"use strict"; /* IMPORT */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const path = require("path"); const consts_1 = require("../consts"); const fs_1 = require("./fs"); /* TEMP */ //TODO: Maybe publish this as a standalone package const Temp = { store: {}, create: (filePath) => { const randomness = `000000${Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16)}`.slice(-6), // 6 random-enough hex characters timestamp = Date.now().toString().slice(-10), // 10 precise timestamp digits prefix = 'tmp-', suffix = `.${prefix}${timestamp}${randomness}`, tempPath = `${filePath}${suffix}`; return tempPath; }, get: (filePath, creator, purge = true) => { const tempPath = Temp.truncate(creator(filePath)); if (tempPath in Temp.store) return Temp.get(filePath, creator, purge); // Collision found, try again Temp.store[tempPath] = purge; const disposer = () => delete Temp.store[tempPath]; return [tempPath, disposer]; }, purge: (filePath) => { if (!Temp.store[filePath]) return; delete Temp.store[filePath]; fs_1.default.unlinkAttempt(filePath); }, purgeSync: (filePath) => { if (!Temp.store[filePath]) return; delete Temp.store[filePath]; fs_1.default.unlinkSyncAttempt(filePath); }, purgeSyncAll: () => { for (const filePath in Temp.store) { Temp.purgeSync(filePath); } }, truncate: (filePath) => { const basename = path.basename(filePath); if (basename.length <= consts_1.LIMIT_BASENAME_LENGTH) return filePath; //FIXME: Rough and quick attempt at detecting ok lengths const truncable = /^(\.?)(.*?)((?:\.[^.]+)?(?:\.tmp-\d{10}[a-f0-9]{6})?)$/.exec(basename); if (!truncable) return filePath; //FIXME: No truncable part detected, can't really do much without also changing the parent path, which is unsafe, hoping for the best here const truncationLength = basename.length - consts_1.LIMIT_BASENAME_LENGTH; return `${filePath.slice(0, -basename.length)}${truncable[1]}${truncable[2].slice(0, -truncationLength)}${truncable[3]}`; //FIXME: The truncable part might be shorter than needed here } }; /* INIT */ process.on('exit', Temp.purgeSyncAll); // Ensuring purgeable temp files are purged on exit /* EXPORT */ exports.default = Temp;