import type {CodeKeywordDefinition, ErrorObject, KeywordErrorDefinition} from "../../types" import type KeywordCxt from "../../compile/context" import {_, str} from "../../compile/codegen" export type MultipleOfError = ErrorObject< "multipleOf", {multipleOf: number}, number | {$data: string} > const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = { message: ({schemaCode}) => str`should be multiple of ${schemaCode}`, params: ({schemaCode}) => _`{multipleOf: ${schemaCode}}`, } const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = { keyword: "multipleOf", type: "number", schemaType: "number", $data: true, error, code(cxt: KeywordCxt) { const {gen, data, schemaCode, it} = cxt // const bdt = bad$DataType(schemaCode, def.schemaType, $data) const prec = it.opts.multipleOfPrecision const res = gen.let("res") const invalid = prec ? _`Math.abs(Math.round(${res}) - ${res}) > 1e-${prec}` : _`${res} !== parseInt(${res})`$data(_`(${schemaCode} === 0 || (${res} = ${data}/${schemaCode}, ${invalid}))`) }, } export default def