrlink.html)(Chinese) ## ThanksFor [NoahDragon](https://github.com/NoahDragon)