"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = _default; var _utils = require("./utils"); const BABEL_POLYFILL_DEPRECATION = ` \`@babel/polyfill\` is deprecated. Please, use required parts of \`core-js\` and \`regenerator-runtime/runtime\` separately`; const NO_DIRECT_POLYFILL_IMPORT = ` When setting \`useBuiltIns: 'usage'\`, polyfills are automatically imported when needed. Please remove the direct import of \`SPECIFIER\` or use \`useBuiltIns: 'entry'\` instead.`; function _default({ template }, { regenerator, deprecated, usage }) { return { name: "preset-env/replace-babel-polyfill", visitor: { ImportDeclaration(path) { const src = (0, _utils.getImportSource)(path); if (usage && (0, _utils.isPolyfillSource)(src)) { console.warn(NO_DIRECT_POLYFILL_IMPORT.replace("SPECIFIER", src)); if (!deprecated) path.remove(); } else if (src === "@babel/polyfill") { if (deprecated) { console.warn(BABEL_POLYFILL_DEPRECATION); } else if (regenerator) { path.replaceWithMultiple(template.ast` import "core-js"; import "regenerator-runtime/runtime.js"; `); } else { path.replaceWith(template.ast` import "core-js"; `); } } }, Program(path) { path.get("body").forEach(bodyPath => { const src = (0, _utils.getRequireSource)(bodyPath); if (usage && (0, _utils.isPolyfillSource)(src)) { console.warn(NO_DIRECT_POLYFILL_IMPORT.replace("SPECIFIER", src)); if (!deprecated) bodyPath.remove(); } else if (src === "@babel/polyfill") { if (deprecated) { console.warn(BABEL_POLYFILL_DEPRECATION); } else if (regenerator) { bodyPath.replaceWithMultiple(template.ast` require("core-js"); require("regenerator-runtime/runtime.js"); `); } else { bodyPath.replaceWith(template.ast` require("core-js"); `); } } }); } } }; } //# sourceMappingURL=babel-polyfill.js.map