import type {CodeKeywordDefinition, ErrorObject, KeywordErrorDefinition} from "../../types" import type KeywordCxt from "../../compile/context" import { checkReportMissingProp, checkMissingProp, reportMissingProp, propertyInData, noPropertyInData, } from "../code" import {_, str, nil, not, Name, Code} from "../../compile/codegen" import {checkStrictMode} from "../../compile/validate" export type RequiredError = ErrorObject< "required", {missingProperty: string}, string[] | {$data: string} > const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = { message: ({params: {missingProperty}}) => str`should have required property '${missingProperty}'`, params: ({params: {missingProperty}}) => _`{missingProperty: ${missingProperty}}`, } const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = { keyword: "required", type: "object", schemaType: "array", $data: true, error, code(cxt: KeywordCxt) { const {gen, schema, schemaCode, data, $data, it} = cxt const {opts} = it if (!$data && schema.length === 0) return const useLoop = schema.length >= opts.loopRequired if (it.allErrors) allErrorsMode() else exitOnErrorMode() if (opts.strictRequired) { const props = const {definedProperties} = for (const requiredKey of schema) { if (props?.[requiredKey] === undefined && !definedProperties.has(requiredKey)) { const schemaPath = it.schemaEnv.baseId + it.errSchemaPath const msg = `required property "${requiredKey}" is not defined at "${schemaPath}" (strictRequired)` checkStrictMode(it, msg, it.opts.strictRequired) } } } function allErrorsMode(): void { if (useLoop || $data) { cxt.block$data(nil, loopAllRequired) } else { for (const prop of schema) { checkReportMissingProp(cxt, prop) } } } function exitOnErrorMode(): void { const missing = gen.let("missing") if (useLoop || $data) { const valid = gen.let("valid", true) cxt.block$data(valid, () => loopUntilMissing(missing, valid)) cxt.ok(valid) } else { gen.if(checkMissingProp(cxt, schema, missing)) reportMissingProp(cxt, missing) gen.else() } } function loopAllRequired(): void { gen.forOf("prop", schemaCode as Code, (prop) => { cxt.setParams({missingProperty: prop}) gen.if(noPropertyInData(gen, data, prop, opts.ownProperties), () => cxt.error()) }) } function loopUntilMissing(missing: Name, valid: Name): void { cxt.setParams({missingProperty: missing}) gen.forOf( missing, schemaCode as Code, () => { gen.assign(valid, propertyInData(gen, data, missing, opts.ownProperties)) gen.if(not(valid), () => { cxt.error() gen.break() }) }, nil ) } }, } export default def