// Fonts preferences $sans-family: Lato,Helvetica Neue For Number,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,PingFang SC,Hiragino Sans GB,"Microsoft JhengHei","MicrMicrosoft YaHei",Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; $mono-family: consolas,Menlo,"PingFang SC","Microsoft JhengHei","Microsoft YaHei",monospace,Helvetica Neue For Number; $base-font-size: 16px; $medium-font-size: $base-font-size * 0.938; $small-font-size: $base-font-size * 0.875; $base-line-height: 1.85; // Font weight // $light-weight: 300; // uncomment if necessary $normal-weight: 400; $bold-weight: 700; // $black-weight: 900; // uncomment if necessary //Light Colors $text-base-color: #434648; $text-link-blue:#f66;; $text-link-blue-active: #0036c7; $black: #0d122b; $light: #ececec; $smoke: #d2c7c7; $gray: #6b7886; $white: #fff; // Dark Colors $dark-text-base-color: #c7bebe; $dark-text-link-blue: #ff5277; $dark-text-link-blue-active: #ff2957; $dark-black: #131418; $dark-white: #eaeaea; $dark-light: #1b1d25; $dark-smoke: #4a4d56; $dark-gray: #767f87; // Width of the content area $wide-size: 890px; $narrow-size: 720px; // Padding unit $spacing-full: 30px; $spacing-half: $spacing-full / 2; // State of devices $on-mobile: 768px; $on-tablet: 769px; $on-desktop: 1024px; $on-widescreen: 1152px; @mixin media-query($device) { @media screen and (max-width: $device) { @content; } } @mixin relative-font-size($ratio) { font-size: $base-font-size * $ratio; } // Import sass files @import "partials/fonts","partials/base","partials/layout","partials/post","partials/miscellaneous","partials/dark";