import type {AnySchema} from "../../types" import type {SchemaCxt, SchemaObjCxt} from ".." import type {InstanceOptions} from "../../core" import {boolOrEmptySchema, topBoolOrEmptySchema} from "./boolSchema" import {coerceAndCheckDataType, getSchemaTypes} from "./dataType" import {schemaKeywords} from "./iterate" import {_, nil, str, Block, Code, Name, CodeGen} from "../codegen" import N from "../names" import {resolveUrl} from "../resolve" import {schemaHasRulesButRef, checkUnknownRules} from "../util" // schema compilation - generates validation function, subschemaCode (below) is used for subschemas export function validateFunctionCode(it: SchemaCxt): void { if (isSchemaObj(it)) { checkKeywords(it) if (schemaCxtHasRules(it)) { topSchemaObjCode(it) return } } validateFunction(it, () => topBoolOrEmptySchema(it)) } function validateFunction( {gen, validateName, schema, schemaEnv, opts}: SchemaCxt, body: Block ): void { if (opts.code.es5) { gen.func(validateName, _`${}, ${N.valCxt}`, schemaEnv.$async, () => { gen.code(_`"use strict"; ${funcSourceUrl(schema, opts)}`) destructureValCxtES5(gen, opts) gen.code(body) }) } else { gen.func(validateName, _`${}, ${destructureValCxt(opts)}`, schemaEnv.$async, () => gen.code(funcSourceUrl(schema, opts)).code(body) ) } } function destructureValCxt(opts: InstanceOptions): Code { return _`{${N.dataPath}="", ${N.parentData}, ${N.parentDataProperty}, ${N.rootData}=${}${ opts.dynamicRef ? _`, ${N.dynamicAnchors}={}` : nil }}={}` } function destructureValCxtES5(gen: CodeGen, opts: InstanceOptions): void { gen.if( N.valCxt, () => { gen.var(N.dataPath, _`${N.valCxt}.${N.dataPath}`) gen.var(N.parentData, _`${N.valCxt}.${N.parentData}`) gen.var(N.parentDataProperty, _`${N.valCxt}.${N.parentDataProperty}`) gen.var(N.rootData, _`${N.valCxt}.${N.rootData}`) if (opts.dynamicRef) gen.var(N.dynamicAnchors, _`${N.valCxt}.${N.dynamicAnchors}`) }, () => { gen.var(N.dataPath, _`""`) gen.var(N.parentData, _`undefined`) gen.var(N.parentDataProperty, _`undefined`) gen.var(N.rootData, if (opts.dynamicRef) gen.var(N.dynamicAnchors, _`{}`) } ) } function topSchemaObjCode(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { const {schema, opts, gen} = it validateFunction(it, () => { if (opts.$comment && schema.$comment) commentKeyword(it) checkNoDefault(it) gen.let(N.vErrors, null) gen.let(N.errors, 0) if (opts.unevaluated) resetEvaluated(it) typeAndKeywords(it) returnResults(it) }) return } function resetEvaluated(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { // TODO maybe some hook to execute it in the end to check whether props/items are Name, as in assignEvaluated const {gen, validateName} = it it.evaluated = gen.const("evaluated", _`${validateName}.evaluated`) gen.if(_`${it.evaluated}.dynamicProps`, () => gen.assign(_`${it.evaluated}.props`, _`undefined`)) gen.if(_`${it.evaluated}.dynamicItems`, () => gen.assign(_`${it.evaluated}.items`, _`undefined`)) } function funcSourceUrl(schema: AnySchema, opts: InstanceOptions): Code { return typeof schema == "object" && schema.$id && (opts.code.source || opts.code.process) ? _`/*# sourceURL=${schema.$id} */` : nil } // schema compilation - this function is used recursively to generate code for sub-schemas export function subschemaCode(it: SchemaCxt, valid: Name): void { if (isSchemaObj(it)) { checkKeywords(it) if (schemaCxtHasRules(it)) { subSchemaObjCode(it, valid) return } } boolOrEmptySchema(it, valid) } export function schemaCxtHasRules({schema, self}: SchemaCxt): boolean { if (typeof schema == "boolean") return !schema for (const key in schema) if (self.RULES.all[key]) return true return false } function isSchemaObj(it: SchemaCxt): it is SchemaObjCxt { return typeof it.schema != "boolean" } function subSchemaObjCode(it: SchemaObjCxt, valid: Name): void { const {schema, gen, opts} = it if (opts.$comment && schema.$comment) commentKeyword(it) updateContext(it) checkAsync(it) const errsCount = gen.const("_errs", N.errors) typeAndKeywords(it, errsCount) // TODO var gen.var(valid, _`${errsCount} === ${N.errors}`) } function checkKeywords(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { checkUnknownRules(it) checkRefsAndKeywords(it) } function typeAndKeywords(it: SchemaObjCxt, errsCount?: Name): void { if (it.opts.jtd) return schemaKeywords(it, [], false, errsCount) const types = getSchemaTypes(it.schema) const checkedTypes = coerceAndCheckDataType(it, types) schemaKeywords(it, types, !checkedTypes, errsCount) } function checkRefsAndKeywords(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { const {schema, errSchemaPath, opts, self} = it if (schema.$ref && opts.ignoreKeywordsWithRef && schemaHasRulesButRef(schema, self.RULES)) { self.logger.warn(`$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "${errSchemaPath}"`) } } function checkNoDefault(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { const {schema, opts} = it if (schema.default !== undefined && opts.useDefaults && opts.strict) { checkStrictMode(it, "default is ignored in the schema root") } } function updateContext(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { if (it.schema.$id) it.baseId = resolveUrl(it.baseId, it.schema.$id) } function checkAsync(it: SchemaObjCxt): void { if (it.schema.$async && !it.schemaEnv.$async) throw new Error("async schema in sync schema") } function commentKeyword({gen, schemaEnv, schema, errSchemaPath, opts}: SchemaObjCxt): void { const msg = schema.$comment if (opts.$comment === true) { gen.code(_`${N.self}.logger.log(${msg})`) } else if (typeof opts.$comment == "function") { const schemaPath = str`${errSchemaPath}/$comment` const rootName = gen.scopeValue("root", {ref: schemaEnv.root}) gen.code(_`${N.self}.opts.$comment(${msg}, ${schemaPath}, ${rootName}.schema)`) } } function returnResults(it: SchemaCxt): void { const {gen, schemaEnv, validateName, ValidationError, opts} = it if (schemaEnv.$async) { // TODO assign unevaluated gen.if( _`${N.errors} === 0`, () => gen.return(, () => gen.throw(_`new ${ValidationError as Name}(${N.vErrors})`) ) } else { gen.assign(_`${validateName}.errors`, N.vErrors) if (opts.unevaluated) assignEvaluated(it) gen.return(_`${N.errors} === 0`) } } function assignEvaluated({gen, evaluated, props, items}: SchemaCxt): void { if (props instanceof Name) gen.assign(_`${evaluated}.props`, props) if (items instanceof Name) gen.assign(_`${evaluated}.items`, items) } export function checkStrictMode(it: SchemaCxt, msg: string, mode = it.opts.strict): void { if (!mode) return msg = `strict mode: ${msg}` if (mode === true) throw new Error(msg) it.self.logger.warn(msg) }