import type { CodeKeywordDefinition, ErrorObject, KeywordErrorDefinition, AnySchema, } from "../../types" import type KeywordCxt from "../../compile/context" import {_, str, not, Name} from "../../compile/codegen" import {Type} from "../../compile/subschema" import {alwaysValidSchema} from "../../compile/util" import {checkStrictMode} from "../../compile/validate" export type AdditionalItemsError = ErrorObject<"additionalItems", {limit: number}, AnySchema> const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = { message: ({params: {len}}) => str`should NOT have more than ${len} items`, params: ({params: {len}}) => _`{limit: ${len}}`, } const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = { keyword: "additionalItems" as const, type: "array", schemaType: ["boolean", "object"], before: "uniqueItems", error, code(cxt: KeywordCxt) { const {gen, schema, parentSchema, data, it} = cxt const {items} = parentSchema if (!Array.isArray(items)) { checkStrictMode(it, '"additionalItems" is ignored when "items" is not an array of schemas') return } it.items = true const len = gen.const("len", _`${data}.length`) if (schema === false) { cxt.setParams({len: items.length}) cxt.pass(_`${len} <= ${items.length}`) } else if (typeof schema == "object" && !alwaysValidSchema(it, schema)) { const valid = gen.var("valid", _`${len} <= ${items.length}`) // TODO var gen.if(not(valid), () => validateItems(valid)) cxt.ok(valid) } function validateItems(valid: Name): void { gen.forRange("i", items.length, len, (i) => { cxt.subschema({keyword: "additionalItems", dataProp: i, dataPropType: Type.Num}, valid) if (!it.allErrors) gen.if(not(valid), () => gen.break()) }) } }, } export default def