import { DEFAULT_OPTIONS } from './constants'; import type { AnyFn, Expiration, IsEqual, IsMatchingKey, Key, Moizeable, Moized, Options, } from '../index.d'; /** * @private * * @description * method to combine functions and return a single function that fires them all * * @param functions the functions to compose * @returns the composed function */ export function combine( ...functions: Array<(...args: Args) => any> ): ((...args: Args) => Result) | undefined { return functions.reduce(function (f: any, g: any) { if (typeof f === 'function') { return typeof g === 'function' ? function (this: any) { f.apply(this, arguments); g.apply(this, arguments); } : f; } if (typeof g === 'function') { return g; } }); } /** * @private * * @description * method to compose functions and return a single function * * @param functions the functions to compose * @returns the composed function */ export function compose(...functions: Method[]): Method { return functions.reduce(function (f: any, g: any) { if (typeof f === 'function') { return typeof g === 'function' ? function (this: any) { return f(g.apply(this, arguments)); } : f; } if (typeof g === 'function') { return g; } }); } /** * @private * * @description * find the index of the expiration based on the key * * @param expirations the list of expirations * @param key the key to match * @returns the index of the expiration */ export function findExpirationIndex(expirations: Expiration[], key: Key) { for (let index = 0; index < expirations.length; index++) { if (expirations[index].key === key) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * @private * * @description * create function that finds the index of the key in the list of cache keys * * @param isEqual the function to test individual argument equality * @param isMatchingKey the function to test full key equality * @returns the function that finds the index of the key */ export function createFindKeyIndex( isEqual: IsEqual, isMatchingKey: IsMatchingKey | undefined ) { const areKeysEqual: IsMatchingKey = typeof isMatchingKey === 'function' ? isMatchingKey : function (cacheKey: Key, key: Key) { for (let index = 0; index < key.length; index++) { if (!isEqual(cacheKey[index], key[index])) { return false; } } return true; }; return function (keys: Key[], key: Key) { for (let keysIndex = 0; keysIndex < keys.length; keysIndex++) { if ( keys[keysIndex].length === key.length && areKeysEqual(keys[keysIndex], key) ) { return keysIndex; } } return -1; }; } type MergedOptions< OriginalOptions extends Options, NewOptions extends Options > = Omit & NewOptions; /** * @private * * @description * merge two options objects, combining or composing functions as necessary * * @param originalOptions the options that already exist on the method * @param newOptions the new options to merge * @returns the merged options */ export function mergeOptions< OriginalOptions extends Options, NewOptions extends Options >( originalOptions: OriginalOptions, newOptions: NewOptions | undefined ): MergedOptions { if (!newOptions || newOptions === DEFAULT_OPTIONS) { return originalOptions as unknown as MergedOptions< OriginalOptions, NewOptions >; } return { ...originalOptions, ...newOptions, onCacheAdd: combine(originalOptions.onCacheAdd, newOptions.onCacheAdd), onCacheChange: combine( originalOptions.onCacheChange, newOptions.onCacheChange ), onCacheHit: combine(originalOptions.onCacheHit, newOptions.onCacheHit), transformArgs: compose( originalOptions.transformArgs, newOptions.transformArgs ), }; } export function isMoized( fn: Moizeable | Moized | Options ): fn is Moized { return typeof fn === 'function' && (fn as Moizeable).isMoized; } export function setName( fn: Moized, originalFunctionName: string, profileName: string ) { try { const name = profileName || originalFunctionName || 'anonymous'; Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: `moized(${name})`, writable: true, }); } catch { // For engines where `` is not configurable, do nothing. } }